September 2024

#SpokesMtg – Local Bike Campaigning

There’s a flourishing of locally-based campaigns for cycling infrastructure and for wider car-reduced living, supporting walking, wheeling, local public transport and places no longer dominated by the demands of the car.

Our meeting, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 22 September, hears from a range of local campaigns, together with city-wide groups BEST and Spokes, and […]

Active Travel: Scotland / England

How do the recent major announcements by the UK government on active travel (AT) policy in England compare with Scotland?

Our conclusion: Scotland is still best for AT funding, but the Scottish Government needs to catch up when it comes to enabling and incentivising all councils to make the best use of it.


Bicycle Film Festival, July 16-25

Edinburgh Festival of Cycling [EdFoC] like so many events, fell to the covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021. However EdFoC has teamed up for a second time with the international Bicycle Film Festival – now coming to Edinburgh (virtually) July 16-25 and also supported by Spokes.


Growing Edinburgh’s Cycle Network beyond Spaces for People

[Latest, June 24: Council votes to convert most SfP schemes from ‘temporary’ Traffic Orders (TTRO) to ‘experimental’ (ETRO), as a step to becoming permanent if successful. Sadly, town centre schemes largely excluded]

Until 2019 Edinburgh cycle projects were often isolated schemes, taking advantage of local opportunities or needs, but not joined up. And, many […]

Cycling in the Pandemic: #SpokesComp

Whilst health and the NHS have rightly been everyone’s top concern, transport and travel have changed drastically during the pandemic. Our Spring competition showed just how valuable, how valued and how versatile is the humble bicycle when the unexpected happens and lives have the need or the opportunity to change.


Spokes map buff is back!

Some years ago Spokes sold a buff/snood/face-covering featuring part of our Edinburgh map and we’ve often been asked to do so again. Now it’s here! – this time with the section of our 2020 Midlothian map incorporating very roughly the Porty-Prestonpans-Dalkeith triangle, i.e. parts of Midlothian, East Lothian and Edinburgh City!


Election #Holyrood2021 – how shall I vote??

No – we aren’t telling you who to vote for! But hopefully giving you some guidance how to use the somewhat complicated Holyrood voting system to aim for the result that you would like…


Holyrood Election 2021 – everything you want to know!(?)

The Holyrood election on 6 May is approaching and is critical to cycling/transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years.   We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the opportunity in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and give links for all-Scotland information. This page will have more info added as it […]

Spokes Election Hustings #Holyrood2021

[Latest, 20 April] Recording of meeting now available here–>

Spokes is holding an online election hustings, on Thursday 15 April, 7.30pm, for the Edinburgh and Lothians area of the Scottish Parliament election, to discuss transport issues with particular emphasis on cycling.


#SpokesComp: Cycling in the Pandemic

The pandemic has upended our lives and the whole of society. Whilst health and the NHS have rightly been everyone’s top concern, transport and travel have changed drastically. For our Spring competition, we’d like to hear your cycling experience during the pandemic – anything from just one incident through to major changes to your […]