January 2013

Princes Street petition

Spokes is calling for Princes Street, Scotland’s premier street, to be made pedestrian-friendly, cycle-friendly, and a truly great place to move around, relax, shop, eat and enjoy in peace and safety. Please sign our petition – see link below!!


Grit not greet

[Note – This news item is from 2013, when Edinburgh’s regularised cycleroute gritting scheme began. For current Council gritting priorities & map see our council links page]

Whilst cyclists across the UK are greeting* about icy bikepaths, Edinburgh Council is being praised for its gritting…


Leith Walk future

A remarkable joint submission by Greener Leith, Spokes, local Community Councils, the Cockburn and other groups puts the council under unprecedented pressure to come up with a truly people-friendly Leith Walk, including a ‘protected’ uphill cycle lane …


Midlothian cycle facilities – now and future

Cllr Ian Baxter, Spokes member and Green councillor, has sent us an extensive list of cycling facilities in Midlothian, and is to draw up a paper of problems and opportunities which need addressed to encourage more people to use bikes for more journeys.


Airdrie-Bathgate admission + Borders link

[Borders Rail paragraphs updated 7.1.13 and again 28.1.13] The Scottish Government has allocated £500k for improved cycle/pedestrian access to stations on the now 2-year old Airdrie-Bathgate railway – a welcome sum and also a tacit admission that the original plans left a lot to be desired …
