July 2024

Everyday cycling with/for kids

Spokes has produced some excellent factsheets on cycling with and for children:  one on cycle-commuting with children (particularly, small children) and one for families with children at the stage of starting to use their own bike.   We’ve also a factsheet, useful for schools and parent groups, on running a second-hand bike sale.

We welcome feedback – please email  familycycling@spokes.org.uk.

How to get the factsheets

[NB – not all the factsheets are in printed form – see below]

  • All factsheets are downloadable from the links below
  • Pick up a printed copy at Spokes events or stalls [e.g. Edinburgh Farmers’ Market every few weeks]
  • Email/phone Spokes for printed copies.  We may also be able to provide multiple copies for interested playgroups, schools, community centres etc.

How to be a Cycling Family

Getting around by bike with young children – bike seats, trailers, tandems, tag-alongs, tow-bars for kiddie bikes, etc.  This factsheet was produced in our 2011 Weans on Wheels project, which included working with the Bike Station on training and bike-tryouts at schools and elsewhere.

Cycle Commuting with Kids – short version [pdf 908k]  Four-page professionally-designed factsheet, printed and downloadable.

Cycle Commuting with Kids – long version [pdf 1049k]  More detail and family case studies.  Not available in printed form.

How to get your child cycling

This aims to help parents get children cycling on their own bikes once they are too old to be pulled or carried!

How to get your child cycling [pdf 692k]  Four-page professionally-designed factsheet, printed and downloadable.

School Bike Sales

Second-hand bike sales are very useful in encouraging people to start cycling by making it easier to get an affordable bike, especially first bikes for children and replacements for out-grown bikes.  They can also be a good way to fundraise and are a popular social event for schools, youth groups, scouts/guides, church groups etc.

How to run a Second-Hand Bike Sale [pdf 1.1MB]  Downloadable only – not available printed.

Further information on cycling with children

Weans on Wheels is an Edinburgh-based project encouraging families to cycle for everyday travel and for fun.   See www.weansonwheels.blogspot.co.uk for information on routes, events, etc.  Follow on Twitter @WeansOnWheels.

See our page of kids’ cycling links for other useful websites on child cycling, including suppliers of relevant equipment.

Updates to the factsheets

We will not be able to keep the above factsheets regularly updated, especially those in printed form, though we may do that from time to time.   However useful updates/comments meantime will be included below.

  • Cargo Bikes – more info [see 2.1 of commuting factsheet]  In Copenhagen 6% of all households have a cargo bike, around 15000 in total.  22% of owners say this avoids the need for a car [Marie Kastrup, City of Copenhagen, Traffic Dept, mariekATtmf.kk.dk].   For a host of examples of use with kids, see www.flickr.com/photos/16nine/sets/72157626068878464.