February 2025


Donations are very important to Spokes – we want to spend our precious volunteer time campaigning for better cycling conditions, not fund-raising!  Spokes receives no grants towards running costs and we rely heavily o­n donations to finance our campaigns, publicity and o­ngoing work.

Please be as generous as you can afford – whether it be a monthly of £3, £5 or £10+ by PayPal or Standing Order, or an annual donation of £5, £50 or even £500!

If you give a regular donation by S.O. you will be automatically renewed each year and will only have to contact us if your details change.  We hope to do the same for regular PayPal donors too.

This page explains how you can donate.  You don’t have to be a member to donate, but members are very important so please join if you support us!

Joining and renewing – If you wish to join Spokes or renew your membership you can use this page to give a donation but you must also follow the instructions for joining/renewing  or your membership will not be created / renewed.

There is no fixed membership fee, just donations, and if you are genuinely hard up you are welcome to join free – especially if you occasionally do your bit by contacting your councillor or MSP!

Sales – please do not use this page for buying maps, or other sales. We hope to set up a separate page allowing that soon, but meantime please use the existing methods on our maps page.

Ways to donate

By cheque
  • Please make your cheque payable to  Spokes the Lothian Cycle Campaign  [not just to Spokes]
  • Post to Spokes, St. Martins Resource Centre, 232 Dalry Road, Edinburgh EH11 2JG
  • If you are joining please also enclose your completed membership form
  • If you are renewing please also enclose the renewal form we have sent you, with any corrections.
By bank transfer [BACS] or setting up a standing order
  • Our bank details are…
  • Bank: Bank of Scotland; Account: 00638077; Sort code: 80-11-10; Organisation: Spokes – the Lothian Cycle Campaign
  • If you are joining please also post or email us your completed membership form
  • If you are renewing please also follow these instructions to renew by post or by email.
By PayPal
  • Use the PayPal button below to donate
  • We particularly welcome monthly donations
  • Note that PayPal sends us your name, address and email address
  • If you are joining please also post or email us your completed membership form
  • If you are renewing please also follow these instructions to renew by post or by email.