July 2024


Until 2020 the 3-a-year Spokes Bulletin was our main (printed) publication. However, following the covid pandemic hiatus and the ongoing move to digital, we now expect to publish just one or two editions a year. Instead, there is now a comprehensive member email bulletin, roughly monthly, called the Action-Update (also sometimes called SpokesWorker).

Distribution – An occasional printed Bulletin (around 8000 copies) remains valuable, for picking-up in bike shops and libraries, for bike leafletting (e.g. in shopping streets and at workplaces) and for distribution to relevant groups such as councillors and MSPs, as well as to Spokes members. Until the above post-2020 changes, we used a far wider distribution and printed around 12,000 copies.

Advertising – for full info please email spokes @ spokes.org.uk  [FAO Dave].   As a rough guide, in Bulletin 138 the adverts on page 4 cost £200, and we offer lower prices to local bike shops and businesses. We also offer space for an A5 flyer in the roughly-800 Spokes member household envelopes at a very reasonable charge.

Bulletin 138 – summer 2024 [pdf 5.7MB] – 8000 printed (to members, libraries, bike shops and for bike-leafletting at workplaces and shopping areas)

  • Council new Future Streets plans, with maps
  • CCWEL, first substantial main road segregated route, opens after 10-year delivery agony
  • Scotgov fears over traffic reduction commitment and bike cash allocation methods
  • Tramline crashes – reporting portal and ideas to reduce risk of being a victim
  • Climate crisis; bike/rail developments; friendly organisations; and much more…
  • and, stapled into in the printed version, our new Bike Storage at Home factsheet

Bulletin 137 – Spring 2023 [pdf 2.9MB] – 6000 printed (first post-covid; no longer widely distributed to organisations)

  • Draft Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) – emphasising segregated main-road routes
  • Tramline crashes – reporting portal and ideas to reduce risk of being a victim
  • Minority Council – Transport Cttee seems to be functioning well
  • Spaces for People – ETRO consultation underway
  • and circulated to members with our new Shopping by Bike factsheet

Bulletin 136 – Spring 2020 [pdf 5.6MB] – 13,000 printed

  • Edinburgh plans for 2020 itself and for the coming decade
  • Expert Committees climate/transport recommendations
  • Climate wisdom from young and old
  • Schools cycling developments
  • Bikes on bus, rail, tram
  • Adding cycle facilities when roads are resurfaced
  • and much more…
  • The printed bulletin includes our Local Bike Campaigning factsheet as a centre-page supplement
  • and if you are a Spokes member your mailing also includes…
    • the new Inner-Tube Edinburgh bike map
    • Spokes maps news & offers
    • Flyers for Edinburgh – St Andrews charity bike ride and Sustrans Workplace Challenge.

Bulletin 135 – Winter 2019/20 [pdf 4.6MB] – 13,200 printed. Includes…

  • Scotland’s Programme for Government & Budget – will they live up to their ‘climate emergency’ background?
  • New cycling solutions for Edinburgh – secure bike storage, cargo bikes, cycle hire – public meeting and page 2 feature
  • Climate emergency – transport actions needed
  • City Centre Transformation picks up on Spokes ideas
  • Roadworks & closures – best practice factsheet needed
  • HST trains – 20 bike spaces promised; 2 delivered
  • The printed Bulletin centre page supplement is Inspired to Go By Bike – stories from real local people on what got them cycling for everyday journeys – available online as a separate pdf and as a printed factsheet.

