February 2025


  • This page is to keep track of consultations to which Spokes may respond or may have responded, as from 2019. It only lists significant consultations known to be important to Spokes. To find ‘all’ current consultations, see here.
  • Further documents and the Spokes response (if any) can be found at the links shown in the table
  • In the ‘Spokes pages’ column, an asterisk * means that there is a Spokes response (at the page shown)
  • Planning applications, TROs, RSOs not included except, possibly, if exceptional
  • For pre-2019 consultations find relevant pages under the documents tab
  • For selected Planning Proposal consultations, see this page
Topic and main official linkSpokes
Who is responding
250719CECETRO/22/13 Cammo Road, prohibition of motor vehicles (forms quiet bike link)West Ed?
250615CEC ETRO/21/29A /29B /29C /29D Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, SouthPost Covid: South?
250403CECPlanning Design Guidance, incl. Edin Design Guidance, Listed Bldgs & Conservation Areas, Guidance for HouseholdersLocal non-AT?
250302EL councilPrestonpans to Levenhall bike routeEast LothianJR
250221CECPrinces Street & Waverley Valley Strategy City centre?
250215CECETRO/21/27B & ETRO/23/23A: Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, NorthPost Covid: North?
250131CECTRO/24/27 1-way cycle exemptions, first batchOne-way streetsAR
241216CECETRO/21/30A & ETRO/21/30B: Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, West*Post Covid: WestAR
241118EL CouncilMusselburgh Active Toun, Routes 2, 4 & 6*East LothianJR
241117CECLeith Connections phase 3, Hawthornvale to Seafield *LeithMMcD
241028CECETRO/21/28A Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, East*Post Covid: EastDF
241020CEC Priestfield Rd / Prestonfield Rd *South-centralAR
240818CECETRO/21/26A Travelling safely (SfP) schemes, City Centre*Post Covid: City CentreJR
240801CECWest Edinburgh Placemaking Framework & Strategic PlanWest Ed no volunteer
240731CECSeafield Regeneration, Stage 2 consultn East Edno volunteer
240731MidlothianA7 Sustainable Transport Study*MidlothianDF
240722+MidlothianATAP 2024-2034 *MidlothianDF
240716CECGranton Waterfront, active travel routesNorth Ednot needed
240707CECETRO/21/21: Corstorphine LTN*West Ed DF
240626CECGorgie/Dalry Living Well Locally consultn *West EdAR
240606W LothianATAP 2024-2029 [email newdevelopmentroads@westlothian.gov.uk]West Lothianno volunteer
240517CECTRO/21/32 & RSO/21/08 Meadows to George St (MGS) advertised*South-centralAR
Leith Connections
(phase 2 = LTN)
240327CEC QR9, junctions at Balgreen *West Ed CC
240216WL CouncilSeries of road crossings*West LothianAR
240216CECPowderhall Junction *North EdEJ
240208CECGeorge Street, design of cross-streets*City centreRG
240206CECWorkplace Parking Levy – should Edinburgh have one?*local non-ATJR
240115EL CouncilMusselburgh Active Toun routes*East LothianJR + Sp.Porty
231219ScotGov (HES)Holyrood Park draft Strategic Plan*Holyrood ParkJT
231229CECTRO/21/32 Meadows to Geo St (MGS), stage 1 consultnSouth-centralAR
231111CECETRO/21/21: Corstorphine LTN*West EdDF
231022CEC Greenbank-Meadows options*Post-covid ETROs (south)Spokes S.Ed
231010CECTowards West Edinburgh 2050 West Edno volunteer
231004CECWest Ed Placemaking Framework & Strategic MasterplanWest Edno volunteer
230915CECTRO/23/14 & RSO/23/15 Brunstane Rd closure/ Coillesdene TM East EdSpokes Porty
230905CECBroxburn-Maybury A8/A89 Bus & Active Travel*West EdJR
230720ScotGovDraft planning guidance: Local living & 20-min nbdsnationalno volunteer
230717 CEC Union Canal Strategy Refresh*canalDdF
230709CECCity Mobility Plan – delivery *local non-ATDdF
was 230520 but to be reissuedCECETROs: TRO/21/26-TRO/21/30 public advertisement for comment/objection
[see also 211207 & 2006 below]
travelling safelyCentre & North: PG/MMcD
East: Sp Porty
West: ?
South: ?
