See also…
- Edinburgh overall transport policy
- Submissions by Spokes (and some others)
- CEC Transport & Environment Cttee
- Edinburgh Council Cycle Forum
- Edinburgh Council links including locations of bike routes, parking & family network
- Bike storage in gardens – our factsheet, now in Council Guidance
2412 Active Travel projects and delays / Active Travel Investment Plan (ATINP) as at December 2024 (see here for updates) / 241220 Response to Cllr Booth question on delays and reasons for delays /
2402 ATAP 2024 – final The Council’s Active Travel Action Plan, ATAP, is now a document called Delivering Actions for Active Travel within the Implementation Plan of the City Mobility Plan 2021-2030
2307 ATAP 2023 [also para 2302 below] Consultation page / Draft ATAP / Spokes response / NB – the draft ATAP and our response are part of a wider set of CMP (City Mobility Plan) Delivery Plans – see para 2302 here.
2305 ATINP [also 2110 below]- AT Investment Programme as at April 2023
2304 Setted Streets [also 1803 below] Transport Cttee 20.4.23 agrees to revisit setted streets policy [SNP amendt to paper 7.2, agreed]. Also question re proposed Lawnmarket re-use of rounded setts for heritage reasons.
2302 ATAP 2023 – draft for consultation – Spokes initial response, to TEC 2.2.23. NB – the draft ATAP and our response are part of a wider set of CMP (City Mobility Plan) Delivery Plans – see para 2302 here.
2205 Council election – Spokes briefing to newly elected/re-elected councillors. NB for our election material see election article / manifestos comparison
2204 Major Junctions Review of safety for vulnerable road users [see also 2011] Spokes submission to consultants + Spokes ranked junctions list [format .xlsx]
2203 Cycle Parking Standards [see also 2102] The new council Cycle Parking Factsheet (factsheet C7 of Edinburgh Design Guidance) was published in early 2022, having been approved by Planning Cttee on 1.12.21. We objected to this Planning App, being the first we noted where the factsheet should be relevant – but seemed not to be used.
2202 Cycle Hire scheme – consultation on previous scheme Spokes response
2110 AT Investment Programme – Report to 14.10.21 Transport Cttee CEC press release
2102 Cycle Parking Standards – Edinburgh Street Design draft Factsheet Spokes comments
2011 Major Junctions Review (of safety for vulnerable road users) Motion setting up project + [2106] update / Inspired by Cllr Miller motion
2005 Spaces for People [covid urgent schemes] – Spokes initial response. Once the Council started rolling out schemes, we created this covid SfP page for project details and Spokes responses
2004 Covid19 Lockdown – initial ideas to Council on policy and individual suggestions from Spokes [pdf]
1809 ATAP report 16/17 and plans 18/19 TEC Report 7.3, 9.8.18 [link to pdf] Appendix 2 is spreadsheet of 18/19 projects status
1809 ATAP Priority Actions update document [pdf] i.e. current status of appendices A,B,C in ATAP.
1803 Setts/cobbles Finalised strategy [link to 12MB pdf Committee Reeport, March 2018][follows on from 1710, 1701 below] Big Spokes success – extensive discussion of cyclist issues (unlike the initial report) and useful final principles (p35 of Appendix 2) which will be incorporated into the forthcoming Street Design Guidance factsheet on Setted Streets.
1802 Cycle/AT project delays Spokes letter to Transport Convener Cllr Lesley Macinnes Website article tweet
1710 Setts/cobbles Spokes response [pdf] to Council consultation [follows on from 1701 below]
1708 Spokes meeting with Cllrs Lesley Macinnes & Karen Doran – new Convener & Deputy of the Transport & Environment Committee. Advance discussion paper. Summary of meeting outcome.
1701 Setts/cobbles Spokes letter asking for Committee report to be amended to take account of cycling and walking [the Committee agreed to postpone the report for consultation with cycling and walking groups]
1701 Cycle facilities in road renewals Spokes letter re Council 17/18 road renewals programme + policy on cycle weighting in prioritising renewals
1604 ATAP 2016 [pdf] now published. Also on council website here [link to pdf].
1601 ATAP 2016 Revision Council ATAP report [pdf] with new near-final ATAP as appendix. Note that the Transport Cttee approved our amendment to be more explicit about main road segregation and gave permission for further ‘drafting’ changes. The finalised document is still to be published.