Bulletin 134 – Summer 2019 [pdf 3.9MB] – 13,600 printed.  Includes…

  • City Centre Transformation special – page 1 article plus Council supplement in printed bulletin (separately online here)
  • Cargobike developments in Edinburgh
  • Spokes competition 2019, My Cycling Inspiration
  • Scottish Parliament – Climate Emergency & Transport
  • Flying – personal decisions on climate implications
  • Unsegregated cycle lanes – their past and present roles
  • Scottish government wavering over 20mph Bill
  • and if you are a Spokes member your mailing also includes …
    • New Spokes factsheet – living in a tenement/flat with a bike
    • Council Meadows-George St project – consultation info
    • and more…

Bulletin 133 – Spring 2019 [pdf 3.9MB] – 13,200 printed.  Includes…

  • Predicted growth in car/air use incompatible with climate aims
  • Spokes support for new Shrub Food-Sharing Hub e-cargobike
  • Onstreet bike storage coming this year
  • The human costs of cycle project delays
  • Abandoned bikes – what to do about them
  • Broken or redundant bike bits – what to do with them
  • Toxic pollution
  • Tramline miscellany – existing and future tramlines
  • and much more…
  • and in the printed Bulletin…
    • Supplement – Climate/Transport/Cycling – available separately as a pdf here.
    • The supplement includes party statements on climate/transport/cycling
  • and if you are a Spokes member your mailing also includes …
    • Scottish Workplace Journey Challenge flyer (prizes!!)
    • Council west-east cycleroute – latest update bulletin.

Bulletin 132 – Winter 2018/19 [pdf 3.1MB] – 13,200 printed.  Includes…

  • The impact of e-bikes on individuals
  • The impact of Edinburgh bike share
  • City Centre transformation – is it coming?
  • Cycling for All / Diversity
  • Climate change & transport
  • Tram extension – cycling impacts
  • Edinburgh Localities & local campaigning
  • New bike/rail carriages for rural Highland lines
  • Policing – average speed cameras & #OpClosePass
  • And in the printed Bulletin…
    • Supplement – Why E-Bike? – available separately on our e-bike page
  • And if you are a Spokes member your mailing also includes …
    • Home Energy Scotland quiz & prize draw for an e-bike!!
    • Home Energy Scotland info on ebikes, EV and smart home energy
    • Allan McDougall solicitors, what to do in a cycling crash

Bulletin 131 – Summer 2018 [pdf 6.0MB] – 13,700 printed.  Includes…

  • Cycling – What Works? – Scottish Parliament Edinburgh case study
  • Has bike use now plateau’ed in Edinburgh, and what must be done?
  • Forthcoming Edinburgh Bike Share scheme
  • Tramline extension consultation plans very disturbing
  • Spokes Summer 2018 competition
  • Cargo Bikes – Spokes grants for community organisations
  • Rural footways – derelict but potentially very valuable
  • Public health benefits of regular bike use
  • And in the printed Bulletin…
  • And if you are a Spokes member your mailing also includes …

Bulletin 130 – Spring 2018 [pdf 5.5MB] – 13,000 printed

  • Cycling & the Tram Extension – a major 2018 issue and forthcoming Spokes public meeting
  • Picardy Place/ Leith Walk/ Leith St – what & why
  • Spokes 40th anniversary ‘school photo’
  • Outcomes from our ‘Low cost ideas’ competition
  • City Centre ‘Transformation’
  • Delays – Edinburgh [stop press]
  • Delays – Scot Govt – including bike sheds/ trunk road cycling
  • And in the printed BulletinShops Bike Parking guide [pdf 1.5MB] – use this to encourage your local shop/supermarket to install quality parking

Bulletin 129 – Winter 2017/18 [pdf 7.7MB] – 13,000 printed

  • Scottish cycling investment doubled!!
  • E-Mobility feature – articles, adverts, local suppliers
  • Competition results & winners – low cost ideas
  • Edinburgh cycling development
  • Tramline safety measures
  • Leith Walk 2-stage turn & bus stop bypass
  • Transport Scotland taking cycling more seriously?
  • Sheriffhall roundabout – hopeful signs
  • Union Canal towpath study ideas
  • ??Dedicated carriages for bikes etc on Highlands rural routes
  • And in the printed BulletinSEStran supplement
  • And in your mailing if you are a Spokes member…
    • Prize draw for a folding Coyote e-bike
    • Public meeting poster – Cycling Policies in the New Councils
    • Helmsdale Station holiday accommodation, with folding-bike hire
    • Our new factsheet on making your workplace bike-friendly.

