- It is difficult to classify some projects e.g. are they North, East, West or Central?? Check out other areas on this page. In particular, see also these pages: Old Town, South Central Edinburgh and Tram documents.
- CCWEL (City Centre West-East Link) – Council page [& see CCWEL below] History of CCWEL from initiation to the start of work on the ground
- George Street & First New Town – Council page [& see George Street paras below]
- MGS (Meadows to George Street) – see South Central Edinburgh
- St James & Leith Street issues are below but for Picardy Place see the Leith Walk page – although note that some of the St James material is also relevant to Picardy Place
- ‘Travelling Safely‘ schemes initiated during Covid – see post-covid ETRO Travelling Safely page
- For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page.
2411 Princes St & Waverley Valley Public consultation (& see 2410 below) / Council web page / Consultation page / Consultation document / Draft impact assessment / Spokes response /
2410 Princes St & Waverley Valley Draft policy document [appendix 1 to the 12.10.24 TEC report] / Spokes deputation / Note that a successful Green amendment mandated that Princes St segregated bike lanes must be included in the public consultation /
2406 Charlotte Square (linking CCWEL to George St) / Council web page (phases 1,2,3) / Spokes comments on interim (phase 2) scheme, following drop-in consultation /
2405 George Street ( see also 2311 & earlier, below) Report to 23.5.24 TEC on the Operational Plan – waters down the ‘cycle street’ further / Spokes written deputation /
2402 City Centre proposals from the new Future Streets / Circulation Plan policies – see para 2402 on this page The City Centre Option C map agreed by the Transport Committee is also here.
2311 George Street (see also 2306 & earlier, below) Consultation on design of cross-streets [except the south section of Hanover St, which is being designed by Meadows-George Street project] / Consultation page / Castle Street / Frederick Street North / Frederick Street South / Hanover Street North / Spokes response / tweet /
2306 George Street (see also 2211 and earlier, below) Report to TEC, to approve the ‘updated principles’ of the Operational Plan / Committee decision – approval but notes concern re rising costs and source of funding / Stakeholder meeting – Spokes notes /
2304 Morrison Street etc, LEZ mitigation RSO/23/03 TRO/23/04 TRO/23/05 Morrison Street 2-way traffic & other measures to cater for a traffic increase due to the LEZ zone. No new bike provision, though walking improvements at Gardners Cres junction / Spokes comments at earlier consultn stage (no changes resulted) / RSO/23/03 plan / RSO/23/03 reasons / TRO/23/04 plan / TRO/23/05 plan / TRO/23/04&05 reasons / Spokes objection / Objection maintained to TRO/23/04 / Committee report dismissing Spokes objection / Tweet thread of Committee consideration /
2211 George Street Report to TEC 3.11.22 to approve final design and updated principles of the Operational Plan (i.e. what traffic will be allowed, when, and how enforced) / Spokes deputation /
2210 CCWEL Detailed construction drawings [source]
- Section 1 – Roseburn to Haymarket drawings
- Section 2 – Haymarket to Randolph Place drawings
- Section 3 – St Andrew Square to Picardy Place drawings
- Note: Randolph Place to St Andrew Square comes under the George Street project [links below]
2202 CCWEL work begins on the ground!! Spokes report, including history / Council video to support local business during works
2110 CCWEL contract award Finance Cttee report 7.10.21 Construction due to start Jan 22, lasting 18 months. Final layouts of George St (2102 below) and the St Andrew and Charlotte Squares will come under separate projects, dates unknown. Project update #20 confirms work starts Jan 22. Tweet.
2108 George Street Report to 19.8.21 TEC, which approves the ‘concept design’ as in 2102 below and the principles of the ‘operational plan’
2106 CCWEL ‘Value Engineering’ cuts Due to higher than expected tender costs (following 2 year delay caused by Traffic Order objecions), various aspects of the project are cut or reallocated to future schemes. TEC committee report 17.6.21.
2102 George Street Latest ‘concept design’ announced, with cycling incorporated via ‘cycle street’ approach. Project website Website transport page Artist impression Spokes summary position – this follows a Council request for the Spokes position on the concept design.
