- It is difficult to classify some projects e.g. are they North, East or West?? Check out other areas on this page
- Post-covid (Travelling Safely) ETRO schemes (largely bollarded) – see post-covid page (East)
- For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page.
2406 Seafield Regeneration / Council page / Consultation page / Seafield Masterplan stage 2, draft proposals / Spokes Porty response
2401 Major Junctions Review/Sir Harry L Rd junction [& see 2306 below] TEC 11.1.24. Committee report / Spokes Porty written deputation / tweet of the Committee /
2308 TRO/23/14 & RSO/23/15 Brunstane Road closure + Coillesdene traffic management – permanent TRO, advert for objections. The TRO Map looks unchanged from stakeholder consultation at 2303 below / RSO map / Statement of Reasons (identical in the TRO & RSO) / Spokes Porty response
2306 PB High Street/Sir Harry L Rd junction [& see 2212, 2110 below] TEC 15.6.23. Approval of ‘Option 3’ design & implementation. Committee report / Spokes Porty written deputation / tweet of the Committee /
2303 TRO/23/14 Brunstane Road closure + Coillesdene traffic management – permanent TRO following the ETRO (2209 below). Note that under new ScotGov rules future ETROs won’t need this subsequent TRO / map for stakeholder consultn / Spokes Porty response /
2302 PB 20-Minute Neighbourhood consultation / Spokes Porty response /
2212 PB High Street/Sir Harry L Rd junction [& see 2110 below] Report to 8.12.22 Transport Cttee (includes drawings of medium & long-term proposals)
2209 ETRO/21/13 Coillesdene traffic calming (includes Brunstane Road closure) (see also 2107 below) Post-implementation consultation. consultation link / pdf copy / Spokes Porty response
2206 Lochend & Easter Rd walk wheel cycle improvements consultation / summary text / map – Albion Rd jn / map – Moray Pk Terr / Spokes response
2204 Smokey Brae (Restalrig Rd South)/ Jocks Lodge Consultation on improved bike & walk conditions / Consultation text / MAPS – Overall / Smokey Brae / Marionville Jn / Jock’s Lodge / Spokes response / 2301 Consultation report /
2110 PB High Street/Sir Harry L Rd junction Report to 14.10.21 Transport Cttee Spokes deputation
2107 ETRO/21/13 Brunstane Road closure + Coillesdene calming [see 2011 for earlier consultns] Plan Statement of Reasons Spokes Porty response
2103 Innocent Railway history (by Historic Scotland) Link Includes video of last train to use the line, by Ron Leckie
2011 Brunstane Road / Coillesdene / Joppa triangle – consultation on experimental ‘Quiet Neighbourhood via road closures. TEC deputation from residents seeking this. Consultation map. Spokes Porty response. 2101 Transport Cttee report to go ahead with ETRO.
2011 PB High Street/Sir Harry L Rd junction – death of Heather Stronach, hit by lorry. Spokes Porty is discussing options with Council. Early plans by Council Council Transport Cttee decides additionally to review all major junctions.
2005 Duddingston Road/ Stanley Road ‘Safety Improvements’ Consultation Spokes (Porty) response
2004 Little France Park, Management Plan 2020-2030 includes 3.5m asphalt lit path linking important destinations Consultation Spokes response
1802 Meadowbank Major planning application (18/00154/PPP) to redevelop the Meadowbank site. Spokes objection [doc] To find the (massive) application details, enter above reference here.
1911 Jock’s Lodge / Piershill / Portobello Rd Incorporating active travel into a major road resurfacing scheme / Plans1 / Plans2 / Spokes draft comments /
1611 QR20 Easter Road crossing – proposals summary – consultation page – Spokes response
1610 Cycling consultations – circular [pdf] to members in north, west and east Edinburgh about a wide range of consultations
1609 QR61 Niddrie-Moredun-Gilmerton proposals summary – consultation page [link] – Spokes response [pdf]