Bulletin 128 – Summer 2017 [pdf 7.5MB] – 13,200 printed

  • Edinburgh Council – 10% cycling budget safe following elections
  • Spokes traffic counts – 10 year trend of car down & bike up
  • Spokes is 40 this autumn – see supplement below
  • Scottish government – cycling an afterthought after ‘big’ decisions …
  • … e.g. Sheriffhall roundabout, HST bike space cutbacks
  • 2017 competition – low cost ideas to boost bike use
  • Council election manifesto promises – don’t forget them!
  • Police Edinburgh initiatives – #OpClosePass & Average Speed Cameras
  • Spokes innovative Haymarket information board
  • And in the printed BulletinSpokes 40-year Bikeography centre-page supplement [pdf]
  • And in your mailing if you are a Spokes member…

Bulletin 127 – Spring 2017 [pdf 4.7MB] – 13,000 printed

  • Edinburgh Council – 10% of transport budget to cycling
  • Scottish Government – 1.6% of transport budget to cycling
  • Main road cycleroutes – successes, problems, initiative by Minister
  • Edinburgh cycle projects for 17/18
  • Unsettling setts for cycling & walking
  • Car emissions – climate and toxic
  • CAPS3 Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, short of cash
  • Spokes traffic count hits the headlines
  • And in the printed Bulletin… A Carplus Bikeplus centre-page supplement [pdf]
  • And in your mailing if you are a Spokes member…

Bulletin 126 – Late 2016 [pdf 5.5MB]  13,000 printed

Bulletin 125 – Summer 2016 [pdf 5.9MB] 13,400 printed

Bulletin 124 – Spring 2016 [pdf 6.0MB]  13,000 copies printed

  • Business backs Bikes
  • Scottish Government transport priorities are wrong
  • Holyrood Election May 2016 + Spokes hustings public meeting
  • Big events: #LoveToRide #PoP2016 #GetActiveMOOC #EdFoC
  • City Centre East-West cycleroute
  • Scottish Budget 2016/17 means councils will invest less
  • Potholes – why?
  • Bridges: Forth Bridge; Calton Valley; Edinburgh Gateway underpass
  • ALSO … Bulletin 124 [printed version] contains a 4-page pull-out extract from the Sustrans Edinburgh Bike Life report [pdf 1.7MB]
  • ALSO … members received in their mailing, flyers from …  LoveToRide Edinburgh Bike Challenge; PoP [+ a bike sticker]; Lepra St Andrews Ride.

Bulletin 123 – Winter 2015/16 [pdf 5.9MB]  13,000 copies printed

  • Edinburgh 11.8% bike commuting (+/-4%) – and why rising?
  • Correction – the article also says… “4.2% of Edinburgh people say their main travel mode is bike.”  We should have said “4.2% of all journeys in Edinburgh are by bike” (+/- 1.2%).  See news item for explanation.
  • Climate/Transport/Cycling Nov 17 public meeting
  • Opening of Edinburgh’s first onroad segregated lanes
  • Waverley station ramp reopens to cycling
  • West End tramline/Princes St crossing – Spokes proposal
  • Summer competition winning entries
  • Spokes ‘Be Bike Alert’ video
  • Edinburgh needs to learn – e.g. carfree days, bus lane times
  • Government Trunk Road Cycling policies 20 years outdated
  • Holyrood election: #walkcyclevote & election dilemma
  • and loads more…
  • ALSO … Bulletin 123 [printed version] contains this pull-out Climate/Transport/Cycling supplement [pdf 4.2MB]
  • ALSO … members received in their mailing … the Transform Scotland transport ambitions for political party Holyrood manifestos … a rather lovely flyer advertising several cycletouring books including the excellent new Scottish C2C route guide (Annan to Forth Bridge).

