July 2024

Where/how to report things

Potholes, road/path defects, faulty lights, abandoned bikes – see our Council Links page

Potholes – alternatively use this UK site – www.fillthathole.org.uk

Lothian Buses problems (or plaudits) – customer services – we suggest you also first read our buses downloads page.

Taxi problems (or plaudits) Normally, contact the taxi firm first and ask for your complaint to be recorded and investigated.

If you are dissatisfied, contact Edinburgh Council licensing section, who will then consider your complaint.  If you don’t know the company, go to the licensing section anyway.

Anti-social or criminal behaviour … there are many different degrees of urgency and of seriousness.   Our suggestions are…

  • Phone 999 in all conflict situations, whether the assault is on a path or involves a vehicle on the roads; or if a crime is taking place or someone is in immediate danger.   This includes for example someone who is drink-driving right now.   Also if ambulance and/or fire brigade are required.
  • Phone 0131 311 3131 for most other  incidents on cyclepaths or public roads – this is Lothian and Borders Police communications centre.  In most cases they will put you in touch with your local community police officer.  For path problems in Edinburgh another option is your Community Safety Team which works with local groups and with the police – contact them at antisocialbehaviour@edinburgh.gov.uk, phone 0131 529 7050.
  • Phone 0131 529 3030 [Edinburgh Council environment dept] for “environmental” problems such as rubbish etc on the paths (but use the above police number if you can provide evidence on the culprits).
  • Phone Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or go to Crimestoppers website if you wish to give information anonymously.   For example if you wish to report someone you know who drink-drives or drives without a license.

Practical and/or emotional victim support following road crimeRoadPeace [UK charity]  020 8964 1021

Towpath/Canal problems – use phone/email at www.scottishcanals.co.uk