July 2024


Selected news from Spokes in Midothian

This page shows selected highlights – it’s far from comprehensiveSee also…

2407 A7 Sustainable Transport Study / Stakeholder consultation / Spokes response /

2404 Midlothian Active Travel Strategy 2024-2034 / Consultation draft [11MB] / Consultation page / Spokes response /

2211 Midlothian speed limits policyconsultation document / Spokes response

2205 Council Election – Spokes Dalkeith welcome letter to new councillors

2202 A701 Relief Road / A 702 Link Road – second route-options consultation (see also 2109 below) consultation  Spokes Dalkeith response   Video (Midlothian Greens?): case against

2201 Active Travel Strategy  A new strategy document is promised for 2022/23.  See 1809 below for previous version.  The Council is now consulting on how to get more people to travel actively, to give background for the strategy.  Consultation page – survey & online mappingConsultn map screenshot  Spokes Dalkeith response

2111 A701 Relief Road / A 702 Link Roadconsultn re issues for NMU (non motorised users)  Spokes Dalkeith response

2109 A701 Relief Road / A 702 Link Roadconsultn on 6 route options (see 1903 below for previous stage) Council letter Spokes Dalkeith response

2011 Midlothian Core Paths review  consultation  Spokes Dalkeith response

2011 Spaces for People road-closures consultation  Consultation map-CrawleesRd map-OatslieRd map-B7003RoslinGlen  Spokes Dalkeith response

2005 Spaces for Peopleearly path-clearing

2004 Auchendinny housing development planning app 20/00089/DPP  Plans will destroy Council’s proposed Auchendinny/Roslin cycleroute.  Spokes responseCircular to local members [includes map]

1903 A701 futureSpokes comments to consultants

1809 ML draft Active Travel Strategy  Consultation page   Spokes response [pdf]  Final Strategy, 2018-2021 [pdf 12MB]

1803 ML Green Network Guidance  Consultation page  Spokes response [pdf]

1704 Cycle Midlothian 2017 listing of cafes, attractions, bike shops, etc which welcome cyclists.

1612 Sherrifhall Roundabout options consultation – see 1612 on South Edinburgh page

1506 Cycle Midlothian 2015 listing of cafes, attractions, bike shops, etc which welcome cyclists.  Cycling in Midlothian 2015 council brochure on cycling developments – routes, attractions, schools – from the Council cycling webpage.

1506 First Visit Scotland Cyclists Welcome restaurant award in Edinburgh or Lothians – the PaperMill [Lasswade] reported in Midlothian Council Travel News 8.6.15 [to get on the list for Travel News, email karl.vanters@midlothian.gov.uk]

1406 Midlothian Local Transport Strategy consultation – see item H in our 1406 all-Lothians circular

1310 Circular to Midlothian members [pdf 107k] – A701 dangers; Straiton-Burdiehouse path; Access Forum; New Spokes Midlothian map edition…

1303 Borders Rail development related to cycling – see our rail page.

1211 Midlothian cycle funding, facilities, projects [pdf 142k] Lengthy council report in response to questions by Spokes member Cllr Ian Baxter [we have changed the layout and order slightly for readability, adding subheadings etc, but the content is unchanged].  See related news item 12.1.13.

1209 Midlothian Local Plan – Sustrans comments [pdf 289k] on Main Issues Report

Midlothian Access Forum – minutes

NB – Spokes, Sustrans and CTC were previously represented by David Wardrop-White but there is currently [Sept 2013] no cycling representative

130218 Minutes [pdf 134k]

121119 Minutes [doc 259k]

120806 Minutes [doc 401k]

111031 minutes [doc 285k]

110503 minutes [pdf 138k]

110120 minutes [doc 251k]