40th anniversary [2017]
- Exhibition dates and venues [pdf]
- Various tweets at hashtag #Spokes40
- Bulletin 128 … Centre Page supplement including 1977-2017 Spokes bikeography
- Exhibition boards [pdf] … Intro 1977-1986 1987-1996 1997-2006 2007-present future (2027?)
- Slide presentation
- Videos video1, the past video2, elements of the present video3, wishes for the future
- Oct 16 Helpers thank-you event, pictures by… Martin Scott
- Oct 24 Council Reception Video of speeches [click the cogwheel at bottom of screen to select higher definition] Adam McVey speech – transcript Dave du Feu speech – slides Group photo [see main article for names]. A few more photos at #Spokes40.
30th anniversary [2007]
- Bulletin 98 – see centre page feature
- Spokesworker 22.10.07 – contains a few additional historic photos
- Poster “30 Years of Toil and Triumph” [pdf] – includes interesting panel on campaigning lessons and tactics
20th anniversary [1997]
- We must have been too busy for celebrations! But the anniversary was recognised in our first Bulletin of the year, Spokes Bulletin 64 [page 1 only].
10th anniversary [1987]
- Bulletin 33 – centre page anniversary feature
Other Spokes history sources
- See our Spokes Bulletins page. All issues are online from issue 89 onwards (2004), and few earlier issues. However there is also a full set of page 1’s covering issues 1-100.
- See also our Spokes Maps, History section. This includes comprehensive articles describing the history of the Edinburgh and the Lothians Spokes maps.
- Year-by-year description 1991-2001 [doc] largely extracted from Bulletins
- 2024 Museum of Edinburgh Cycling Activism exhibition Displays: 1 2 3 4
Ancient graphics
- Probably the first ever Spokes badge [Spokes was based at Ainslie Place for max 2 or 3 years from our origins in 1977]
- Early Spokes cartoons, mainly by Jerry Neville
- Early Spokes badges, adapted from JN cartoons by DdF, using ‘Letraset’
Ancient pictures
- Spokes events/rides 1985-86 [Ross Hendry flickr album] Includes political rallies, lock-smashing contest, cycling games…
- Spokes Weekend rallies & rides, 1985-1992 [Ross Hendry flickr album] Mainly social events
- Events noticeboard 1987 (reuseable! for use at outside stalls/events)
- Princes St ‘BikeFest’ rally 2001
Ancient documents [1970s and early 80s]
Please remember the totally different context to the present day. These campaigns were at a time when only 1% of Edinburgh commuting was by bike, cycling as a means of urban transport was widely considered rather eccentric and outdated, and until the then recent formation of Spokes the Council’s transport strategy documents had failed even to mention cycling.
- 8303 Meadows Cycleway opens Photo [Cllr Gorrie with glasses] Spokes Bulletin 18, page1.
- 8102 Rails to Trails Spokes report Campaign to encourage the Regional Council to convert the disused rail network into cycle/walkways
- 7902 Bristo Square Campaign to permit cycling UniSpokes leaflet [pdf]
- 7806 Campaign for Meadows Cycleway – Spokes report to Council [pdf from scan] Campaign flyer [pdf] Spokes exhibition at Meadows [photo: Left.. Meadows campaign organiser David Bellos; Centre.. Cllr Bob Cairns with Dave du Feu behind; Right.. Cllr Donald Gorrie]. ‘no-cycling’ sign, 1978. Great twitter thread on Middle Meadow Walk history.
- 7804/05 Spokes Bulletins no.1 no.2 For more Spokes Bulletins, and the front pages of issues 1-100, see our Bulletins page.
Old websites & archives
- Many Spokes webpages subsequent to 1999 are stored on the Internet Archive, Wayback Machine. Additionally, many of the links on those pages appear to also be accessible. The first page stored is this from 1.11.99. The full collection of pages stored can be accessed here by date. Not sure how they get selected by the wayback machine?
- Unfortunately the links below no longer work, but retained here in case we can revive them at some point.
- [up to 2003] http://www.spokes.org.uk/oldsite
[up to 2004] http://www.spokes.org.uk/oldsite/index.htm
- Old Safe Routes to School…
- http://www.spokes.org.uk/oldsite/sr2shome.htm
- http://www.spokes.org.uk/oldsite/sr2snews.htm