Bulletin 122 – Summer 2015 [pdf 5.8MB]  13,300 copies printed

  • Edinburgh tops UK – cycling to get 10% of transport cash
  • Bikes on trams – UK first for Edinburgh
  • Traffic count – cars down again, highest bike % ever
  • Edinburgh to cut bus lane times, Glasgow increases them
  • Spokes supermarket project
  • Summer competition – My Favourite Bike Ride
  • City centre bike route plans
  • Scot Govt trunk road dept fails cycling
  • ‘War on the motorist’ – really??
  • Bike/rail – Public meeting and Abellio plans
  • and loads more…
  • ALSO … Bulletin 122 [printed version] includes this pull-out supplement from Transform Scotland [pdf 3.2MB]
  • ALSO … Members receive in their mailing … the EdFoC printed programme … a Bike Station update of news and opportunities … Midlothian flyer of cafes and attractions who welcome cyclists … great Tim Smith posters for our Bike/Rail public meeting and Bike Breakfast … and more …

Bulletin 121 – Early 2015 [pdf 3.8MB]

  • Extra £3.9m Scottish Government infrastructure cash
  • London segregated superhighways – will Edinburgh follow?
  • Edinburgh Transport strategy – the good & the bad
  • Edinburgh shocking retreat on bus lane timings
  • Edinburgh cycle budget 15/16 will be 8% of transport
  • City Centre special feature
  • Cargo bike delivery
  • Spokes supermarkets bike parking/access project
  • Edinburgh: arterial roads, experimental schemes, 20mph, bike share
  • Government cycling cash 2001-2015
  • and loads more…
  • ALSO … Bulletin 121 [printed version] includes this pull-out supplement from Abellio [pdf 1.8MB] the new Dutch operators of ScotRail.
  • ALSO … Members receive in their mailing … a Bike Station news update … Factsheet on living in tenement/flat with a bike … PoP2015 flyer … a great Tim Smith poster for our public meeting … and more …

Bulletin 120 – Late 2014  [pdf 1.8MB]

  • Scottish Government 15/16 Budget flim-flam
  • Lothians feature, supplement & public meeting
  • Annual councils’ cycle funding survey
  • Bike/rail developments, good and bad
  • New cycleroutes opening and planned
  • £202 for bike-shed refusal
  • Haymarket tramline crashes continue.  Solutions?
  • Road maintenance weighting for roads important to cycling
  • and loads more…
  • ALSO…
  • Bulletin 120 includes a pullout-supplement about Lothians Cycling Developments [pdf 1.9MB].  Here are the pages as individual pdfs (some are sharper as individual pages than in the combined document)…

Bulletin 119 – Summer 2014 [pdf 4.9MB]

  • £3m Sustrans funding wins by West Lothian & Edinburgh
  • Bikes up & cars down (again) in Edinburgh
  • Government cycling investment up 2014/15, but down again 2015/16
  • Spokes Summer 2014 competition, My Memorable Moment
  • Our ideas to extend Middle Meadow Walk cycleroute
  • Edinburgh HGV lorry driver cycle training
  • Rural A roads danger, including A701 crash
  • and lots more

Bulletin 118 – Spring 2014 [pdf 3.3MB]

  • Census data shows Edinburgh sustainable transport progress
  • Haymarket tramline crashes – Spokes proposal
  • Transport & Planning – failure of joined-up thinking
  • Everday bike use in Edinburgh – photos
  • Public meeting with Prof Colin Pooley & Council Leader Andrew BurnsClimate change heads for dangerous 2C level
  • Scottish Govt cycle funding due to fall back in 2015/16
  • and loads more

Bulletin 117 – Late 2013 [pdf 6MB]

  • Government cycle cash up – but little hope for 2020
  • Spokes victory on garden bike storage
  • Spokes 17th annual survey of Scottish cycling investment
  • Using a bike is safer, but it’s starting to turn.  Why?
  • Scottish justice fails victims and endangers road users
  • Edinburgh gets cash for Leith Walk and Meadows
  • ‘Cycling with a Purpose’ – photo comp prizewinners
  • Kirkpatrick MacMillan, bicycle inventor – tapestry celebration
  • and much more…