2011 George Street [see also 1907 & other entries below] Consultants at latest stakeholder consultation propose removing George St CCWEL cycleroute!! Spokes response. George Street’s future has been a consultants’ paradise for the last 10 years – see section 2 here.
2010 CCWEL / Roseburn Support Group The Roseburn Group was set up by local people to support phase 1 (Roseburn-Haymarket) at a time when there was some frenzied local opposition. With all the Traffic Orders now in place, the Group’s website is being archived. The story of the group is here.
2007 Leith Street RSO-17-13 [see also below] Scot Govt approves the RSO with no changes [after 2 year’s cogitation!!]
2007 CCWEL phase 1 RSO 18/05 & TRO/17/91 [see 1907 below] Orders approved by Scot Govt after 2 years with only minor changes (suggested by the Council). Inquiry report Decision letter Letter with highlighted govt 2 year delay
2004 CCWEL – Council response to Road Safety Audit Also useful as it includes detailed junction drawings Main document [9.1MB] Location maps1 [11.4MB] Location maps2 [11.6MB]
1909 Leith Street RSO-17-13 [see also 1902 & 1712 below] Further Spokes submission to the Public Inquiry, following Council response to objectors.
1909 Registers area Objection to banning of right turn from Princes St into West Register Street. TRO-19-40B Spokes objection Note: this is part of the wider Registers project which we strongly support overall.
1907 George Street ‘Unresolved issues’ stakeholder workshop Spokes follow-up
1907 CCWEL phase 1 (Roseburn-Haymarket) Inquiry website (includes correspondence on timescale; objector details, etc)
1905 CCWEL phase 2 (Haymarket to Randolph Place) Committee Report on objections to the TRO/RSO Orders Spokes response to the Orders
1905 George Street – outcome of ‘Draft Concept Design’ consultation (1812 below) & decision to seek Sustrans cash for further design & ‘towards implementation.’ Committee report
1904 CCWEL: Rejuvenating Roseburn Consultation page Spokes response Roseburn Support Group response
1902 Leith Street RSO-17-13 [see also 1712 below] Public Inquiry now expected 26 April; full details including all objections
1812 George Street Future (again! – see also 1403, 1412 & 1606) Consultation Spokes Response [pdf] Tweet
1807 CCWEL phase 2 (Haymarket to Randolph Place) Outcome of meeting on latest plans in draft TROs. Spokes response.
1806 CCWEL (City Centre West-East Link) Traffic Regulation & Redetermination Orders TRO/17/91, RSO 18/05 June 20 Committee Report on objections [link] Report approved 7-4, with supportive Coalition & Green amendments and rejected LibDem amendment to delay. Spokes letter to Committee [pdf]. However certain unwithdrawn objections legally have to be referred to Scottish Govt for decision – see 1907 above.
1804 CCWEL (City Centre West-East Link) Traffic Regulation & Redetermination Orders TRO/17/91, RSO 18/05 published for public objections. Spokes response (see 1711 below for our earlier response to the separate Stakeholder consultation).
1802 CCWEL – Randolph Place Consultation page Spokes comments [pdf]
1801 Leith Street – Spokes deputation to TEC 25.1.18 mainly re Picardy (see Leith Walk page, para 1801) but also re uphill Leith Street lane – which was debated fiercely at the Committee. Spokes pre-Commitee letter to councillors Spokes TEC deputation A Green amendment seeking uphill lane was defeated.
1712 Leith Street TRO-17-81 & re-issued RSO-17-13 The TRO TRO plan1 TRO plan2 TRO plan3 The RSO RSO plans The TRO removes the bus lanes, defines parking rules, etc. The RSO redetermines the use of various areas of carriageway, footway etc.
- 1712 Spokes objection
- 1804 Spokes maintains objection (despite some positive tweaks)
1712 Leith Street closure Spokes letter to CEC Transport Convener proposing continued closure (except bus, bike, walk) Spokes article Tweet
1711 CCWEL (City Centre West-East Link) Draft Traffic Regulation Order TRO/17/91 Spokes response to stakeholder consultation on draft TRO Council response NOTE: public adverts/ objection period will follow later.
