It is difficult to classify some projects by area..
- This page is for areas South of the Grange/Morningside/KB area
- For Southside/Meadows/Grange/KB etc see our South Central page
- Check out other Edinburgh areas on this page
- For Midlothian (or other Lothians areas) see here
- The Sheriffhall saga has led to wider lobbying on trunk road cycling issues – see the national issues page
- For post-covid (Travelling Safely) ETRO schemes (largely bollarded) see post-covid page (South)
- For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page.
2405 Lasswade Road resurfacing, with AT improvements Stakeholder consultn letter & Spokes response / map1 / map2 / London Rd example to show separation type
2301 Sheriffhall Roundabout and Side-Road Orders [also 1912 below] Public inquiry. Spokes has joined with the ShOO group in a joint inquiry submission. [2404 update – the Inquiry report (confidential) has been with Ministers for some 6 months, but no announcement yet made]
2208 Inch Park Masterplan Consultation / consultation document / Spokes response
2206 Burdiehouse Walk Wheel Cycle improvements Consultation / text & outline maps / detailed maps / Spokes response
2005 Old Dalkeith Road [covid temp cycle lane] – see SfP (covid) schemes page
1912 Sheriffhall Roundabout and Side-Road Orders
- Draft Orders Email to Spokes members PoP article Spokes objection
- With the ScotGov Climate Emergency declaration since the last iteration of the plans, there is a new level of concern about the massive cash going to this trunk road expansion project. Evening News Midlothian View
1911 Cameron Toll to Bioquarter segregated cycleroute Consultation Spokes response Inch Community Assn response
1810-> Sheriffhall connecting routes, and the City/Region Deal
- 181025 Letter to Council Leaders & Transport Minister [pdf] seeking connecting cycleroutes, as part of the City Deal Sheriffhall project. Evening News article [jpg, online]. Tweet. Transport Scotland reply
- 181103 Spokes member circular [section 7] and a typical resulting email.
- Petition created by local resident Laura Cockram. Petition tweet
- 181122 Further letter to Council Leaders [pdf] including seeking meeting tweet
- 190220 Meeting with Edinburgh, Midlothian & ScotGov, as a result of our above letters. At the meeting Laura also presented her petition
- 190312 Letter from ScotGov, suggesting they continue to disclaim all responsibility for connecting routes and leave this up to the local Councils, SEStran and Sustrans
1805 QR61 Old Dalkeith Rd crossing & connections at Royal Infirmary consultation summary consultation website Spokes response
1708/1710/1808 Sheriffhall roundabout The extensive pressure led to a major rethink and 2 stakeholder workshops showing greatly improved provision. Notes from 2nd workshop (Oct 2017). Worked-up cycleroute plans (Aug 2018). 1808 consultn plan7a Download
1706 Sheriffhall roundabout (and trunk road projects more widely) Spokes supports petition by Michaela Jackson of Gorebridge Community Trust at Scottish Parliament Petitions Committee. [1709/1710 and 1802 – further correspondence – see National issues page, para 1706].
1704 Sheriffhall roundabout ScotGov chooses Option B – the worst for cycling. Spokes letter to Transport Minister. Government reply. Our website story and tweet. Sustrans response. Sustrans blogpost. We continually use Sheriffhall as an example of trying to fit cycling in after the main decisions taken – example1 [p5]; example2.
1703 Braid Road, safety proposals Council consultation website Consultation summary Spokes response [pdf]
1612 Sheriffhall Roundabout Government consultation on options Consultation leaflet [pdf 7.5MB] Spokes response. Sustrans response comparing the 3 options.
1108 Royal Hospital for Sick Children [RHSC] planning application for moving to the Little France site – major cycling improvements following 2010 consultation below – thanks if you commented then! Spokes circular to medical and local members.
1004 Royal Hospital for Sick Children [RHSC] consultation on moving to the Little France site. Spokes circular to medical and local members.
1002 Old Dalkeith Road : Further changes to the plans – Transport Cttee report 9.2.10 – one disappointment, one excellent development. See section (B) of this circular to Spokes medical members. The Orders are expected to be advertised for public comment/objection around April/May.
0910 Old Dalkeith Road : Final Orders [we think!] for the new bus/bike scheme – a big improvement on the original proposals and a huge improvement on the present road conditions! Council letter [doc 157k] OD Rd map1 [pdf 3.2MB] OD Rd map2 [pdf 1.3MB].
0908 Old Dalkeith Road consultation : Council Old Dalkeith Road proposals “ major bus priority scheme, new bus/cycle lanes, additional double-yellow lines, etc “ Comments required by 27 August. Consultation letter [doc 45k] ConsultationMap [pdf 749k]