February 2025

ScotGov Budget 24/25: not what transport needs

Despite a rise in active travel funding in the draft budget, the overall transport picture was not what is needed in a climate emergency – and already transport is Scotland’s worst performing sector in terms of climate emissions. Indeed, the increase in trunk road cash (£210m) almost equals the total of active travel investment […]

November Traffic Count – small (but positive!) change

The biannual Spokes traffic count, on November 7, found a continuing (but small) rise in bike traffic, and a continuing (but small) fall in private motor traffic, as compared to November 2022. As a result, bikes between 8-9am rose to 14.8% of all vehicles, from 14.5% in 2022; and to 8.4% from 7.9% at […]

Programme for Government 23/24 – little change

The Scottish Government’s 23/24 PfG is very much ‘steady as she goes,’ although given the growing climate crisis more was hoped for. SCCS pointed to “few, if any, new measures to deliver emissions’ reductions .. in the context of Scotland missing annual targets in eight of the past twelve years.” Specifically on cycling, Cycling […]

Bike Storage at Home: #SpokesComp results

Storing your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) Our Summer Competition showed just how important it is, but also how complex and difficult it can be, and how it depends so much on personal circumstances such as where you live and […]

@CyclingSurgeon #RIP

We are very sad to hear of the sudden death of Professor Chris Oliver, well known as “Cycling Surgeon.” A long-standing member and proactive supporter of Spokes, his professional and personal life contributed greatly to both understanding and promotion of the public health value of cycling.


East Lothian #SpokesMap – 5th edition!

The 5th edition of our highly praised East Lothian Cycle Map is out!! The whole county was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated in a lengthy and highly detailed process by a skilled cartographer from our maps group – entirely voluntarily.


#SpokesComp 2023: Bike Storage at Home

Storing your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) depending where and how you live, and what bikes you have. We want to hear your experiences, ideas or handy hints – anything related to domestic bike storage. Our competitions always bring a […]

#SpokesBB: Bike Breakfast 2023

Our first post-covid Bike Breakfast, on 13 June, attracted its usual big turnout, with lots of opportunity to chat and a greater emphasis on local rather than national stalls. It’s really exciting that, since our last breakfast, there’s been a continued flourishing of new and/or expanding local active travel organisations – stalls included CargoBikeMovement, […]

City Centre traffic count: Bike numbers keep growing

The biannual Spokes city centre traffic count, on May 16, found a further substantial rise in bike traffic as compared to May 2022, whilst motor traffic was fairly static (pun intended!) Bike numbers were up at all our 4 count points and in both time periods, whilst cars and commercial (van, bus etc) were […]

June 13: Bike Breakfast is Back!

Covid and post-covid have meant no Spokes Bike Breakfast since 2019. Now, in 2023, you and your bike are invited again for tea or coffee, a roll, degreaser and oil; getting you and your bike in top condition for the remainder of your commute!