1710 Leith Street RSO-17-13 Redetermination Order The Order The Drawing The Order redetermines the use of various areas of carriageway, footway etc. Spokes objection Living Streets objection Some useful objections by individuals.. 1 2
1703 Leith Street closure for 10 months Evening News article Developers’ presentation Spokes post-meeting letter to developers
1701 Edinburgh St James Spokes post-meeting letter to developers
1612 CCWEL [see 1608] Final decision to adopt Option A, with further modifications to parking/loading for local shops
1609 Edinburgh St James Council approval for PA 16/02791/AMC [rtf]. Our submission is in 1607 St James below. Our cycle parking point is adopted but nothing on cycle access, though there will be a further slight opportunity when TROs come out.
1608 (CCWEL) East-West City Centre route, Roseburn-Leith Council response to Spokes comments in 1606 below [pdf] Report to 30.8.16 Transport Cttee [pdf] Outcome of the Transport Cttee [link to our article] – CCWEL approved overall, but decision between options A & B deferred for further consultation/discussion.
1607 East-West City Centre route, Roseburn-Leith Council bid for Sustrans CommunityLinks+ funding. Executive summary of bid [pdf] Council presentation to judging panel [pdf] Spokes statement to judging panel, showing wide range of cycling orgs support [pdf].
1607 St James Quarter/ Leith Street Developers submit Planning Application 16/02791/AMC including details of cycling aspects. Main transport document [pdf]. Spokes submission [pdf]. [For the full PA, search for 16/02791/AMC here].
1606 East-West City Centre route, Roseburn-Leith Report on January consultation [pdf]. Revised Council proposals following consultation, including Roseburn options A & B [pdf]. Option A map [pdf] Option B map [pdf]. Spokes comments on revised proposals [pdf].
1606 George Street – design principles. Committee report 7.6.16 [pdf] – cycle lanes separated from moving traffic by parked cars, but design details awaited. News article by Broughton Spurtle.
1601 East-West City Centre route, Roseburn-Leith Committee report 27.10.15 approving consultation [includes economic justification] [pdf] Council project web page Public consultation webpage Spokes preliminary questions and thoughts (comments welcome) [pdf]. Spokes formal submission [pdf]
1506 St James Quarter/ Leith Street Planning App 14/5263/AMC Decision meeting committee papers. Main report [pdf 413k] was approved. See sections 3.3(i) and 3.3(l). Our objection (below) unsuccessful re Leith Street, whilst details on north-south James Craig Walk route will apparently await a Traffic Regulation Order.
1501 St James Quarter/ Leith Street Planning App 14/5263/AMC – reserved matters including ped/cycle access. Over 150 documents(!) including Public Realm Strategy Transport1 Transport2 Transport3. Cycleroutes shown in Transport1, Fig 2.1. Major achievements including west-east access to/through the centre using the lifts (Transport2, Appendix A, 3rd drawing), but Spokes objection also seeks Leith Street cycling provision and St Andrew Sq – Leith St route.
1412 George Street experiment – 100 users are interviewed each month. Here are results of first 300 [ppt 1MB]
1406 Major Cycling Projects, Transport Cttee report 3.6.14 includes first significant CCWEL action- approval to appoint consultants to identify a recommended route
1404 George Street one-year experimental TRO/14/13 plans [pdf 513k]; Statement of reasons [pdf 67k]; Spokes response [pdf 261k]. Interesting response from an individual [pdf 84k]. Implementation timescale [link]. Not fully open till early September [link].
1403 George Street one-year experiment Spokes response [pdf 261k] to stakeholder consultation version* of TRO [pdf 251k]. Herald article 10.3.14.
* Note – the stakeholder consultation is a statutory requirement before the public advertising of the TRO, and is conducted by letter, not on the council website. We scanned the letter, as above, but only scanned one bit of the several pages of A3 drawings.
1310 CEC Transport Committee 29.10.13 Building a Vision, decision [pdf 517k]. 12 month experiment: 2-way buses+bikes stay in Princes St, no cycle route, but 2-way route in George St (presented as a link in National Cycle Network).
