January 2025

Christmas Cheer!!

[Jan 3 update: How the £3.9m is being used Scotsman article Herald article] Two rather nice developments to end the year! One from Edinburgh City Council, one from the Scottish Government …


Scottish Budget process fails – again!!

For the fourth year running, MSPs have been convinced by expert evidence of the need for greater funding if there is to be any hope of reaching the government’s cycle-use target. But, despite this, the draft Scottish budget 2013/14 is unlikely to change – thanks to political cowardice and government obfuscation.


Quick chance for more cycling investment

[20 December update: this quick-fire campaign succeeded!! See Dec 19 news item]. There’s a short window of opportunity to gain a modest one-off boost to Scottish cycling investment. Please send a quick email to your MSPs now…


Get Britain Cycling: APPCG Inquiry

Spokes has responded to the UK All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Inquiry, “Get Britain Cycling” …


Spokes National Cycling Proposal

Spokes has proposed a major cycling project to the government’s NPF3 consultation, which seeks ideas for ‘developments of national significance’ …


More bikes again: and QBiC helps

[updated 25 November] Despite drizzly weather the Spokes November 2012 Edinburgh traffic count found yet another rise in bike numbers, both in total and as a % of all vehicles…


Get your Present before Xmas is Present

Spokes Maps of Edinburgh, the Lothians and Glasgow make perfect presents! [“I found a whole new Edinburgh thanks to the Spokes map”]. And we sell an Original Buff with an extract of the Edinburgh map…


Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…


On Shared Paths…

Spokes has published an innovative new leaflet on use of shared paths…


Family Ride to Musselburgh 21.10.12

A family-friendly ride to Musselburgh via the Innocent Railway, organised by Transition Edinburgh South on Sunday 21st October.
