Spokes regular Sunday ride is a bit different on Sunday 6th December – it is supporting RIDE PLANET EARTH in support of a strong climate change agreement at Copenhagen.
Ride Planet Earth is happening on Dec 6 in many countries across the world (click ‘participate’ on Ride Planet Earth website to see the countries) – including several rides in China, and others in every continent of the world. It is great to see our Spokes ride in that list.
RPE is the idea of Kim Nguyen who is nearing the end of a 16-month ride Australia->Asia->Europe->Copenhagen. See his inspirational blog by clicking on ‘blog’ at the RPE website – his ride, his thoughts, and the many remarkable environmental campaigners and others he has met across three continents.
Please note that our ride is not a short ‘demo’ – it is our usual Sunday leisure ride of around 20 miles. It sets off as usual from the Usher Hall at 10:00am. It is essential to follow the usual rules for Spokes Sunday rides. There will be more people than on our normal Sunday ride. Make sure to obey the rules of the road – for example, the group will almost certainly break up at various traffic lights. If so, don’t worry – we will join up again further on, and there will be someone at the back to make sure you’re not left behind.
We will be stopping for lunch at Out of the Blue in Dalmeny Street at 12:30 where we will be joined by longstanding Spokes member Mark Lazarowicz MP [Edinburgh North and Leith] who will give a very short speech about the climate negotiations, and accept a letter from Spokes to the Energy Secretary. He will also join the remainder of the ride after lunch.
We have also just had a spontaneous email from Edinburgh Central MSP Sarah Boyack who has said she would like to come along, and will also sign up as a Spokes member on the day. She is the Labour Party Environment Spokesperson at the Scottish Parliament.
Lunch will cost £6.50 and you must book lunch in advance (soup, sandwiches, tea, coffee, cake). Book by emailing spokes@spokes.org.uk , or phone 0131 313 2114. Once you have booked, please do come – there will be catering prepared for you, and Spokes may have to pay up if numbers are much less than expected. If it’s wet or you don’t feel like the ride, you are very welcome to come for the lunch event only – and if you wish join in the last section of the ride after that.
Also at the lunch will be a stall by Greener Leith about their sustainable-transport initiative in Leith area. They have also very kindly offered (also quite spontaneously!) to provide a Dr. Bike service at lunchtime – so if you just want a checkup, or if you have any mechanical problems on the ride, they may be able to help if you can struggle as far as the lunch spot.