230515 &
CECMorrison St 2-way traffic, etc, for LEZ mitigation: RSO/23/03 TRO/23/04 TRO/23/05*CityCentreJR
230414CECPortobello 20-min neighbourhoodEast Edno volunteer
230411CECTRO/23/14 Brunstane Rd closure/ Coillesdene TM East Edno volunteer
230208CECRural road speed limit reductions*lower speedDF
230208CEC20mph extensions*lower speedDF
230116CECGorgie/Dalry 20-mins neighbourhoodWest Edno volunteer
221231CECThriving Greenspaces 2050 policy – parks & greenspacelocal non-ATno volunteer
221223CECLeith Connections phase 1A, FotW to Dock Place RSO/22/01 TRO/21/22A TRO/21/22B*LeithMMcD
221219Transp ScotCycling Framework & Delivery Plan for Active Travel 2022-2030*nationalDF
221202CECWest Edinburgh Link Westno volunteer
221129MidlothianSpeed limits policyMidlothianno volunteer
221111CECDraft ETRO 21/26, Cockburn St + High St)Post-covidno volunteer
221111CECDraft ETRO 21/29 (re Comiston Rd)*Post-covidSpokes S.Ed
221101CECCoillesdene Traffic calming (includes Brunstane Rd) ETRO post-implementation*East EdSpokes Porty
221031CECInch Park Masterplan *South EdJR
220925CECPowderhall Junction redesign*North EdMMcD
220826ScotParlA Modern and Sustainable Ferry Service for Scotland*nationalJR
220803ScotGovPDR for town centre changes & for EV infrastructure*nationalc/o Living Streets
220731CECLeith Links Masterplan *LeithJR
220717CECBurdiehouse, walk wheel cycle improvements*South EdSpokes S.Ed
220717CECLochend/ Easter Rd, walk, wheel cycle improvements*East EdAW (Porty)
220717CECSouth QF, walk wheel cycle improvements*West EdSC
220717CECLeith Connections Phase 3, Hawthornvale path to Seafield*LeithMMcD
220711CECETRO/22/13 Cammo Rd prohibition of motorsWest Edno volunteer
220706CECETRO/21/21 Corstorphine LTN, revised versionWest EdAR?
220703CECETRO/21/26 to ETRO/21/30 for ‘Travelling Safely’ schemes (formerly Spaces for People)*Post-covidDF/DdF
220513CECTRO/22/01 Grosvenor St one-way, as part of tramline safety measures phase 3TramAR
220509CECSmokey Brae / Jocks Lodge ped/bike improvements*East EdAW (Porty)
220415ScotGovSTPR2*national DF
220415CECTRO/21/22, Foot of Walk to Dock Street cycleroute stakeholder consultn [public advertisement to follow] *LeithMMcD
220406ScotGovRoute Map to 20% car-km reduction by 2030*national DdF
220331ScotGovNPF4 – Scottish Government consultation *nationalCC/LF
220311ScotGovPavement Parking prohibition regulations*nationalDF
220304CECNewbattle Terr TRO/21/31 stakeholder consultn*South-central EdJR
220301CECLEZ final scheme for submission to Scot Govtlocal non-AT no volunteer
220228MidlothianGet more people travelling actively – preliminary to preparing Active Travel Strategy*Midlothian AM, Spokes Dalkeith
220227CECBike Hire scheme consultationLocal-ATAR
220218CECTRO/21/32 Meadows-GeoSt stakeholder consultn*South-central Ed AR
220211SESTRANRegional Transport Strategy draftLothians no volunteer
220121ScotGovAviation Strategynational no volunteer
220110Scot ParlNPF4 – Scottish Parliament Cttees consultation
(National Planning Framework 4 – includes National Walking, Cycling, Wheeling network as one of 18 ‘National Developments’)
211220CECCity Plan 2030 – the Local Development Plan (also Action Plan, Environmental Report & more)*local non-ATJR
211207CECETROs: TRO/21/26-TRO/21/30 for extended trial of SpacesForPeople/ TravellingSafely schemes:
stakeholder consultn [public consultn to follow]
[see 2006 below for earlier SfP consultations]
211126ScotGov Scottish Building Regs: Energynational no volunteer
211119CECTRO/20/20 Converting many 40mph roads to 30mph*lower speedsMMcD
211102CECCorstorphine LTN How to respond*West Ed CC
211026MidlothianA701 Relief Road /A702 Link Road*MidlothianDF+AM
211022E LothianE Lothian Access Study (including rail)E Lothianno volunteer
211004ScotGovPenalty Charges for Parking Enforcementnationalno volunteer
210930Hist Env ScotlandHolyrood Park road access*Holyrood ParkJR
210920CECProposed CEC LEZ*local non-ATCC
210912CECDraft 2030 Climate Strategy*local non-ATLF
210906Transp ScotWorkplace Parking Levy procedures*nationalJR
210813 ScotParlScottish Budget 22/23, pre-budget consultationnationalno volunteer
210730Transp ScotTraffic Regulation Order procedures*nationalDdF
210726SEStranRegional Transport Strategy – Case for Change reportLothiansMMcD(?)