Bulletin 116
 – Summer 2013 [pdf 5.1MB]
– Edinburgh to Forth Bridge major upgrade – thanks to you!!
– Parking in cycle lanes – will Edinburgh Council act?
– Parking in bike lanes – proof that it can be changed
– Princes Street – Edinburgh risks its cycling reputation
– Spokes summer competition – photo + caption
– Cycling investment schemes in and around Edinburgh
– Quality Bike Corridor – survey of Spokes members
– Magic money pot – Scottish Government massive cash for more road projects, peanuts for cycling
– Station bike hubs – Stirling & Waverley news
– and much more…
Bulletin 116 also includes a pullout supplement on Strict Liability [pdf 4.3MB]
Members also receive in their mailing
a printed programme for Edinburgh Festival of Cycling.

Bulletin 115 – Spring 2013 [pdf 4.2MB]
– Princes Street – pictures of present and  ???future
– Edinburgh cycling budget 6% of total transport 2013-14
– Scottish Government cyclng budget 1% of total transport 2013-14
– Edinburgh Local Transport Strategy consultation
– Bike storage in gardens – two victories at appeal – what’s next?
– Staggering bike safety variations between road types
– Climate changing: emissions not changing
– Spokes ideas for a NPF3 National Cycling Infrastructure project
Bulletin 115 also includescentre-page pullout from Cycling Scotland [pdf 2.3MB] with details on the CAPS Progress Report and Refresh, NPF3 national cycling project ideas, and more…
Members also receive in their mailout info from Storybikes, St Andrews Ride, Stop Climate Chaos, Cycle Law Scotland, Pedal on Parliament; and a survey of member views on Princes Street and the Quality Bike Corridor.

Bulletin 114 – Late 2012 [pdf 7.2MB]
– Scottish cycling policy and funding – no more cuts but no hope for bike use target
– Spokes 16th annual survey of Scottish councils cycle funding
– ‘My Favourite Place by Bike’ – competition results
– Edinburgh council project openings + plans for 2013 + our concerns
– Bike storage – council policy conflict, Planning over-ruling Transport
– Facts & theories relating bike use, danger, scariness, infrastructure, helmets, etc
– And much more..   e.g. Chris Hoy; Climate inaction; Motoring muddle; …
The printed bulletin also has a centre-page pullout – the new Spokes Shared Paths flyer [link] and Edinburgh Bike Station news [pdf 75k].
Spokes member mailings also include the newsletter of the CHAMP cycling project.

Bulletin 113 – Summer 2012 [pdf 5.1MB]
– Council elections outcomes, Edinburgh and wider
– Pedal on Parliament, report and pictures
– Government active travel funding remains woeful
– Spokes summer competition – my favourite place by bike
– Helmets controversy
– and lots more – info, oddities, and letters needed!
– Sustrans Scotland pullout supplement [pdf  916k] – including local developments
– All Spokes members also received a free PoP picture postcard [link] in their mailing.

Bulletin 112 – Spring 2012 [pdf 6.2MB]
– Edinburgh Council remarkable “5%+rising+external” budget decision
– Government retreat on active travel budget cuts after massive campaign
– Bike use booming in Edinburgh
– Cycling growth and investment brings many new jobs
– Princes Street paradise (in December)
– A90 ‘flagship’ bike route remains disaster area
– And lots more info/ideas/suggestions for letters/emails…
– Transform Scotland pull-out supplement [pdf  1.1MB] – detailed coverage of the TS Civilising the Streets report.

