Please note - this is not a complete list of activities. There are a great deal of small items, and the usual general admin - responding to many queries, managing database updates with our volunteer updaters, organising many small developments, adding downloads to website, etc, etc. MEMBERSHIP/INTERNAL THINGS ** Circulars to membership... - NHS and local members re Old Dalkeith Rd change of plans - also onto website - West Edinburgh members re Gogar station interchange A8 underpass, plus website - Circular to emailable members re public meeting, white lines,... Also on website ** Grant applications... - Collecting info & liaison with Katherine re tenements grant applicn to CS fund - Info for possible public-bike-counter grant application ** Databases.. - Liaise with Clare and Sarah re updates and changeover 2009->2010 ** Spokesworker 11.11.09 written, put on website, and circulated to postal, email and twitter recipients ** Website/ twitter - Liaison with stuart/callum re move to new site - updating new site - Spokes twitter updates - November traffic count (and all previous counts) added to new website LOBBYING, SUBMISSIONS, EVENTS ** Submissions/Consultations - - Letter published in Herald re funding for cycling 13.11.09 - Major submission to Parliament Active Travel Inquiry - also put on website, sent to all council and RTP contacts (hope to influence their submissions) and others - Gave oral evidence on the above at the Parliament Committee 24.11.09 - Tram comments sent to UK light rail inquiry - on website ** Scottish draft budget 2010/11 [submission made in October] - Emailed all cttee members with info for questioning J Swinney - Budget letter to John Swinney, following SSN conference - Emailed all members and contacts outside Lothian asking them to write - Lobbying of patrick harvie and others at Ed Uni peak oil meeting ** Princes Street and Tram - Public meeting and follow-up emails with officials from council, TIE, others ** Liaison with other bodies/individuals on a wide range of issues, including for example... ** Other -