Closing yymmdd | Who for | Topic and main official link | Spokes pages | Who is responding |
250719 | CEC | ETRO/22/13 Cammo Road, prohibition of motor vehicles (forms quiet bike link) | West Ed | ? |
250615 | CEC | ETRO/21/29A /29B /29C /29D Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, South | Post Covid: South | ? |
250403 | CEC | Planning Design Guidance, incl. Edin Design Guidance, Listed Bldgs & Conservation Areas, Guidance for Householders | Local non-AT | ? |
250302 | EL council | Prestonpans to Levenhall bike route | East Lothian | JR |
250221 | CEC | Princes Street & Waverley Valley Strategy | City centre | ? |
250215 | CEC | ETRO/21/27B & ETRO/23/23A: Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, North | Post Covid: North | ? |
250131 | CEC | TRO/24/27 1-way cycle exemptions, first batch | One-way streets | AR |
241216 | CEC | ETRO/21/30A & ETRO/21/30B: Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, West | *Post Covid: West | AR |
241118 | EL Council | Musselburgh Active Toun, Routes 2, 4 & 6 | *East Lothian | JR |
241117 | CEC | Leith Connections phase 3, Hawthornvale to Seafield | *Leith | MMcD |
241028 | CEC | ETRO/21/28A Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, East | *Post Covid: East | DF |
241020 | CEC | Priestfield Rd / Prestonfield Rd | *South-central | AR |
240818 | CEC | ETRO/21/26A Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, City Centre | *Post Covid: City Centre | JR |
240801 | CEC | West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework & Strategic Plan | West Ed | no volunteer |
240731 | CEC | Seafield Regeneration, Stage 2 consultn | East Ed | no volunteer |
240731 | Midlothian | A7 Sustainable Transport Study | *Midlothian | DF |
240722+ | Midlothian | ATAP 2024-2034 | *Midlothian | DF |
240716 | CEC | Granton Waterfront, active travel routes | North Ed | not needed |
240707 | CEC | ETRO/21/21: Corstorphine LTN | *West Ed | DF |
240626 | CEC | Gorgie/Dalry Living Well Locally consultn | *West Ed | AR |
240606 | W Lothian | ATAP 2024-2029 [email] | West Lothian | no volunteer |
240517 | CEC | TRO/21/32 & RSO/21/08 Meadows to George St (MGS) advertised | *South-central | AR |
240408 | CEC | ETRO/23/20: Leith Connections (phase 2 = LTN) | *Leith | MMcD |
240327 | CEC | QR9, junctions at Balgreen | *West Ed | CC |
240216 | WL Council | Series of road crossings | *West Lothian | AR |
240216 | CEC | Powderhall Junction | *North Ed | EJ |
240208 | CEC | George Street, design of cross-streets | *City centre | RG |
240206 | CEC | Workplace Parking Levy – should Edinburgh have one? | *local non-AT | JR |
240115 | EL Council | Musselburgh Active Toun routes | *East Lothian | JR + Sp.Porty |
231219 | ScotGov (HES) | Holyrood Park draft Strategic Plan | *Holyrood Park | JT |
231229 | CEC | TRO/21/32 Meadows to Geo St (MGS), stage 1 consultn | South-central | AR |
231111 | CEC | ETRO/21/21: Corstorphine LTN | *West Ed | DF |
231022 | CEC | Greenbank-Meadows options | *Post-covid ETROs (south) | Spokes S.Ed |
231010 | CEC | Towards West Edinburgh 2050 | West Ed | no volunteer |
231004 | CEC | West Ed Placemaking Framework & Strategic Masterplan | West Ed | no volunteer |
230915 | CEC | TRO/23/14 & RSO/23/15 Brunstane Rd closure/ Coillesdene TM | East Ed | Spokes Porty |
230905 | CEC | Broxburn-Maybury A8/A89 Bus & Active Travel | *West Ed | JR |