210726CECRegional Prosperity Framework (2021-2041)local non-ATno volunteer
210716EL councilMusselburgh Active Toun*E LothianER
210704CECCorstorphine Connections LTN*West EdCC
210704CECLeith Connections LTN (FoTW-OT cycleroute will be separate)*LeithAMcP/ MMcD
210421SEStranRegional Transport Strategy – Preliminary report*LothiansEJ
210405CECSpaces for People, make permanent? *covidEJ/RG
210331ScotGovSTPR2 Strategic Transp Projects Review*national1. DdF re phase 1
2. Spokes/LS re SfP
210312CECAirport – new access road & cycleroute*West EdPH
210228CECEast Craigs Connections (LTN)*West EdHW
210228CECCorstorphine Connections (LTN)*West EdCC
210228CECLeith Connections (bike route & LTN)*LeithMMcD
210226CECWest Edinburgh Link TROs/RSOs*West EdAM
210219ScotGovNPF4 ‘Position Statement’ nationalawait later full consultn
210122ScotGovCleaner Air for Scotland 2nationalno volunteer
210112ScotGovClimate Change Plan Update #CCPu*nationalDdF
201224CECNewbattle Terr public realm*South-central EdSpokes S.Ed
201214ML councilCore Paths review*MidlothianDF
201213CECBrunstane Rd Quiet neighbourhood*East EdPorty
201201Transp ScotScotland Road Safety Framework 2030 (includes 2050 Vision Zero)*national PH
201119ScotGovInfrastructure Investment Plan*nationalSW
201112ScotGovGarden sheds – permitted development rights*garden storageGC
201030CECTRO/20/07 Converting more 30mph roads to the 20mph network20mph etc no volunteer
201027UK GovHighwayCode consultn*nationalMMcD
201016CECTRO/20/20 Reducing 40mph to 30mph20mph etcno volunteer
201009CECTRO/17/101A RSO/18/01A Causey project*south-centralRG
201008Transp ScotWinchburgh Junction trunk road*west LothianEJ
200930CECRoseburn to Canal, planning app 20/03561/FUL *northAM
200831CECNewbattle Terr resurfacing & ‘place’ [email-only consultn] *south-central Spokes S.Ed, JR
Wide range of schemes with 5-day stakeholder consultations only
laterGreenspace TrustHunters Hall Park, Active Travel Route [consultation start delayed]laterPH
200630 SG JTC Just Transition Commission report [climate] national no volunteer
200603F’houseNew Filmhouse in Festival Square [20/01235/PAN]*south-centralSW
200504CECTRO/20/10 OnStreet Bike Storagestorageno volunteer
200501CECLittle France Park – Management Plan 2020-2030*eastAM
200430Transp ScotSTPR2 [local- area report] – Case for Change, Edinburgh & S.E. Scotland nationalDF
200430SG PlanningNPF4, National Planning Framework 4*nationalER
200430CEC Choices for City Plan 2030*policy PH
200430 CEC City Mobility Plan*policySW
200326CECWater of Leith Management Plan*westPH
200306CECGranton Waterfront Development Frameworknorthnone?
200131Transp ScotSheriffhall roundabout Road & Side-Roads Orders*southDF
200128ScotGovPermitted Development Rights (affects bike storage containers in gardens)*storageDdF
Strategic Transport Projects Review 2*nationalPH
191126CECSunday parking charges*policyPH
191125CECCameron Toll to BioQuarter*southRG/AM
191122CECBus Lanes 7-7-7 consultn*busDdF
190913CECAstley Ainslie site future*southPH
National Transport Strategy draft*national DF
190906ScotParlRoad maintenance & scot budget*national
210721CECLEZ *policy DdF
Roseburn to Canal
[only shows previous consultn!]
190707CECCity Centre Transformationarticle
190707 CECMeadows-GeorgeSt*southCP
190705CECRedford Barracks siteAM
1906??CECCCWEL phase 2 TRO*centreRG
1905??CECQueensferry [no web page]*west EJ
190507CECRejuvenating Roseburnn/aRG
190426RailWaverley Stn masterplan*railEJ
190315CECWest Edin Link – concept*westAM
1903??MLA701 corridor [no web page]*MidlothDF
190125CECGeorge St & 1st New Town*CityCRG
1901??ScotParlRestricted Roads (20mph) Bill*nationalPH
1809??ScotParl Transport (Scotland) Bill*national DdF