July 2024

West Edinburgh

Submissions to important consultations/projects relevant to cycling in West Edinburgh

  • It is difficult to classify some projects e.g. are they North, East or West??  Check out other areas on this page.  In particular, there are separate pages for the canal and the A90/Forth Bridge
  • CCWEL – City Centre West-East route – see City Centre page
  • Roseburn to Canal project – see North Edinburgh page
  • For our submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page

2407 Corstorphine LTN, ETRO/21/21 A modification to the ETRO was published [explanation pp6-8 here]. As a result, the closing date for comments extended by 6 months. / Spokes response (slightly updated from our 2311 comments below)

2406 West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan [revised version of 2307 below] Effectively a plan for new town between Ed Gateway and the Airport / The proposals [11MB] / Consultation / Spokes response /

2404 Gorgie/Dalry Living Well Locally (20-min nbd) consultation [also 2211 below] / Project page / Consultn website / Consultn maps / Door-to-door flyer / Spokes response /

2403 Edinburgh Park Arena Planning application 24/00820/FUL for 8500-capacity arena / Arena website / Spokes submission /

2403 Davidsons Mains roundabout (see 2305 below for previous) TRO/22/24 RSO/22/14 / Response by Davidsons Mains PS Parent Council /

2402 QR9 (Roseburn-S.Gyle), Junction improvements at Balgreen Consultation / Spokes response /

2311 Corstorphine LTN, ETRO/21/21 Spokes response – see also 2305 below (was 6-month deadline for submissions)

2307 Towards West Edinburgh 2050 Long- and Medium-term land-use and transport proposals, west from the bypass to the West Lothian boundary, and south from the Forth to Midlothian boundary Consultation report / consultation page / Spokes response – no volunteer /

2307 West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan Effectively a plan for new town between Ed Gateway and the Airport / Report for consultation / Consultation page / Spokes response – no volunteer /

2307 Broxburn-Maybury A8/A89 Bus & Active Travel improvements Main aim to improve bus journey times & patronage on this car-intensive corridor. Some AT improvements. Consultation page / summary picture / link to plans (22MB) / Spokes response / Response tweet /

2306 Queensferry Town Centre project Small update in TEC 15.6.23 Business Bulletin. We took the opportunity to reiterate our concerns, plus new fact that Sustrans Scot has refused funding due to excessive car parking. Spokes deputation: verbal – notes / written detailed points / tweet of the verbal /

2305 Corstorphine LTN, ETRO/21/21 (see also 2212 below) Traffic Order to experiment, consult and finalise the Corstorphine & Carrick Knowe LTN measures. / Project page / ETRO-21-21 / Statement of Reasons / Drawings / Spokes response /

2305 Davidsons Mains roundabout TRO/22/24 / plan / submission from local member / tweet /

2304 Craigleith Retail Park  Following complaints over many years re bad bike/walk access, a tweeted complaint from a member prompted us to contact local members, eventually resulting in a meeting with Saville’s who manage the retail park (but not Sainsbury, who control the main access). / Issues from local members / brief report on meeting / location for possible ped-bike route /

2301 Queensferry Town Centre  Transport Cttee Report / Spokes submission /

2212 Corstorphine Connections LTNwebsite

2211 Gorgie/Dalry 20-minute nbd  Initial council consultation details / consultation page / 20-min nbds  council page / Spokes response (no volunteer) / Consultation results summary /

2211 Rural West Edinburgh, speed reductions consultation  See our Lower Speeds page

2210 West Edinburgh Link RSO/22/09-12 [2101 & 1905 below for earlier stages] Redetermination Orders advertised for objection / Project webpages

2206 Cammo Road ETRO/22/13 prohibition of motor vehicles.  consultation letter / plans pdf / Spokes response

2206 Queensferry walk wheel cycle improvements  consultation / text & pics / detailed maps / Spokes response

2205 Inglis Green Road ‘Booker’ site [PA 22/02233/FUL] [see 2008 below for the PAN consultation prior to this planning application]  Article in Edinburgh Reporter / Tweet by Longstone Community Council / Spokes response

