February 2025

Spokes public meetings

NB:  we now try and use the hashtag #SpokesMtg for all public meetings – check it out for tweets and photos of past meetings!

21.11.24 Local Campaigning Pre-article / pre-meeting tweet / video of meeting / report of meeting / post-meeting Bluesky tweet /

5.6.24 Granton Tramline Pre-article / pre-tweet / video of meeting / report of meeting / post-meeting tweet /

29.2.24 Future Streets policy, and the place of Cycling Pre-article / relevant documents & maps (para 2402) / pre-tweet / video of meeting / Report of meeting / post-meeting tweet /

24.5.23 A City where you don’t need a Car  Public meeting to discuss council draft transport action plans, including the draft Active Travel Action Plan  Pre-article / pre-tweet / video of meeting / some post-mtg tweets / Spokes comments on draft ATAP – see para 2307 here /

23.9.22 Cycling & Transport Policy in the New Edinburgh Council  Pre-article / pre-tweet / report of meeting / Post-meeting tweet / video part1 part2

21.2.22 Traffic Reduction Commitments [online mtg]  Pre-article  Pre-tweet  Video of meeting  Meeting report  Post-meeting tweet

22.9.21 Local Bike Campaigning [online meeting] Pre-article  Pre-tweet  Video of meeting  Meeting report  post-meeting tweet  Intro slides by Dave [ppt]

15.4.21 Holyrood 2021 election – Hustings [online] Pre-article  Pre-tweet  Video of meeting  Meeting notes  Spokes website election article

18.3.21 Spaces for People – the Future [online]  Pre-tweet  Pre-article  Website meeting report   Video recording

23.3.20 Local Campaigning  Poster [pdf][jpgPre-tweet  This meeting was cancelled due to Covid19 lockdown

15.11.19 New Cycling Solutions for Edinburgh  Poster->[pdf][jpgPre-tweet  Meeting report  video  Post-tweet

14.6.19 City Centre Transformation – Proposals   Poster->[pdf][jpgPre-tweet  Report of Meeting  video  Post-tweet

20.3.19 Climate, Transport and Cycling   Poster->[pdf][jpgPre-tweet  Report of Meeting  video  Post-tweet

15.11.18 Diversity Rules! – Cycling for All    Poster  Meeting report video of meeting [final few minutes lost] Tweet

16.6.18  City Centre Transformation – Edinburgh & Glasgow  Meeting poster   Further poster advertising all 4 Spokes EdFoC events   Meeting report  video [begins at 03:58]  Tweet

15.3.18  Cycling and the Tramline Extension  Poster    Meeting report  Tweet

9.11.17  Cycling Plans in the New Councils  Poster   Meeting report  Tweet (pls RT)

14.6.17 Tackling Road Danger  Poster  Meeting report  Tweet (please RT)

6.4.17  Hustings for Council elections  Poster  Full meeting report  Tweet of meeting report

10.11.16 Benefiting Business through Cycling  Poster  Full meeting report with associated links  Tweet of meeting report.

13.6.16 Cycling and Health  Poster  Full meeting report including documents and presentations   Tweet of meeting report.

21.3.16 Spokes Holyrood Hustings – for the 5.5.16 Holyrood election.  Report of meeting  Videos of speakers  Tweet of report  Meeting notification and poster

17.11.15 Climate, Transport & Cycling – Focused around the international Paris Climate Summit  Report of meeting  Videos of speakers  Meeting notification & poster

15.6.15 Bike/Rail integration – speakers from Abellio/ScotRail, Sestran, Transform Scotland and Campaign for Borders Rail.  On-train bike space was the biggest concern of the 100-strong audience.  Website post with links to presentations and other related material.

26.3.15 The Bicycle in Edinburgh City CentreWebsite post with links to speakers, presentations, etc

20.11.14 Lothians Cycling Developmentwebsite posting with full links to speakers, presentations and reports.

25.3.14 Understanding Cycling – why people do and do not cycle for everyday short journeys  Approx 120 people.  Speakers:  Prof Colin Pooley [Lancaster Uni Environment Centre and leader of the Understanding Cycling & Walking study] and Cllr Andrew Burns [leader of Edinburgh City Council].  Notes on meeting [pdf 87k].  Prof Pooley slides [ppt 1.3MB].  See also our news report on the meeting.

