July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 127 … a tale of two budgets

Our Spring 2017 issue, out now… highlighting Edinburgh City Council’s unique-in-UK allocation of 10% of the transport budget to cycling, contrasting with the Scottish Government’s fall to 1.6% thanks to ever-rising trunk road cash … And, of course, there’s much more … read on!! … […]

Top 2016 Tweets – what and why

Below are the most popular Spokes tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). A truly fascinating picture!!


Top 2015 Tweets: a New Year message?

Here are our most popular tweets from the last 12 months, measured by the number of retweets (RTs). What will we see in 2016??


Forth Road Bridge closure – cycling opportunity

Update 15.12.15: FORTHBRIDGE CLOSURE SURVEY by Glasgow and Leeds universities Update 10.12.15: Craigie’s Farm letter to MSPs “Three of our staff normally cycle to work over the bridge” Update 10.12.15: Torquil Crichton in The Record “Of course … featherweight cyclists should be allowed …” Update 9.12.15: First reply from Transport Minister, via Cara Hilton MSP […]

Spokes Bulletin 122: Edinburgh tops UK with 10% cash promise

Out now!! Including – Edinburgh first UK council to promise 10% of transport budget for cycling … also first in UK to allow bikes on regular tram services … but spoiling reputation by scrapping offpeak and Saturday bus lanes … and much more … Read on!! …


Councillor flabbergasted … or … the Importance of Budgets … and … What You Can Do

Something remarkable happened at the Spokes public meeting on Cycling Development in the Lothians …


A90 path consultation

[Updated 24.4.14 with details of temporary closures/diversions during work] Work starts soon on Section 5 of the cycleroute to the Forth Bridge, and Edinburgh Council is also consulting on section 3…


Spokes Bulletin 116

Out now! … Edinburgh to Forth Bridge – major path upgrade; Parking in bike lanes – hope for Edinburgh? ; Spokes big summer competition; Strict Liability supplement; and loads more… […]

A90 path ‘disgrace’ to Scotland

Speaking in the March 29 Parliamentary debate on cycling [pdf 1.1MB] Fife Labour MSP Helen Eadie echoed a long-standing Spokes campaign, declaring in passionate tones, “The cycle path from Fife to Edinburgh is a disgrace.”


Spokesworker 25.3.12: actions, events, news