230720 | ScotGov | Draft planning guidance: Local living & 20-min nbds | national | no volunteer |
230717 | CEC | Union Canal Strategy Refresh | *canal | DdF |
230709 | CEC | City Mobility Plan – delivery | *local non-AT | DdF |
was 230520 but to be reissued | CEC | ETROs: TRO/21/26-TRO/21/30 public advertisement for comment/objection [see also 211207 & 2006 below] | travelling safely | Centre & North: PG/MMcD East: Sp Porty West: ? South: ? |
230515 & 230522 | CEC | Morrison St 2-way traffic, etc, for LEZ mitigation: RSO/23/03 TRO/23/04 TRO/23/05 | *CityCentre | JR |
230414 | CEC | Portobello 20-min neighbourhood | East Ed | no volunteer |
230411 | CEC | TRO/23/14 Brunstane Rd closure/ Coillesdene TM | East Ed | no volunteer |
230208 | CEC | Rural road speed limit reductions | *lower speed | DF |
230208 | CEC | 20mph extensions | *lower speed | DF |
230116 | CEC | Gorgie/Dalry 20-mins neighbourhood | West Ed | no volunteer |
221231 | CEC | Thriving Greenspaces 2050 policy – parks & greenspace | local non-AT | no volunteer |
221223 | CEC | Leith Connections phase 1A, FotW to Dock Place RSO/22/01 TRO/21/22A TRO/21/22B | *Leith | MMcD |
221219 | Transp Scot | Cycling Framework & Delivery Plan for Active Travel 2022-2030 | *national | DF |
221202 | CEC | West Edinburgh Link | West | no volunteer |
221129 | Midlothian | Speed limits policy | Midlothian | no volunteer |
221111 | CEC | Draft ETRO 21/26, Cockburn St + High St) | Post-covid | no volunteer |
221111 | CEC | Draft ETRO 21/29 (re Comiston Rd) | *Post-covid | Spokes S.Ed |
221101 | CEC | Coillesdene Traffic calming (includes Brunstane Rd) ETRO post-implementation | *East Ed | Spokes Porty |
221031 | CEC | Inch Park Masterplan | *South Ed | JR |
220925 | CEC | Powderhall Junction redesign | *North Ed | MMcD |
220826 | ScotParl | A Modern and Sustainable Ferry Service for Scotland | *national | JR |
220803 | ScotGov | PDR for town centre changes & for EV infrastructure | *national | c/o Living Streets |
220731 | CEC | Leith Links Masterplan | *Leith | JR |
220717 | CEC | Burdiehouse, walk wheel cycle improvements | *South Ed | Spokes S.Ed |
220717 | CEC | Lochend/ Easter Rd, walk, wheel cycle improvements | *East Ed | AW (Porty) |
220717 | CEC | South QF, walk wheel cycle improvements | *West Ed | SC |
220717 | CEC | Leith Connections Phase 3, Hawthornvale path to Seafield | *Leith | MMcD |
220711 | CEC | ETRO/22/13 Cammo Rd prohibition of motors | West Ed | no volunteer |
220706 | CEC | ETRO/21/21 Corstorphine LTN, revised version | West Ed | AR? |
220703 | CEC | ETRO/21/26 to ETRO/21/30 for ‘Travelling Safely’ schemes (formerly Spaces for People) | *Post-covid | DF/DdF |
220513 | CEC | TRO/22/01 Grosvenor St one-way, as part of tramline safety measures phase 3 | Tram | AR |
220509 | CEC | Smokey Brae / Jocks Lodge ped/bike improvements | *East Ed | AW (Porty) |
220415 | ScotGov | STPR2 | *national | DF |
220415 | CEC | TRO/21/22, Foot of Walk to Dock Street cycleroute stakeholder consultn [public advertisement to follow] | *Leith | MMcD |
220406 | ScotGov | Route Map to 20% car-km reduction by 2030 | *national | DdF |
220331 | ScotGov | NPF4 – Scottish Government consultation | *national | CC/LF |
220311 | ScotGov | Pavement Parking prohibition regulations | *national | DF |
220304 | CEC | Newbattle Terr TRO/21/31 stakeholder consultn | *South-central Ed | JR |
220301 | CEC | LEZ final scheme for submission to Scot Govt | local non-AT | no volunteer |