Bulletin 111 – Late 2011 [pdf 4.9MB]
– Draft budget 2012/13 makes a mockery of SNP election manifesto
– Edinburgh Council 2012 big projects onroad and offroad
– Annual Spokes funding survey 2010/11 – ‘best year so far’ for cycle projects
Correction – On p7 the heading for columns h-m should say 10/11, not 9/10.
– Spokes summer competition results
– Bikes & tram, bikes & rail
– And lots more info/ideas/suggestions for letters/emails…
Edinburgh Council ATAP 4-page pullout supplement [pdf 4.1MB] with Family Network proposals map, also Cycle Friendly City onroad, bike parking, overnight storage, etc, etc.

Bulletin 110 – Summer 2011 [pdf 3.0MB]
– Holyrood SNP overall majority – opportunities and threats for cycling
– £50m annually needed to meet government bike use target
– Spokes funding survey – inadequate but worthwhile investment growth
– Edinburgh Bike Quality Corridor – red surfacing campaign
– A90 tourist, commuter and leisure route – campaiging history
– 2011/12 bike projects by Edinburgh & W Lothian councils
– And lots more info/ideas/suggestions for letters/emails…
– Sustrans 4-page pull-out supplement [All pdf’s of 1.3-1.4MB  p1 p2 p3 p4.

Bulletin 109 – Spring 2011 [pdf 2.0MB]
– Existing Scottish Government policy won’t achieve 2020 cycling target
– May 5 Holyrood election pre-manifestos
– Princes St at Mound: more cars or more bikes? Council must choose
– New bike schemes: Edinburgh & West Lothian Councils
– Spokes projects: bike storage & family commuter cycling
– Cycle facilities: positive research results
– And lots more:  news/events/ideas for your actions/letters
Bike Station 4-page supplement [pdf 1.1MB][this forms pages 5-8 of the printed Bulletin, but online it is this separate download.  The printed Bulletin pages are numbered p1-p12, the online Bulletin p1-p8].

Bulletin 108 – Late 2010 [pdf 4.6MB]
– Scottish cycle funding recovery – but for 2010/11 only??
– Local cycle infrastructure projects 2010/11
– Transport Scotland failure to integrate cycling
– Ride Planet Earth
– Maintenance of road surfaces and of bike facilities
– Spokes summer ‘path art’ competition results
– Lots more local news – storage project, Princes St, top people’s ride, …

Bulletin 107 – Summer 2010 [pdf 3.5MB]
– Princes St & Picardy Place top Edinburgh cycling issues in big cyclist survey
– Spokes 09/10 Scottish funding survey – decline continues but may bottom out
Correction – On p5 the heading for columns h-m should say 09/10, not 08/09.
– Big funding test in Scottish Government Spending Review 2011-14
– Edinburgh bike use statistics looking good
– Spokes and the tram – where Spokes stands
– Bike/rail news, good (Inverness mainlines) and bad (North Berwick)

Bulletin 106 – Spring 2010 [pdf 4.0MB]
– Cycle investment falling year by year since SNP gained power
– Edinburgh City Council new impetus? – public meeting
– City Council bike use target – can it be achieved?
– Bikes everywhere – pictures
– Bikes and public transport – rail, tram & bus news
– Scottish Planning Policy – very useful new document
– Spokes news – tenement parking, Parliament, competition + more!
– Plenty more news and things to do
– Sustrans Scotland – Edinburgh/Lothians developments
Bike Station 4-page supplement [pdf 4.1MB] [this forms pages 8-11 of the printed Bulletin, but online it is this separate download.  Page 12 of the printed Bulletin becomes page 8 of the online version].
Correction– The printed Bulletin wrongly credits the tramlines photo on p7 to Darren Mirfield at flickr.com.   In fact it is by Duncan Wallace.

Bulletin 105 – Late 2009 [pdf 2.2MB]
– Cycling SuperCorridor? – Edinburgh plans for Mayfield-Meadows
– Edinburgh special – targets, budget plans, Old Dalkeith Rd, Rodney St, Princes St …
– 2010/11 Scottish Budget again freezes active travel & expands trunk roads
– Why Edinburgh bike use has been rising
– Safety in Numbers
– ScotRail bike initiatives
– December climate change events
– Lots more news and things to do.
Corrections -This online pdf has been corrected, but the printed Bulletin has 2 errors.   On p3 the 3rd line from the end should refer to the current Spokes budget submission, not the 08/09 one.  On p7, col 2, para 4, the survey was in 2007 not 1997.

