July 2024



  • Spokes has a YouTube video channel at www.youtube.com/spokesvideos.  Most of the central Spokes videos are also on that channel
  • Videos of Spokes Public Meetings are on our public meetings page (also can find via the above YouTube channel)
  • The left-hand column below is the video’s year of publication.

2022 Maisie’s cycling happiness – video by Spokes Porty, featuring local 9-year-old Maisie Video Tweet

2021 Cycling Champion awards 2021  At the annual Cycling Scotland conference, there were two Edinburgh awards.  Dave du Feu of Spokes was awarded ‘visionary champion’ (video); and Farrout Deliveries ‘business champion’ (video).  Here are other videos from the conference, including speech by Active Travel Minister, Patrick Harvie MSP, in which we asked him about the target to cut car-km 20% by 2030, given that Chris Stark of the UKCCC told Scottish Parliament that it cannot be met by carrots alone.

2020 School bike run instead of car run – video by Edinburgh Council as part of their Edinburgh Talks Climate initiative – features Michaela of Spokes, cycling to school with her 2 children  video

2020 Cycling and broken glass – video by Zero Waste Scotland, featuring Mies of Spokes, celebrating that glass will be included in Scotland bottles deposit scheme  article and video  tweet

2020 Portobello Cycling – Yassine and Rayyan  Spokes Porty Video

2019 Schools Active Travel video by Spokes Porty, featuring local kids  Video Tweet

2019 Cycling and broken glass – great video working with Have You Got the Bottle campaign for bottle deposits  Video  Tweet (please RT)

2019 Making Places for EveryoneSpokes Porty public meeting 26 June – video of meeting

2017 Spokes 40th AnniversaryCouncil reception with speeches by Dave du Feu & Cllr Adam McVey /  History videos: video1, the past  video2, elements of the present  video3, wishes for the future

2017 Spokes Bike Breakfast 2017 #SpokesBB   A lovely video by Edinburgh Reporter.

2017 Pedal on Parliament Edinburgh #PoP2017  Video of the Ride [10mins]  Video of the Speeches [20mins]

2016 Be Bike Alert   A short film to raise driver awareness of some of the problems faced by cyclists on the roads.  It is accompanied by this leaflet [pdf 2MB].  The video and leaflet have already been widely used in schools 6th-year driver awareness sessions run by the police and the councils of West Lothian, Midlothian and East Lothian.  [Additionally – see this excellent evidence-based driver-awareness initiative by West Midlands Police … WMP blog  Guardian report].

2014 Pedal on Parliament [PoP3]  See also our website article.

2013 We want to see double  Protest seeking improved Scottish Government cycle funding.  See also our website article.

2011 Cyclists & Lothian Buses  Audio documentary