2501 One-way street exemptions, first batch (mainly city centre) / TRO/24/27 stakeholder consultn / Plans / Spokes response /
2001 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance
- Detailed design manual – document C5, Contraflow Cycling
- “There will be a presumption that all streets will be two-way for cyclists. Where one-way streets are implemented to manage motor traffic, cyclists should always be exempted from the one-way restriction”
1604 Active Travel Action Plan, 2016 Refresh
- “A programme to formally exempt cyclists from all suitable one-way restrictions and road closures has been prepared”
1503 List of Edinburgh one-way streets (with a few comments from individuals)
1502 Consultant workshop on preparing a prioritised 3-year programme for enabling cycling in Edinburgh one-way streets. This whole project went into abeyance once the Council staffing cuts took hold. It was just starting up again, then the pandemic came along and relevant staff were transferred to Spaces for People. It is due to recommence in 2021 or 2022.