1510 Bike Life Edinburgh report [pdf] as part of Sustrans UK Bike Life project. Final (UK) report on uses of the project.
1405 Coloured surfacing Council response [doc 38k] to Spokes paper [1304 below]
1401 Local Transport Strategy 2014-19 contains many policies on and relevant to cycling. See item 1401 on our Council transport policy page.
1312 Cycling policy motion This motion [see item 9.3] [pdf 37k] from Cllr Jim Orr [responsible for cycling policy] was passed by the full council on 12.12.13.
1308 ATAP 2-Year Review Outcome of review [pdf 1.2MB] Revised map of family network [pdf 670k]
1305 Bike parking/infra in Planning Applications CEC letter responding to Spokes complaints [our letter lost]
1304 ATAP Actions Review – Spokes ATAP review paper [pdf 80k] commenting on future directions for ATAP
1304 Coloured Surfacing – Spokes coloured surfacing paper to CEC [pdf 102k] seeking review of the new ‘Coloured Surfacing Protocol’ which uses solely the red-chip method to color cycle lanes.
1301 Draft Public and Accessible Transport Action Plan [PATAP] [doc 5.9MB] Please comment by 15.3.13 – address on last page. We are very unhappy with this document as no proper integration with cycling – see notes in Spokesworker 24 February 2013. Spokes response [txt 1k]; CTC response [doc 16k].
1301 Progress on ATAP has fallen behind – a report is due out in a few months. However the council decision to allocate 5% of its transport budget to cycling (planned to rise a further 1% annually) means a big rise in investment, plus – crucial to the timescale! – more staff on cycling. Sadly, government cycling investment (which mainly feeds through to councils), despite a few small boosts, is still only hovering around 1% of total transport spending.
1301 Interview with Council Leader Andrew Burns video interview by Edinburgh Innertube Map.
Active Travel Action Plan – developments up to 2011
The City of Edinburgh Council [CEC] Cycle Action Plan forms part of a wider Active Travel Action Plan [ATAP]. The process has been guided by an ATAP Board on which Spokes was represented.
Overall we are pleased with the Plan, although not all our points were included and there are some disappointments. Also speed of implementation post 2010/11 will depend critically on future funding decisions by the Scottish Government and by the Council – it will be up to Spokes and concerned individuals and other organisations to lobby hard on this.
The Action Plan, the Committee Report, and other related documents are downloadable below…
1202 CEC Bicycle Incident Analysis Report [pdf] Analysis of crashes involving a bike. Lot of useful info – e.g. 72% of contributory factors were assigned by the police to the vehicle driver and just 28% to the cyclist.
1103 CEC Active Travel Action Plan [pdf 4.1MB] – incorporating the Cycle Action Plan – as approved by CEC Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee 21 Sept 2010. Committee ATAP report [pdf 1.6MB] including notes on the funding and staffing necessary to implement the plan.
1007 Spokes response to draft ATAP. Our response comprises a letter [pdf 87k], our detailed response [doc* 1207k], and an appendix seeking answers on certain main points [doc, 38k]. *Our detailed response is a complex document prepared in Word, using the track changes and comment facilities. It can be read using Open Office, but this unfortunately results in a few layout differences, including in page numbering.
1006 Draft ATAP [doc 1240k] The ATAP includes a proposed ‘Family Network’ – a map of this will be in the final plan, but at present it is in 2 separate files, map 1: City [pdf 829k] and map 2: West [pdf 471k]. Comments on the draft (including any comments on the maps) must be submitted to the council by 25 July – see news item 27 June.
1004 Suggested CAP action points submitted by Spokes. ATAP Board members were asked to suggest action points, for themselves and/or others, for inclusion in the plan.
1003 Spokes public meeting on the ATAP, addressed by CEC Transport Convener Cllr Gordon Mackenzie – report in Spokesworker 20 April 2010. The report begins with a brief history of how we reached this point in the development of a CEC CAP. At the public meeting 85 people completed a questionnaire [pdf 110k] to help inform the Action Plan, and the results are in this public meeting survey report [pdf 345k].
0909 Transport consultant Richard Armitage was invited to Edinburgh by Spokes to discuss with members and with top council decision-makers how the City could meet its ambitious Charter of Brussels target for 15% of trips to be by bike by 2020. A paper of action-ideas prepared by Spokes after RA’s visit has been submitted to the CAP. There is also a report of the Spokes RA public meeting in Spokesworker 27.10.09.