January 2025

West Lothian

Selected news/ submissions from Spokes in West Lothian

2407 Delivery Plan for the Local Development Plan LDP1 / Draft Delivery Plan / Consultation page / Spokes Linlithgow response / NB: The current LDP1 runs for 10 years from 2018; The Delivery Plan above reports current status / Separately, LDP2 is being developed, probably to be adopted in 2026 /

2407 A904/Duntarvie junction Spokes member John Crighton submitted this substantial document calling for a proper bike path leading to this road crossing, and with a few comments on the draft ATAP (below)

2404 Active Travel Action Plan 2024-2029 / Consultation draft [14MB] / AT web page / Comments address not on web page: send to newdevelopmentroads@westlothian.gov.uk by 6.6.24 / Spokes response /

2401 Pedestrian & toucan crossings  WL council has asked for comments on a series of planned toucan, puffin, central island and other road crossings  / Consultation letter / link to plans / Spokes response /

2211 Spaces for People [see also 2203 & 2103] Council report on public consultation / Labour motion to retain most schemes / Debate webcast [starts 3:38] / Amendment to consult yet again (i.e. for a 3rd time) passed by SNP/Conservative votes [LibDem abstain]

2206 Linlithgow Plan for the Future – a draft ‘Local Place Plan’ under the Jan 2022 T&CP (Local Place Plan) Regulations (explained further in the Draft Plan intro).   Draft plan / Spokes response

2205 Spaces for People  Stakeholder consultation following motion in 2203 below / Spokes response

2203 Spaces for People [see also 2103 below]  Council recommendation that all SfP schemes should end when their Temporary TROs expire (soon)  Spokes letter to all councillors  Following our letter (and local members contacting councillors) this motion was proposed & agreed – we think it helps a lot, but are trying to find out the exact effect as government TRO rules changed in late 2021

2202 WLC Cycleroute ProposalsCommittee Report 1.2.2022

2110 M9 A9 B8020 Winchburgh Junction [see 2010 for our objection]  Scot Govt dismisses all objections (without even holding a public inquiry)

2103 [see also 2006] WLC covid SfP schemesSpokes feedback to council   WL Council SfP report, 16.3.21

2010 M9 A9 B8020 Winchburgh Junction – a Transport Scotland trunk road scheme  Orders for objection  Project background  Spokes objection

2006 Council Active Travel projects for 2020/21 – includes Spaces for People covid19 projects as Appendix 2

1512 Spokes submission [pdf] on West Lothian Council draft Active Travel Plan [link to pdf 7.5MB]. Sustrans submission.    Council report authorising consultation, 26.10.15 [pdf].

1508 Circular to West Lothian members [pdf 132k]

1410 West Lothian Local Development Planconsultation on Main Issues Report, MIR.  Spokes response [pdf 206k] Responses from Linlithgow Cycle Action Group [doc 38k], Transition Linlithgow [pdf 124k].

1405 West Lothian Sustrans bids [1402 below] very successful [Sustrans letter pdf 68k] – 2nd highest in Scotland.  Featured in Spokes Bulletin 119.  Council report on use & matching of the funding [pdf 127k].  The funding is being used to progress the Council’s CWSS and ASTII programmes – see appendices 1 and 2 in above report.  Last year’s reports are here… CWSS [pdf 102k] and ASTII [pdf 103k].

1403 Circular to West Lothian members [pdf 124k] : various local development proposals : A904 Bo’ness-Grangemouth

1402 West Lothian Council funding applications to Sustrans.   Spokes letter of support [pdf 138k] NB – we had very little time to respond, so were unable to consult members.

1402 Circular to West Lothian members [pdf 125k] : website pages about access to public sites : new Beecraigs path : B800 cyclist death : more..

1304 Linlithgow Town Map [pdf 945k] produced by Tim Smith in conjunction with Transition Linlithgow, for use on our Linlithgow Station poster [see our Rail page].

1212 Circular to West Lothian members [rtf 33k] : Linlithgow canal project : new bike shop : Cycle projects 2012/13 : Linlithgow Development Trust : more…

1211 Linlithgow Canal Project proposal [rtf 50k] from Linlithgow Cycle Action Group, supported by Spokes.  Submitted via Cllr Tom Conn, Linlithgow ward and WLC Environment Committee Convener.

1208 Spokes West Lothian + Livingston cycle map Brilliant new map including best ever cycling map of Livingston

1112 WLC Residential Development Guide  [draft council guide for developers] Spokes West Lothian response [pdf 125k]  CTC/Spokes Planning Group response [doc 47k]  WLC draft residential guide [pdf 743k].

1111 Bathgate-Airdrie Rail Reopening – Spokes notes on poor cycle access to stations –  plus comments on NCN75

1108 Draft WL town maps by West Lothian Council [pdf 1.6MB].  Please send any comments/ corrections/ omissions asap to Tobias.Bauer@westlothian.gov.uk.   tel 01506 282329.   NB – Spokes is to publish a Livingston map on the reverse of the next edition Spokes West Lothian map.

1104 Circular to WL members [txt 5k] re plans for new Spokes map; major Whitecross development, and big success on CWSS WL funding campaign.

1008 Circular to WL members [txt 12k] including assorted Linlithgow and Livingston news and three major Broxburn/Winchburgh development proposals.   For locations of these developments, see Map 2 of West Lothian Local Plan [Note: the Local Plan and its downloads, including maps and a key to the maps, are near the foot of that page].   The 3 current development proposals are marked on the map as areas CW = Candleworks site;  WW=Westwood;  GS=Glendevon South.

1006 Civic Centre Bike Week 2010 – report [doc 1073k] organised by Spokes member Ross Hendry

0909 Linlithgow Station Spokes/ScotRail bike info board – see 0909 item in downloads – public transport – rail