NEXT MEETING - PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP WHICH OF THESE September DATES SUIT... Tue 18 Wed 19 Wed 26 Thu 27 COMPETITION JUDGING - Only existing members of Resources Group can attend this meeting. This meeting is now fixed for Thurs 13 Sept at Martyn Edelsten, 18/2 West Castle Road. Please come any time from 6.30, no later than 6.45. Martyn is kindly providing food. Our external judge will be Andy Johnson, director of Camera Obscura. If you can come, please email Martyn AND me. I will be emailing you details of the entries at least 24 hours before the meeting [hopefully earlier]. Please reserve some time at home on the 12th evening, as you MUST score the entries before the meeting, and bring your scores to the meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------ BELOW: Outcomes of 28 August 2012 meeting [including some points from previous meeting, and some subsequent updates] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks to Judy for hosting and providing food. A. STALLS ** Volunteers for any of the events below, please contact Judy Sep 1 - cycling event in Livingston - Judy & Martyn [no stall - Aug 31 - Sep 2 Mela] [no stall - Sep 8 - Fauldhouse Festival] Sep 8 - SKYRIDE - very big event (Chris Hoy attending; 10,000+ people expected). Stall 10-4 probably near Parliament. Also will walk around and leaflet participants at picnic stops etc using leftover copies of B113 (we have many 100s left). [no stall - Sep 9 - Pedal for Scotland] Sep 22 - Broughton High School green event Oct 6 - Pentlands area 3-school green event Oct ? - Farmers' market - date to be confirmed B. SPOKES 2012 SUMMER COMPETITION 17 entries received by Aug 28. We need the usual 30-40 or so! Please help get more!! ... a. Everyone to encourage entries from colleagues/friends, including encouraging people at stalls. Website article and downloadable entry form available at... Dave may do a reminder article in the next day or two if time ... just done... Members of Resources Group are allowed to enter, but not eligible for a prize. b. Actions taken by various people as in previous minutes c. Dave tweeting reminders ' 2 weeks to go' etc d. Mark to notify secondary school Geography teachers about the competition. e. Martyn will do prize distribution to winners. All prizes now confirmed except Ratho Bridge Inn - will drop this if not confirmed by 12 September. C. AUTUMN PUBLIC MEETING Topic: probably still to be - increasing priority for cyclist/pedestrian and reducing motor dominance. Aim to seek greater courage/ pro-activity by council - e.g. closing top of Broughton St (as in recent temporary closure) - future of Princes Street, etc. Speakers: invite Prof Phil Goodwin - would be great to have such a big name. If can get him or similar, try and also organise a daytime seminar for councillors/officials etc. Also: Council speaker, first choice Cllr Jim Orr, now responsible for cycling policy. ALTERNATIVE May have meeting with Dutch experts who may be coming to Edinburgh for Cycling Scotland conference, which is provisionally 16 November. Ian to organise. Preferred dates Nov 19-22; second choice Nov 26-29. May have to be earlier if go for the Dutch alternative, but that would make date tight for mailout notification. Premises - Ian to arrange or to contact Mark for premises bookings - note that our usual venues are often heavily booked months in advance. D. MOTORIST/CYCLIST SAFETY/AWARENESS [unfortunately Mies couldn't be at our meeting] a. Council/police campaign starts Oct 28, and into Nov. Motorists - be aware of cyclists at junctions; Cyclists - use of lights and hi viz. Leaflet design will be same concept as other 2 leaflets, with cartoon helmeted cyclists. Usual distribution - libraries, stalls etc. But also will consider sending all 3 leaflets to motoring-related outlets if spokes supplies list - e.g. driving schools, police correction classes, car hire, city car club, possibly car showrooms (but they might not use it?) Council also considering advertising at motor-related locations - on petrol pumps, at car parks etc. Also roadshows (stall opportunities) - Western General, Oct 25, 3-5pm - Ocena terminal, Oct 26, 12-5 b. Council/police/spokes/etc campaign planning group to meet Weds 2pm Sept 19, Oct 3, Oct 17. Mies cannot attend due to lecturing, and no one else present able to go. Important to have someone there - Dave to check if Ian to go, else try Peter Hawkins. Any other ideas? c. Possible use of Audrey Fyfe money to get extra leaflets to cover more motorist outlets, either more of council leaflets or one of our own. Judy to think about the latter. Need someone at the above meetings to ensure this aspect goes ahead, with leaflets sent by council to motoring outlets as in (a) above. Judy has spoken to Mr Fyfe - he is happy with this approach but needs done this autumn as is over 1 year since death of Audrey. d. Mies to revive advert for a volunteer - emphasis now on drawing up motorist outlets list - (a) above. E. CONSIDERATE CYCLING CAMPAIGN Council/police considering this, due to bulk of complaints about pavement cycling. Will be discussed at the end of the 3 above meetings [D(b) above]. Again, valuable if we can be there. F. SHARED PATHS LEAFLET Tim Smith had contacted Judy suggesting new version of ped/cyclist shared paths leaflet. He has offered to do artwork. See original version and other similar and subsequent leaflets here... Would be good to have a new version, even if initially only on website rather than printed form. Dave has contacted Tim to see if still happy to do this. Points from discussion... - Wording on West Lothian map was consulted by Tim and is good basis to work from - Try to amend it somehow so that a less unequal number of bullet points for ped and cyclists, or it may feel we are getting at cyclists. - Despite the above, we need additional bullet about not using footways (i.e. pavements) unless signed as shared use - Bike Station leaflet has good points about busier paths enhancing security; and re new facilities resulting from cyclist organisation campaigns (e.g Rodney St tunnel). Could have these in a separate panel - or as pedestrian bullet points? - Could have panel to publicise Spokes maps, as useful for walkers as well as cyclists. G.. NOVEMBER TRAFFIC COUNT Provisional date Tues 13 November - Barbara is ok to organise H. WEANS ON WHEELS - katherine has set up a website and is publicsing the new factsheeet in this and other ways. I. WEST EDINB COMMUNITY SAFETY PANEL - request for a spokes rep. Meets every 2 months. Dave to send Judy email list of local members.