220228 | Midlothian | Get more people travelling actively – preliminary to preparing Active Travel Strategy | *Midlothian | AM, Spokes Dalkeith |
220227 | CEC | Bike Hire scheme consultation | Local-AT | AR |
220218 | CEC | TRO/21/32 Meadows-GeoSt stakeholder consultn | *South-central Ed | AR |
220211 | SESTRAN | Regional Transport Strategy draft | Lothians | no volunteer |
220121 | ScotGov | Aviation Strategy | national | no volunteer |
220110 | Scot Parl | NPF4 – Scottish Parliament Cttees consultation (National Planning Framework 4 – includes National Walking, Cycling, Wheeling network as one of 18 ‘National Developments’) | *national | CC |
211220 | CEC | City Plan 2030 – the Local Development Plan (also Action Plan, Environmental Report & more) | *local non-AT | JR |
211207 | CEC | ETROs: TRO/21/26-TRO/21/30 for extended trial of SpacesForPeople/ TravellingSafely schemes: stakeholder consultn [public consultn to follow] [see 2006 below for earlier SfP consultations] | *covid | DdF |
211126 | ScotGov | Scottish Building Regs: Energy | national | no volunteer |
211119 | CEC | TRO/20/20 Converting many 40mph roads to 30mph | *lower speeds | MMcD |
211102 | CEC | Corstorphine LTN How to respond | *West Ed | CC |
211026 | Midlothian | A701 Relief Road /A702 Link Road | *Midlothian | DF+AM |
211022 | E Lothian | E Lothian Access Study (including rail) | E Lothian | no volunteer |
211004 | ScotGov | Penalty Charges for Parking Enforcement | national | no volunteer |
210930 | Hist Env Scotland | Holyrood Park road access | *Holyrood Park | JR |
210920 | CEC | Proposed CEC LEZ | *local non-AT | CC |
210912 | CEC | Draft 2030 Climate Strategy | *local non-AT | LF |
210906 | Transp Scot | Workplace Parking Levy procedures | *national | JR |
210813 | ScotParl | Scottish Budget 22/23, pre-budget consultation | national | no volunteer |
210730 | Transp Scot | Traffic Regulation Order procedures | *national | DdF |
210726 | SEStran | Regional Transport Strategy – Case for Change report | Lothians | MMcD(?) |
210726 | CEC | Regional Prosperity Framework (2021-2041) | local non-AT | no volunteer |
210716 | EL council | Musselburgh Active Toun | *E Lothian | ER |
210704 | CEC | Corstorphine Connections LTN | *West Ed | CC |
210704 | CEC | Leith Connections LTN (FoTW-OT cycleroute will be separate) | *Leith | AMcP/ MMcD |
210421 | SEStran | Regional Transport Strategy – Preliminary report | *Lothians | EJ |
210405 | CEC | Spaces for People, make permanent? | *covid | EJ/RG |
210331 | ScotGov | STPR2 Strategic Transp Projects Review | *national | 1. DdF re phase 1 2. Spokes/LS re SfP |
210312 | CEC | Airport – new access road & cycleroute | *West Ed | PH |
210228 | CEC | East Craigs Connections (LTN) | *West Ed | HW |
210228 | CEC | Corstorphine Connections (LTN) | *West Ed | CC |
210228 | CEC | Leith Connections (bike route & LTN) | *Leith | MMcD |
210226 | CEC | West Edinburgh Link TROs/RSOs | *West Ed | AM |
210219 | ScotGov | NPF4 ‘Position Statement’ | national | await later full consultn |
210122 | ScotGov | Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 | national | no volunteer |
210112 | ScotGov | Climate Change Plan Update #CCPu | *national | DdF |
201224 | CEC | Newbattle Terr public realm | *South-central Ed | Spokes S.Ed |
201214 | ML council | Core Paths review | *Midlothian | DF |
201213 | CEC | Brunstane Rd Quiet neighbourhood | *East Ed | Porty |
