February 2025

Lothians (EL+ML+WL) + Regional

This page is to cover local issues relevant to all the Lothians, or the south east Scotland region, but of less specific relevance to Edinburgh.   There are also separate pages for issues affecting only Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian or West Lothian.   You’ll also find quite a few Lothians items in our regular action-updates and spokesworkers.

2201 20 Circular to Lothians members Re: assorted current issues + useful council links

2201 SEStran Regional Transport Strategy  Draft strategy  Consultation Hub [the hub is slow to navigate; there is a text version of the hub material here – recommended!]  Consultation Questionnaire   Spokes response

2107 SEStran Regional Transport Strategy  Case for Change report  RTS main page  Survey

2104 SEStran Regional Transport Strategy  RTS website page  Consultation  Spokes consultation response

2005 SEStran Strategic (Cycle) Network – Cross Boundary Active Travel Routes Link [35MB file!]

1805 Circular to East & Midlothian + Borders members re various consultations [pdf]

1601 Circular to Lothians members Re: Spokes map outlets & many other items [pdf]

1511 Circular to Lothians members [pdf 242k]

1510 Circular to Lothians members [pdf 231k]

1509 SESplan Regional Strategy, Main Issues Report (MIR) consultation.   Spokes SESplan MIR response [pdf 80k]

1508 Circular to all members, including a lot of Lothians items

1411 Circular to Lothians members [pdf 209k]

1408 Circular to all Lothians members [pdf 216k]

1406 Circular to all Lothians members [pdf 206k]

1311 Circular to all Lothians members [pdf 174k]

1309 Circular to all Lothians members [pdf 107k]