February 2025

Edinburgh Cycling: what will we see in ’23?

What can we expect locally for bike use and wider sustainable transport under Edinburgh’s new minority council? What will Spokes – and you! – need to support, to oppose, to provide, to improve or to highlight in order to encourage and speed up the move towards more sustainable and healthy places to live and […]

Zhi Min Soh & tramline safety

May 31st marked 5 years exactly since the tragic death of student Zhi Min Soh, run over by a Rabbie’s bus after falling on the tramlines at the West End. @Infrasisters marked the event with a moving tribute attended by over 100 people, at the site of Zhi Min’s ghost bike.

It was also […]

CCWEL: work begins after an arduous evolution

Work has at last begun on CCWEL, the long-awaited City Centre West-East Link cycleroute, a largely protected route from Roseburn in the west, through the city centre (George Street) and onwards to Leith Walk. It will also link to the residential and university area of inner South Edinburgh via the George Street to Meadows […]

#SpokesMtg: City Centre Transformation

It is time for both Edinburgh and Glasgow Councils to create people-friendly central areas, including major restrictions on motor traffic – and both cities intend to do so. This was the main theme to emerge from our 100-strong June 13 public meeting, addressed by top decision-makers from both cities.


Spokes in EdFoC ** Public Mtg ** Bike B’fast ** Infra Ride ** Cycling Seminar


Transforming the City Centre, Picardy and Leith Street

Latest 6.12.17: ‘Picardy Group’ set up to oppose the Picardy Place gyratory plan. Manifesto Broughton Spurtle article

It is not widely realised that Edinburgh City Council has begun internal discussions on a potential major ‘Transformation’ of the City Centre…


Tramline safety measures

The Council has outlined its phased programme to improve cyclist tramline safety, with phase 1 being implemented in the immediate future…


Tramline safety update

Plans are underway to try and improve the safety of Edinburgh’s tramline system for people travelling by bike…


Double deputation!! .. Tramlines/CityCentre + Sheriffhall

On June 29 morning, Spokes was making 2 deputations – one at Edinburgh Council (on tramlines and city centre issues) and one at the Scottish Parliament (on Sheriffhall roundabout and wider trunk road/cycling issues). Watch both here…


Tramline tragedies

[Later: 9.6.17 Article from Local Transport Today fortnightly magazine for transport professionals]

The tragic death of Edinburgh University medical student Zhi Min Soh at the West End junction has highlighted the dangers of tramlines and of that junction for people getting around by bike.
