January 2025

Talks by and/or about Spokes (incl infrastructure rides)

Spokes is happy to try and provide speakers, about Spokes and issues concerning us, for community groups, conferences, etc.  Please email spokes[AT]spokes.org.uk.  However we are all volunteers and it may not always be possible to find a speaker for a particular occasion.

This page shows talks, presentations, etc given by Spokes members or others.  Some are about Spokes itself, some are about planning or other issues.  Also the notes we produce for infrastructure discussion tours.

The material can be used as it stands or as the basis for new talks.   Some entries are notes, some powerpoints, depending on the person and the occasion.

Some other interesting talks/presentations [mainly by others] can be found on the page about Spokes public meetings.  If you wish to use any of those, please contact the relevant speaker.  There may also be useful material on our press letters page.


  • Unless otherwise stated, these materials are not official Spokes documents – they are prepared by individuals, giving their own understanding and emphases.  They should not be represented as giving an official Spokes position.
  • Anyone is welcome to use these materials providing the source is acknowledged and the link to the spokes website is given …  www.spokes.org.uk.


1911 SPARC Physical Activity conference – poster and paper by Spokes, based on Spokes competition entries – see our Cycling Inspiration advice page

1811 2018 activitiesloop slideshow [pdf] for Spokes ‘Diversity’ public meeting

1701 Active Travel in the Scottish Govt draft 17/18 budgetpowerpoint talk [ppt] to Transform Scotland members’ meeting

1611 Southside Planning Tour [for CyclingUK Scotland meeting] Tour map [pdf] Leader notes, with main points [doc] Speaker notes – more detail at each location [doc] Causey location notes [pdf] Causey project drawing [jpg] Gifford Park mural [jpg]

1606 City Centre Planning Tour – [as part of EdFoC 2016] to illustrate good and bad conditions for cycling.  Tour notes [docx]  Tour map [jpg].

1402 Organising the Bike Breakfast [ppt 1.5MB] Short presentation by Martyn Edelsten

1311 Planning and Cycling [pdf from ppt, 4.8MB] Talk by Marion Preez and Peter Hawkins to CEC planning officers

1301 Inconsiderate Cycling? [ppt 1.4MB] Mies Knottenbelt, thought-provoking presentation to a university MSc class project

1110 Spokes – description, activities, etc [doc 44k] Euan Renton to Drylaw & Telford Community Council

1011 Spokes – history, techniques, lessons [ppt 1.4MB] Dave du Feu to Cycling Scotland 2010 conference

1010 Spokes – history, techniques, lessons [ppt 1.3MB] Dave du Feu to Cyclenation Edinburgh conference

1010 Cycle funding – facts, lessons, Scotland & England [ppt 344k] Dave du Feu to Cyclenation Edinburgh conference

1006 How to campaign [txt 3k] A few brief ideas on motivation and success

1006 Politicians’ Ride : Spokes organised a ride for politicians and senior officials on 17.6.10.  Our politicians’ ride briefing document [pdf 161k] describes the issues covered on the ride.   For ride pictures see June 27 news item, politicians’ ride.

1005 Spokes – description, activities, projects [doc 63k] Katherine Ivory to Marchmont Community Council