- It is difficult to classify some projects e.g. are they North or West?? Check out other areas on this page
- Post-covid (Travelling Safely) ETRO schemes (largely bollarded) – see post-covid page (North)
- For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page.
2406 Connecting Granton Waterfront [see also 2002 & 1811 below] Active Travel routes for the massive Granton Waterfront development (3500 homes, new school, retail, etc) Consultation / Questions very general – Spokes response general support – Expect more detail in next consultn /
2402 Powderhall Junction (see also 2209) Consultation / Spokes response /
2302 Roseburn to Canal Work begins Project website
2209 Powderhall Junction Consultation / Spokes response
2103 Roseburn to Canal – Planning Committee report Approval
2009 Roseburn to Canal – planning application submitted, ref 20/03561/FUL. There are over 200 documents(!) including Planning Statement & Design Impact Assessement. Spokes response
2005 Crewe Road South [covid temp cycle lane] Consultation Spokes response
2005 Warriston Road [covid temp closure] Consultation Spokes response
2002 Granton Waterfront Development Framework [see also 1811 below] Consultation Although this was on the Council’s Consultations page, it was ‘for info’ – no responses were sought. We were anyway fairly happy with it, or would have responded.
1906 Roseburn to Canal – project revived (was 1601/1402 below). No consultation website [contact is Graham.Cann@wsp.com]. Boundary map Masterplan map Consultation leaflet Comments from individuals Spokes response
1811 Granton ‘Waterfront’ consultation – a new ‘City Quarter’ with 4000 homes on brownfield land. Consultation. Spokes response.
1703 Dean Park Cres/ Queensferry Rd consultation Summary Consultation website Spokes response
1612 QR13 Lower Granton Road consultation Summary Consultation website Spokes response
1612 North Edinburgh Path Network consultation on improvements Summary Consultation website Spokes response
1612 QR20 Inverleith Place to Goldenacre Path Summary Consultation website Spokes response
1611 QR20 Carrington Road consultation Summary Consultation website Spokes response
1610 Cycling consultations – circular [pdf] to members in north, west and east Edinburgh about a wide range of consultations
1601 Roseburn-Canal link Council project web page Public consultation webpage Spokes Roseburn-Canal consultation response [pdf]
1402 Roseburn-Canal link Initial outline plan [pdf]