November 2024

Community bike project funds

This page lists possible funding sources for bike projects in the local community.  You will of course need to check whether your project idea fits the criteria of the grant scheme.   Note too that some grants are only available at certain times of year, so check too for any application deadline dates.

Cycling Scotland has a range of grants (usually up to around £20K) which come and go depending on government funding and on current priorities.  This currently includes grant schemes for communities, workplaces, schools, colleges, community housing, retailers.

Paths for All grants for a wide range of community path projects, small or large, including behaviour change as well as physical work.

ScotWays grants between £500-£1500 50/50 match funding for community projects involving path work, mapping and/or signing of routes.

Edinburgh Council grants up to £5000 for local community projects

East Lothian Council community funding web page – local and national funding sources

Midothian Council community funding web page – local and national funding sources

West Lothian Council community funding web page – local and national funding sources

Scotland Community Funding Sources – database of 0ver 800 funds, put together by SCVO.

People’s Postcode Lottery Trust – funding for small organisations and community groups “to make a difference to their community for the benefit of people and planet

The Big Lottery – grants large and small for community projects.  Around 250,000(!) projects supported since this began.  Application methods differ for grants over or under £10,000.

Scottish Government has a range of funding opportunities which come and go, generally for larger schemes, but some can be under £10K