Bulletin 104 – Summer 2009 [pdf 2008k]
– Princes Street for tram/ped/bike campaign hope??
– Spokes 2008/09 financial survey and analysis – shows that cycling investment in Scotland fell badly in 2008/09 (and is set to fall further this year) as a result of Scottish Government policies – at the same time as trunk road spending rises hugely.
– Bikes & trams/ Bikes and buses
– Edinburgh Council – some glimmers of hope!!
– 6 people (including 4 Spokes members) who’re doing their bit for cycling in Edinburgh
– Cycle Action Plan Consultation – how can the Scottish govt be serious about its 10% 2020 target when investment is far below European levels – and falling.

Bulletin 103 [pdf 5168k]
Bulletin 102 [pdf 4606k]
Bulletin 101 [pdf 1110k]

Bulletin 100 [pdf 4000k, not searchable]  Bulletin 100 [pdf 231k, searchable but no graphics]  Celebrates 100 issues of the Spokes Bulletin, plus two 500,000 anniversaries!

Bulletin 99 [pdf 4.5MB] – Scrapping of RTP cash.  B99 text-only [the with-pictures pdf isn’t always opening properly]
Bulletin 98 [pdf 1.3MB] – Spokes 30th anniversary. See also Spokesworker 7.10.22.
Bulletin 97 [pdf 822k]
Bulletin96 [pdf 2.7MB]

Bulletin 95 [pdf 2040k]

Bulletin 94 [pdf 705k]  sorry, only have lo-res version

Bulletin 93 [pdf 1487k]  This issue [page 3] covers the Council Streetscape consultation which generated huge and highly informative feedback on coloured surfacing – including personal letters to councillors from  a remarkable 60 or so individuals (many of which were copied to Spokes) showing the great depth of feeling and the very helpful range of aspects covered by such a range of individuals.

Bulletin 92 [pdf 1.1MB]
Bulletin 91 [pdf 1.3MB]
Bulletin 90 [pdf 494k]
Bulletin 89 [pdf 814k]

Bulletin 86 [pdf]

Bulletin 84 [pdf]

Bulletin 74photo of dangerous redesign of Dalry Rd at Orwell Place junction

Bulletin 72, May 1999 [pdf 3.2MB]  The Parliament Way (never built!);  Council election statements

Bulletin 70, Late 1998 [pdf 3.5MB] Edinburgh Council boosts Cycle Team;  Spokes Cycle Challenge map distribution project to 200,000 households

Bulletin 68 p1+8 [pdf 1.4MB] Marking the reversal in ScotRail bike/rail attitudes; culmination of a long and hard-fought Spokes campaign.

Bulletin 64 p1 Spokes 20th anniversary

Bulletin 63 p3 [pdf 184k] Smooth strip through cobbles in historic Linlithgow town centre ‘Cross’ area

Bulletin 61 p4 [pdf] Conservative government abolishes Lothian Regional Council

Bulletin 55 (complete) North Edin Network theme Pages 1-3 & 6-8 / Pages 4-5, centre spread /

Bulletin 37 p1 [pdf] Part of the campaign for Canal-West End link
Bulletin 36 p1 & p3 [pdf] ditto

Bulletin 33 [pdf]  Spokes 10th anniversary issue
Bulletin 32 [pdf]

Bulletin 13 1982 p7 [jpg]

Bulletin 2 May 1978 [pdf]
Bulletin 1 April 1978 [pdf]

Bulletins 1-100 cover pages [link] This link takes you to the cover of Spokes Number 1.   Then click on Spokesleaflets Photostream here or on the flickr.com site to see them all.  With many thanks to Chris Hill.