2203 Forth Bridge Experience, Visitor Centre [Planning App 22/00358/FUL]  Spokes objection due to poor bike+ped access

2108 Turnhouse, massive housing planning app [21/03986/AMCApplication  Spokes response

2106 Corstorphine Connections [see also 2102 below] – Second consultation on Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) Consultation page Door-to-door leaflet  Spokes response

2102 Airport Access Road [Planning application 21/00217/FULFull application  Non-technical summary  Spokes objection.   Note: we don’t usually put planning apps on the website, but this is a major proposal, negative for climate crisis, and with major flaws in its cycle provision

2102 East Craigs Connections – Consultation on a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN)  Consultation page  consultation leaflet  Spokes response    Spokes Community Ref Group response

2101 West Edinburgh Link [also 1905 below]  Consultation on TRO/RSO traffic orders  Letter notifying Orders  Public leaflet  Project maps/descriptionsnorth section  central  southern  Spokes response to TRO/RSO    Council reply [we then responded to say our letter was comments, not formal objection]

2008 Inglis Green Road ‘Booker’ site [20/01816/PAN] Major importance as gives opportunity for Water of Leith bridge.  Spokes draft submission  [final submission lost]

2003 Water of Leith Management Plan 2020-2030  Consultation  Spokes response

2003 Gyle Centre extension [Planning application 19/02604/FUL]   Spokes submission to revised application.    [1907] Orginal plans    Spokes submission to original plans    Note: we don’t usually put planning apps on the website, but this was a major proposal and appalling for walk/cycle.

2001 Queensferry High St & Waterfront [see 1905 below for previous stage] Project newsletter 19.12.19  Spokes submission

1905 Queensferry High St & Waterfront [no website or online info?]  Evening News article  Spokes response [pdf]

1905 West Edinburgh Link [formerly called WEATN, 1712 below]  Public consultation on initial concepts   Spokes response   [1907] Consultation report

1904 West Edinburgh & the City/Region Deal

  • The Deal proposes spending £20m (+ £20m match funding from the Council) on West Edinburgh transport projects, to be selected from WETA (1612 below).  We hope to maximise the proportion that goes to bike/walk.
  • 190401 Letter to Dr Vickers, chair of the Transport Appraisal Board, which decides how the Deal’s transport cash is used, asking for a meeting.   Useful reply from Dr Vickers [the meeting she refers to was re Sheriffhall – see South Edinburgh page].

1712 WEATN – Council briefing sheet.

1706 QR8 Stenhouse Drive to Saughton Park/Pansy Walkconsultation summary  consultation website  Spokes submission

1703 QR50 Davidsons Mains Park pathconsultation summaryconsultation website  Spokes submission

1702 QR8 Roseburn Park second consultation –  Revised consultation – leaflet  Consultation website  Spokes submission [virtually identical to our response in 1611 below]

1612 02 West Edinburgh Transport Appraisal [link to 7MB report] Assessment of transport options (including cycling).

1611 QR8 Balgreen Road crossing consultationconsultation summaryconsultation websiteSpokes submission

1611 QR8 Roseburn Park consultationconsultation summaryconsultation websiteSpokes submission.  [1701] Revised consultation – leaflet [use consultn website link above to respond].

1611 QR8 Bankhead/ South Gyle Access consultationconsultation summaryconsultation website (with detailed plans) –  Spokes submission.

1610  Cycling consultationscircular [pdf] to members in north, west and east Edinburgh about a wide range of consultations

1604 Dalmeny-Kirkliston-Newbridge [for A8] pathVolunteer work to mend drainage.

1601 East-West route Roseburn-GeorgeSt-Leith.  See City Centre.

1512 A8 path upgrade consultation  Project webpage. Project description [pdf]. Overview drawing [pdf 2.8MB].  Spokes submission [pdf].  Submission by Henry Whaley, member of RBS Gogarburn Bicycle User Group.

1511 Milburn Tower – huge residential planning proposal, off Gogar Station Road.  See our Individual Planning Proposals page

1312 Meadowplace Road  Project including new cycle lanes Council letter [pdf 174k] Council drawings [pdf 1.9MB].  Plans include costly digging-up road surface to install chippings – money could be used instead to improve cycle connections  Spokes response [doc 35k].  A subsequent Sustrans submission [325k] – some very good onroad ideas, but no discussion of what happens at each end.