This page is mainly intended as a ‘catch-all’ for important Spokes submissions relating to Edinburgh and not covered on the following pages…
- Edinburgh local areas
- Edinburgh policy issues
- The Lothians [click on the relevant page]
- Current planning proposals out for comment [and how to comment]
- Note that this page was only created in Sept 2015 so has nothing before that
- We only show really important applications, not the many others that we comment on most weeks
- If you have difficulty looking up planning applications, see here
1708 PA 15/04318/PPP Millburn Tower (off Gogar Station Road) Government Inquiry Spokes submission (mainly re need for Gogar rbt ped/cycle bridge) RBS BUG submission
1605 PA 15/04318/PPP Millburn Tower (off Gogar Station Road) See also 1511 below for earlier stages. Report to Committee by officers, recommending refusal. Spokes deputation to Committee. [Committee then overturns officers’ recommendation and approves development, but goes to full Council for final decision]. Spokes letter to Councillors before full Council, seeking crossing of A8/bypass/Gogar roundabout.
1512 PA 15/05100/FUL Balerno, south west of Newmills Road 200-space housing development, remote from all facilities. Good example of how the wording of the application distorts the reality of what will be largely car-based development. Application details [link]. Spokes objection [pdf].
1512 PA 15/05224/PPP South Of Freelands Farm, Freelands Road, Ratho 150-space housing development, remote from all facilities. Yet another example of how the wording of an application distorts the reality of what will be largely car-based development. Application details [link]. Spokes objection Freelands Rd, Ratho [pdf].
1511 PA 15/04318/PPP Millburn Tower (off Gogar Station Road) Massive housing development, disastrous for cycling & walking on Gogar Station Road. Application details [link]. Spokes objection [doc]. Objection by Royal Bank of Scotland Gogarburn Bicycle User Group – who have over 550 members [pdf].
1509 PA 15/03780/FUL Donaldsons’ School Planning application details [link]. Spokes objection [pdf 67k]