201201 | Transp Scot | Scotland Road Safety Framework 2030 (includes 2050 Vision Zero) | *national | PH |
201119 | ScotGov | Infrastructure Investment Plan | *national | SW |
201112 | ScotGov | Garden sheds – permitted development rights | *garden storage | GC |
201030 | CEC | TRO/20/07 Converting more 30mph roads to the 20mph network | 20mph etc | no volunteer |
201027 | UK Gov | HighwayCode consultn | *national | MMcD |
201016 | CEC | TRO/20/20 Reducing 40mph to 30mph | 20mph etc | no volunteer |
201009 | CEC | TRO/17/101A RSO/18/01A Causey project | *south-central | RG |
201008 | Transp Scot | Winchburgh Junction trunk road | *west Lothian | EJ |
200930 | CEC | Roseburn to Canal, planning app 20/03561/FUL | *north | AM |
200831 | CEC | Newbattle Terr resurfacing & ‘place’ [email-only consultn] | *south-central | Spokes S.Ed, JR |
2006-> | CEC | SPACES FOR PEOPLE (COVID19) Wide range of schemes with 5-day stakeholder consultations only | *covid | various |
later | Greenspace Trust | Hunters Hall Park, Active Travel Route [consultation start delayed] | later | PH |
200630 | SG JTC | Just Transition Commission report [climate] | national | no volunteer |
200603 | F’house | New Filmhouse in Festival Square [20/01235/PAN] | *south-central | SW |
200504 | CEC | TRO/20/10 OnStreet Bike Storage | storage | no volunteer |
200501 | CEC | Little France Park – Management Plan 2020-2030 | *east | AM |
200430 | Transp Scot | STPR2 [local- area report] – Case for Change, Edinburgh & S.E. Scotland | national | DF |
200430 | SG Planning | NPF4, National Planning Framework 4 | *national | ER |
200430 | CEC | Choices for City Plan 2030 | *policy | PH |
200430 | CEC | City Mobility Plan | *policy | SW |
200326 | CEC | Water of Leith Management Plan | *west | PH |
200306 | CEC | Granton Waterfront Development Framework | north | none? |
200131 | Transp Scot | Sheriffhall roundabout Road & Side-Roads Orders | *south | DF |
200128 | ScotGov | Permitted Development Rights (affects bike storage containers in gardens) | *storage | DdF |
200110 | Transp Scot | Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 | *national | PH |
191126 | CEC | Sunday parking charges | *policy | PH |
191125 | CEC | Cameron Toll to BioQuarter | *south | RG/AM |
191122 | CEC | Bus Lanes 7-7-7 consultn | *bus | DdF |
190913 | CEC | Astley Ainslie site future | *south | PH |
191023 | Transp Scot | National Transport Strategy draft | *national | DF |
190906 | ScotParl | Road maintenance & scot budget | *national
| ER/PH/DdF |
210721 | CEC | LEZ | *policy | DdF |
190719 | CEC/ WSP | Roseburn to Canal [only shows previous consultn!] | *north | AM |
190707 | CEC | City Centre Transformation | article bulletin *policy | CP |
190707 | CEC | Meadows-GeorgeSt | *south | CP |
190705 | CEC | Redford Barracks site | – | AM |
1906?? | CEC | CCWEL phase 2 TRO | *centre | RG |
190531 | CEC | Meadows-Canal | *south | RG |
1905?? | CEC | Queensferry [no web page] | *west | EJ |
190507 | CEC | Rejuvenating Roseburn | n/a | RG |
190426 | Rail | Waverley Stn masterplan | *rail | EJ |
190315 | CEC | West Edin Link – concept | *west | AM |
1903?? | ML | A701 corridor [no web page] | *Midloth | DF |
190125 | CEC | George St & 1st New Town | *CityC | RG |
1901?? | ScotParl | Restricted Roads (20mph) Bill | *national | PH |
1809?? | ScotParl | Transport (Scotland) Bill | *national | DdF |
| | | | |