February 2025

ScotGov draft budget 25/26: active travel cuts disguised

Despite larger than expected financial support from the UK government, the 25/26 Scottish draft budget cuts funding for rail, for bus investment and for active travel (AT). Presentation of the figures hides the extent of the AT cuts, which we estimate to be a £40m+ drop from 5.6% of the transport budget to 4.6% […]

Conveners Transported

Edinburgh’s transport convenership has moved from Cllr Scott Arthur – now Scott Arthur MP – to Stephen Jenkinson, councillor for Pentland Hills ward. Cllr Jenkinson intends to continue chairing the Transport & Environment Committee [TEC] in the consensual way developed by his predecessor, but with greater emphasis on delivery – intentions which we very […]

General Election 2024

With virtually all transport and cycling-related policy now a Scottish rather than a UK responsibility we are not asking individual candidates for statements or holding a hustings for the UK General Election. However, as always, we will give any useful information as it becomes available. Please let us know of hustings or other relevant […]

What’s in store for 24? – it’s mainly wait and see!

What can we expect locally for bike use and wider sustainable transport? What will Spokes – and you! – need to support, oppose, provide, improve or highlight in order to speed up the move towards more sustainable and healthy places to live and get about? This article outlines a few of the topics which […]

Edinburgh Cycling: what will we see in ’23?

What can we expect locally for bike use and wider sustainable transport under Edinburgh’s new minority council? What will Spokes – and you! – need to support, to oppose, to provide, to improve or to highlight in order to encourage and speed up the move towards more sustainable and healthy places to live and […]

#SpokesMtg report: Cycling & Transport Policy in the new Edinburgh Council

The Climate Crisis and, within transport, the Council’s 30% car-km reduction target – Transport Convener Cllr Scott Arthur told the meeting that these are top issues for the new Council. To meet them, he said, will need big changes in parking management and bus priorities, together with a congestion charge, regional cooperation and faster […]

#SpokesMtg, Fri 23 Sept: Cycling & Transport Policy in the new Edinburgh Council

New Transport Convener Cllr Scott Arthur will speak and answer questions at our first in-person public meeting since the covid restrictions ended.


Edinburgh Council 2022 & Active Travel

Rather unexpectedly, given the results of the election on 5 May, the City is now run by a minority Labour administration, replacing the previous SNP/Labour coalition. What does this mean for active travel? (AT)


Council election 2022 – Edinburgh manifestos analysis

With the main party manifestos for Edinburgh’s May 5th Council elections now published, Spokes has assessed their support for cycling, and active travel more widely, as everyday transport…

Our conclusion…

Tops – GreenGood – Labour & SNPMedium – LibDemDisappointing – Conservative […]

#SpokesMtg: 2022 Council Hustings – Report

Our March 28 Virtual Hustings was attended by over 70 people, with almost all staying through the whole 2-hour meeting, a testament to the excellent QA in the second half of the meeting.

A full video of the meeting is here, so this article is not a blow-by-blow account of the meeting, but instead […]