On November 6/7 Spokes hosted the UK Cyclenation conference – the periodic get-together of cycle campaign groups and CTC from across the UK, with over 100 delegates. Conference papers, presentations and reports are all below…
Conference programme [pdf 255k]
Notes on the Cyclenation conference [pdf 100k] by Peter Hawkins
Conference report by Roger Geffen see page 7 of CTC CycleDigest no.64 [pdf 2926k]
Conference pictures [link to flickr] by Chris Hill – includes pictures of many of the presentation slides
Pictures of Sunday ride around Edinburgh facilities [link to Cyclestreets site] by Simon Nuttall of Cambridge Cycle Campaign. A few people also went on the short self-guided facilities tour [pdf 161k] which we used earlier this year for top councillors and officials – try it yourself!
Session presentations [mainly powerpoint converted to pdf]…
Morning: Edinburgh/London comparisons
- Cllr Gordon Mckenzie City of Edinburgh Council, Transport Committee chair [pdf 1608k]
- Jennifer Calvert London Transport for London, Senior Policy Officer [pdf 3219k]
- Dave du Feu Spokes [pdf 580k]
- Ashok Sinha London Cycling Campaign [no slides – but see notes in Peter Hawkins report above]
Morning: Scotland/England
- Philip Darnton Cycling England [pdf 3329k]
- Ian Aitken Cycling Scotland [pdf 755k]
- John Lauder Sustrans – Reasons to be Hopeful! [pdf 721k]
Afternoon workshops
- The segregation debate – reflections from Copenhagen, Roger Geffen, CTC [no pdf – but see Peter Hawkins notes above]
- Promotion of cycling through recycling, Mark Sydenham, The Bike Station [pdf 2767k]
- I Bike – the story so far, Kelly Fry, Sustrans Cycling Officer, Perth [pdf 3566k]
- Tackling Residential Cycle Storage, Warren Murphy, TPI (project consultants) and Katherine Ivory, Spokes [pdf 1513k]
- ED’s Cycle Co-op, Mark Kiehlmann, East Dunbartonshire’s Cycle Co-operative[pdf 1669k]
- Smarter Choices Barrhead – how to boost cycling from a low start – Scott Gibson, East Renfrewshire Council [pdf 1944k]
- Cycle Training, Alasdair Marshall, Cycling Scotland [pdf 4767k]
- Bike Club Campaigning (Scotland, Sarah Troke & Amy Hickman, Bike Club CTC [pdf 3000K]
- Cycle Hire, Dave Holladay, CTC and Andre Curtis, Cyclenation [no pdf]
- Kirkcaldy, Michael Nimmo, Sustrans Scotland [pdf 1093k]
- Cycling Investment in Scotland – the Spokes annual survey, Dave du Feu, Spokes [pdf 261k]
Cycling Scotland Conference 5 November
The Cyclenation conference was held in association with a Cycling Scotland conference the previous day [note – this link may change to become the 2011 conference]. The CS conference included a Spokes presentation [pdf 1832k] by Dave du Feu.