NEXT MEETINGS - PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP WHICH OF THESE August DATES SUIT... Wed 22 Thu 23 Tue 28 Thur 30 [28th or 30th are most likely, and would be at Judy's house] ALSO PROVISIONAL DATE FOR JUDGING SUMMER COMPETITION Thurs 13 Sept at Martyn's ------------------------------------------------------------------ BELOW: Outcomes of 24 July 2012 meeting [including some points from previous meeting, and some subsequent updates] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks to Rosemary for hosting and providing food. A. June 20 BIKE BREAKFAST 8-10 Report on the website - June 22 news item. Breakfast rides organised by Mike Smith a valuable addition which helped increase numbers of both punters and councillors. Mies to contact Chris Brace/Council with suggestions for next year, as follows... a. Would probably be better 7.45-9.30 rather than traditional 8-10. b. Ask for 200 breakfasts with flexibility for extra 100 if lots of people (e.g. if sunny weather). If flexibility cannot be provided, then ask for 250 breakfasts. c. Ensure arrangements allow stallholders to get a breakfast B. STALLS ** Volunteers for any of the events below, please contact Judy Sep 1* - cycling event in Livingston Tobias Bauer cycling officer. WLC asked if we could do stall. Judy to check times. Aug 31 - Sep 2 Mela - try and have a stall Sat 1st Sept Sep 8* - Fauldhouse Festival, 11-2 Sep 8* - Linlithgow Green Event, possible shared stall with LCAGH/Sustrans Sep 8 - SKYRIDE - very big event (10,000+ ?) so worth attending. Stalls probably near Parliament. Also might take opportunity to walk around and leaflet participants at picnic stops etc using leftover copies of B113 (we have many 100s left) - would need one or two volunteers in addition to stall volunteers. Sep 9 - Pedal for Scotland - probably no Spokes stall as yesterday so busy, and not very valuable last year. Judy to check possibly have material on CTC and/or Sustrans stall if they are there. Sep 22 - Broughton High School green event *Dave to email WL members to ask for local volunteers for these stalls. New WL map should be out then, so a good opportunity for stalls. Dave also to send latest stall helper email list to Judy. C. SPOKES 2012 SUMMER COMPETITION Eight entries received by July 24. We need the usual 30-40 or so! Actions as follows... a. VERY IMPORTANT - THIS MEANS YOU!! Everyone to encourage entries from colleagues/friends, including encouraging people at stalls. Note new website article and downloadable entry form available at... b. Mies to distribute entry forms to prize donators - Dave to send 300 copies to Mies. c. Dave to email winners from previous years and remind them to enter. d. Dave to tweet reminder ' Only 6 weeks to go' e. Possible last-minute leafletting of cyclists on Meadows if still need more entries by late August PRIZES obtained as follows [telling donors that they will not be allocated till September]... Mies - Seabird, Jupiter, Kalpna, Peters Yard, Bike Coop Dave - ScotRail Katherine - Camera Obscura Judy - Sustrans maps Diana - Bridge Inn Ratho, Velo Ecosse All prizes now confirmed except Ratho Bridge Inn - Dave to check with Diana JUDGING Andy Johnson, Camera Obscura manager, confirmed at external judge. Provisional date for judging Thurs 13 Sept - MIES to check date with Andy. D. HOW TO BE A CYCLING CHILD Factsheet for parents now printed, and article on website. E. AUTUMN PUBLIC MEETING Topic: increasing priority for cyclist/pedestrian and reducing motor dominance. Aim to seek greater courage/ pro-activity by council - e.g. closing top of Broughton St (as in recent temporary closure) - future of Princes Street, etc. Speakers: invite Prof Phil Goodwin - would be great to have such a big name. If can get him or similar, try and also organise a daytime seminar for councillors/officials etc. Also: Council speaker, first choice Cllr Jim Orr, now responsible for cycling policy. Ian to organise. Preferred dates Nov 19-22; second choice Nov 26-29. Premises - Ian to contact Mark for premises bookings - note that our usual venues are often heavily booked months in advance. F. MOTORIST/CYCLIST AWARENESS a. Council/police campaign starts Oct 28, and into Nov. Motorists - be aware of cyclists at junctions; Cyclists - use of lights. Leaflet design will be same concept as other 2 leaflets, with cartoon helmeted cyclists. Usual distribution - libraries, stalls etc. But also will consider sending all 3 leaflets to motoring-related outlets if spokes supplies list - e.g. driving schools, police correction classes, car hire, city car club, possibly car showrooms (but they might not use it?) Council also considering advertising at motor-related locations - on petrol pumps, at car parks etc. b. Possible use of Audrey Fyfe money to get extra leaflets to cover more motorist outlets. Mies to check with Chris/Steve at CEC if motorist aspect will definitely happen; and if so Judy will speak to Fyfe's to check ok. c. Suggestions for leaflet content - Mies to contact Chris Brace. However we will continue to accept the leaflets design for the remainder of this campaign even if our suggestions not accepted.... i. Put brief reference to Highway Code on both sides (motorist and cyclist relevant para numbers) ii. Point out that motorists need to be aware of cyclists who don't use helmets as well as those who do. The leaflet suggests only to look out for cyclists who are helmeted! d. Mies will also revive advert for a volunteer - emphasis now on drawing up motorist outlets list - (a) above - as long as Steve confirms the motorist outlets will be targeted. G. NOVEMBER TRAFFIC COUNT Provisional date Tues 13 November - Judy to contact Barbara to confirm ok to organise H. EDINBURGH SPOKES MAP DESIGN - Tim Smith wants to discuss changing base to similar to the Lothians towns maps, for simplicity/time in updating. Hope to discuss at next meeting if time. I. SHARED PATHS LEAFLET [postponed again to next meeting] Tim Smith had contacted Judy suggesting new version of ped/cyclist shared paths leaflet. He has offered to do artwork. See original version and other similar and subsequent leaflets here... Would be good to have a new version, even if initially only on website rather than printed form. Generally the existing spokes one is too long, the bike stn one perhaps too short. Tim's version for WL map might be a good basis to work from.