This page contains analyses of member opinion, including from comments made on membership and renewal forms. Special surveys are undertaken where there is a controversial issue where we do not have a clear picture from other member feedback such as the comments on renewal forms.
It is important for Spokes to know that members are generally content with what is being done under the Spokes name, although of course the aim of Spokes is to achieve its objectives, not necessarily to represent the views of every member. It is assumed that anyone joining Spokes supports our objectives, which are printed on the membership form.
May 2014 Analysis of comments on membership new and renewal forms during 2013. Report [pdf 93k].
March 2013 We sought the views of members on 3 very important issues which were controversial and/or where we did not have a clear picture from other member feedback: the Quality Bike Corridor, the future of Princes Street and the impact of tramlines. The survey was available both online and through a paper form circulated with the Spring mailout. Questionnaire [pdf 105k]. Full survey report [pdf 307k]. News item 24.4.13 [link].
March 2011 Some interesting comments from renewal forms [pdf 286k]