from: Sandy Scotland reply-to: Sandy Scotland to: "" cc: dave du feu , Spokes , peter hawkins date: 14 March 2013 14:35 subject: Spokes response to PATAP consultation Our general view on this draft document is that it is a curious mixture. We find very little to disagree with on the first general section and the final section on actions contains many good items including some innovative ones such as audits on cycle/walk accessability to stations and carriage pilots of bicycles on buses. However the middle section on specific modes is written without reference to integration -a major section of your other consultation on the LTS. There needs in our opinion to be a whole section on integration not only on bus train tram, but also on walking and cycling (access to transport nodes,cycle parking at bus tram and train stops, design of estates to provide access to bus stops etc). There also needs to be reference to intergation issues in the individual sections. Too often in the past council plans to help one transport mode have disadvantaged another transport mode which the council also supports. Sandy Scotland Co-ordinator Spokes Planning Group