January 2025

Councils Cycling investment – Spokes survey reports

During 1996-2014 Spokes conducted an annual survey of investment in cycling by Scottish local authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, Scottish Government, etc.

Reports of the annual survey have appeared in the Spokes Bulletin, in the autumn or summer issue.  The first was in Bulletin 63 [late 1996], and the final in Bulletin 120 [late 2014].

Issues containing survey reports include…

B120 [13/14 survey report],  B117B114B111B107B104

All bulletins from B89 onwards are online on our Bulletins page.

The survey was discontinued in 2015, for these reasons.  It is hoped that Cycling Scotland will continue a local authority cycling funding survey, in some form or other.

SPICe Bulletins

The survey received very positive coverage in the independent Scottish Parliament Information Centre [SPICe] briefings on cycling, which described it as “the most detailed and comprehensive overview of annual public sector cycle expenditure available.”

A 20-year review of Scottish Government transport policy in 2019 refers to the surveys thus… “Figures for 2005-06 to 2015-16 are taken from the well-regarded annual SPOKES funding survey, as the Scottish Government only began publishing figures for investment in active travel in 2016-17.”

The 2014 briefing is …

SB 14-30 Walking and CyclingThis briefing provides background information on walking and cycling as forms of transport in Scotland. It gives a brief summary of walking and cycling statistics, policy and funding plus other related topical issues.”

Earlier editions…

SB 12-24 Cycling

SB 10-62 Cycling in Scotland: Update 2010 briefing

SB 09-48 Cycling in Scotland briefing

These and other SPICe transport briefings can be found on the Parliament website.