1305 CEC Transport Committee 4.6.13 Report on the Building a Vision consultation [pdf 499k] – despite the consultation results, no cycleroute on the north side of Princes Street. Spokes briefing to councillors seeking an amendment [pdf 94k]. See also news item 31.5.13. Circular to Edinburgh members re lobbying councillors [pdf 110k]. Posters to lobby councillors one [pdf 33k] two [pdf 99k] three [pdf 99k].
1303 CEC Transport Committee 19.3.13 Building a Vision for the City Centre paper [pdf 1.3MB] – a vision which bans eastbound cycling!! See Spokes news item 15.3.13. Spokes response to the consultation [pdf 1.2MB]. Imaginative Sustrans Scotland response [pdf 942k].
1301 Spokes Princes Street petition – exact wording plus summary of actions already taken by Spokes and others from 2009 to the present [pdf 113k][and there was much pre-2009!] The petition is open for signing on the Council petitions web page Jan 28 – Apr 28, 2013. See also our Jan 28 news item and Feb 5 Evening News article.
1209 Jan Gehl lecture – Sir Patrick Geddes Commemorative Lecture given by Jan Gehl, on Cities for People Alternative link if above fails
1112 Princes Street Paradise – Photos and news posting from a traffic-free Princes Street
1102 Gehl report on City Centre [largely Princes St/ George St]
- The Gehl study, ‘Edinburgh Revisited: Public Space, Public Life’
- BBC report on Gehl study [on Gehl website]
- The officials’ report [pdf 557k] on the above to the Edinburgh Council 22.2.11 Policy and Strategy Committee. Spokes prepared a briefing [pdf 108k] on this official report, which we felt seriously downplayed the role of cycling, especially in Princes Street (despite very positive Gehl recommendations). At the Committee, Cllr Steve Burgess got agreement to the most important single item (3a) in our briefing (the specific inclusion of cycling in the draft action plan for Princes Street). The Head of Planning also told the Committee, ‘it is not the intention that cycle lanes are squeezed out but are part of the solution’. For more on this episode see Spokesworker 07.03.11 [pdf 226k].
- But – in a report to the 10.5.11 Transport Committee [1MB] this was not included in the draft action plan, and only through Spokes diligence was this discovered. We again contacted Cllr Burgess, who obtained a high level assurance that cycling would be properly covered [txt 3k] in the consultation options for Princes Street and the surrounding area.
- The consultation is still awaited and we understand it is likely not to be until well into 2012. [July 2012: no sign of action on this yet from the newly elected council – they are too taken up by the immediate tram construction issues].
0911 Scotsman editorial – interesting article [22.11.09] on the future of Princes Street for cycling, walking and buses, now that trams are coming.
0904 Future of Princes St – Spokes Public Meeting chaired by BBC’s Lesley Riddoch and addressed by then CEC Transport Head Marshall Poulton. See our meeting report [pdf 122k] and a Scotsman report.
09xx Princes St bike lanes removed [Spokes 103 p2] Despite much Spokes lobbying, including a report by a Dutch traffic engineer brought over under a Spokes initiative [entry 0812] the tramline layout onstreet is designed ‘tram-only’ – not as an integrated transport project – and with high priority to subjective visual appearance – which will lead in future years to unnecessary tramline bike crashes and even to the threat of a Princes Street bike ban [1303 above] in a city committed to 10% of all trips by bike by 2020.
0902 St James Centre redevelopment proposals [Planning App 08/00361/OUT] Planning Permission [pdf][cycling conditions at 23(vi)-(vii)]. Planning application Transport Paper pt1 [pdf 6.6MB] pt2 [pdf 4.7MB]. We can’t find the Spokes submission; but here is a personal objection from Dave duFeu [txt 5k]
0704 St James Quarter Development Principles – virtually nothing on cycling; great interest in visual aspects.
0006 Spokes/Sustrans Bikefest celebrating NCN opening. The red Princes St bike lane can just be seen at the left.
9611 Princes Street Bike Lane proudly opened 17 Nov 1996 by City Council Transport Convener Cllr David Begg, accompanied by 3 other councillors and 4 senior officers.