19.11.13 Cycling Investment with Alison Johnstone MSP, John Lauder [Sustrans Scotland Director] and Sara Dorman [PoP].  Approx 100 people.  Meeting report [pdf 173k].

8.4.13 Future of Local Transport  Attendance of 111 people – almost our biggest ever meeting.  Meeting report [pdf 99k].  Two of the speakers provided powerpoints…   Prof Iain Docherty [ppt 5.7MB];  Cllr Jim Orr [ppt 1.8MB].   See also our news report on the meeting.

29.3.12 Council 2012 Elections, Spokes hustings  – Party speakers were:  Con Councillor Cameron Rose [Spokes member];  Green Councillor Steve Burgess [currently Green transport spokesperson];  Lab Councillor Lesley Hinds [currently Labour transport spokesperson];  LibDemCouncillor Gordon Mackenzie [currently Edinburgh’s Transport Convener];  SNP Councillor Alasdair Rankin.
The politicians gave introductory speeches [not reported here] then spent 10 minutes in turn in each of 5 groups.  We have reports from note-takers at three of the groups…  Group A [pdf 51k]; Group C [pdf 49k]; Group E [pdf 47k].   The politicians then had 3 minutes each at the top table, to sum up [pdf 46k].  The meeting was also reported by Edinburgh Napier News [click its arrow for a sound report] and by The Edinburgh Reporter [use its right-hand vertical slider bar to read its live report].

17.11.11 Cycling policies in Edinburgh and Oxford [doc 29k] Both cities are developing a largely off-road network suitable for families and the less-confident, together with more bike-friendly conditions on roads used by the everyday more confident cyclist for commuting, shopping etc.   Oxford calls it their Dual Network, whilst Edinburgh‘s Active Travel Action Plan refers to the two aspects as the Family Network and the Cycle-Friendly City.

23.3.11 Holyrood Election Hustings – we used an unusual format (in a vote at the end, the audience and speakers overwhelmingly liked it).   After introductory 5-minute speeches the audience was split into 5 groups of 15 or so people, with each politician spending 10 minutes in each group, ending with 2-minute closing speeches to the whole audience.   Notes were taken by 5 different Spokes members, who each followed one politician – therefore the style of the notes varies.  Marco Biagi, SNP [pdf 47k], Sarah Boyack MSP, Labour [pdf 63k], Cllr Steve Burgess, Green [pdf 58k], Cllr Gordon Mackenzie, LibDem [pdf 71k], Cllr Cameron Rose, Conservative [pdf 17k].   Note that party manifestos had not yet been published – we will do a website news item when they are.

25.11.10 Bike Storage at Home and at Work – meeting to move forward with Spokes bike storage project.   Presentations by project organiser Katherine Ivory [ppt 1628k], TPi consultant Neil Anderson [ppt 2041k], Bike Station BWTW organiser Gary Bell [pdf 2679k], Tollcross CCF project organiser Angela Hull – actual tenement parking installations [ppt 2394k].

23.3.10 Edinburgh City Council Cycling Action Plan – Transport Convener Cllr Gordon Mackenzie – report in Spokesworker 20.4.10.  At the meeting a questionnaire was completed by 84 people.  See the main points here and the full report here.

19.11.09  Future of Princes Street [pdf 122k]

17.9.09  How can Edinburgh meet its Charter of Brussels cycling target? [special extra public meeting, with consultant Richard Armitage]  Report in Spokesworker 27.10.09.

25.3.09  Bikes, Buses, Trains and Trams – report in  Spokesworker 26.4.09. [pdf 464k]

3.12.08   Transport & Cycling policy in Edinburgh – report in  Spokesworker 19.1.09. [pdf 204k]

19.3.08   Climate Change, Oil Supply and Scottish Cycling Policy [txt 7k]

21.11.07   Transport in a New Era (Edinburgh) [txt 11k]

22.3.07   Edinburgh Council election hustings No report available, but here is our council election Spokesworker Special 22.4.07 [pdf 220k]