February 2025

Supermarket/Shops parking/access project

A project to identify the problems and the potential of bike parking in Edinburgh and the Lothians at shops and supermarkets, and hopefully to prompt action to improve things.   The project was originally labelled ‘supermarket’ but many of the ideas also apply to local shops.

Email address for comments & queries:  ShopsProject AT spokes.org.uk

1802 Bike Parking & Access – Spokes guidance leaflet for shop managers and developers [pdf 1.5MB].  The leaflet is also available printed and was included as a centre page supplement in Spokes Bulletin 130.   Tweet of leaflet   Tweet of Dalry Rd Lidl

1609 Supermarket Survey by Peter Hawkins  Although not part of our project, Peter did a valuable survey of supermarkets in his area, inspired by our Shopping by Bike competition.   Competition Entry [one page].  Full report.

1509 Good Practice Guide for installations – provisional outline structure [doc 19k]

1507 Survey report [pdf 412k]  Full raw data [excel]   Example map displaying a few of the results [link]

1504 Ideas for future action [doc 18k]

1503-> Discussion of the project on Cycling Edinburgh Forum

1503 Survey form [pdf version] – the survey was conducted on survey monkey

1503 Original website article – explaining the project and seeking survey responses.   Our tweet advertising the article, and the various responses to the tweet.


Sustrans LN02 factsheet, 2006 [pdf][no longer on Sustrans site] – retailers overestimate the value of car traffic and underestimate sustainable modes

CityLab report on 12 studies around the world – showing how local business often benefits from bike lanes

Why Businesses Want Bike Riding Customers – article from Momentum magazine, with links to evidence sources

Cycling and the Economy – extensive CTC briefing, covering national and local aspects