Out now! … Edinburgh to Forth Bridge – major path upgrade; Parking in bike lanes – hope for Edinburgh? ; Spokes big summer competition; Strict Liability supplement; and loads more…
Spokes Bulletin 116 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland [including all Scottish MSPs and all Edinburgh+Lothians councillors] with copies for a further 10,000 other cyclists and interested individuals through bike shops, libraries etc throughout Edinburgh, Lothians and beyond. And of course it’s online…
Find Bulletin 116 on our Spokes Bulletin page. Articles &/or pictures in B116 include…
- [p1&3] Edinburgh to Forth Bridge major upgrade – thanks to you!!
- [p1] Princes Street – Edinburgh risks its cycling reputation
- [p2] Spokes summer competition – photo + caption
- [p3&6] Cycling investment schemes in and around Edinburgh
- [p4] Quality Bike Corridor – survey of Spokes members
- [p7] Magic money pot – Scottish Government massive cash for more road projects, peanuts for cycling
- [p8] Station bike hubs – Stirling & Waverley news
- [p1] Parking in cycle lanes – will Edinburgh Council act even if London fails?
- [p3] Parking in bike lanes – proof that it can be changed
- [centre pages] Strict Liability pullout supplement [pdf 4.3MB]
- Alongside Spokes 116, see Spokesworker 29.5.13.
- Members also receive free in their mailout… the printed programme for the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling.
Don’t miss out next time – keep in touch and support Spokes by joining us now!!
If you could use printed copies of the Bulletin [e.g. for colleagues or bikes at your workplace] please join Spokes and ask for a supply.