January 2025

Leith Walk, including Picardy Place

  • See also our tram page.  Our 2008 Dutch consultant report is in para 0812, part 2
  • See also our page on the tramline extension to Newhaven & Leith – this includes relevant traffic orders, planning apps etc.
  • See also Leith page
  • For St James Quarter and Leith Street see City Centre page
  • For other areas (e.g. north or east Ed) see this page

See also these Spokes news items…

See also  Greener Leith articles [at bottom of page]


2211 Picardy Place Island  Report to TEC 3.11.22 / Spokes written deputation /

2006 Halmyre Street area – Place Brief  Consultation flyer  consultation blog   Spokes Response  Final Place Brief

1812 Picardy Place Traffic Regulation Orders TRO/18/64 A & B Map A  Map B  Spokes response  NB – the plans are almost idential to the approved proposals [1801 below] but add a cycleroute connection from near the Playhouse across Leith Walk, giving access to Picardy shops and to Gayfield Square.

1809 Leith Walk during tramworks  See our tram extension page.

1801 Picardy Place final proposals (following the consultation)   Committee Report  Spokes article (with map) & our ideas   Tweet   Spokes pre-Commitee letter to councillors [pdf]   Joint Groups letter to councillors re gyratory [doc]  Spokes TEC deputation   Minutes of the 25.1.18 TEC

1711 Picardy Place consultation  Consultation page  Consultation map  Spokes response  Individual response by Spokes member Chris Paton, includes this map illustrating need for direct W-E route.  Living Streets response [doc].  Response by Spokes member Mark Lazarowicz (former MP).

1710 2-stage right turn + bus-stop bypass  Council news release  animation

1709 Picardy Place Spokes comments [doc] following proposals exhibition by ‘Together for Edinburgh.‘  Note that the detailed proposals have not been put online or made available in electronic form, so we cannot show them here.  However there is an outline map of the proposals in the exhibition invitation above.

1708 Picardy Place  Spokes/LivingStreets deputation to Council Transport Cttee re motion on Picardy Place – [item 9.3 in Agenda].  Our briefing paper for councillors.   Website story.

1610 Leith Walk phase 5: Montgomery St to Brunswick St   TRO/16/58  plan1  plan2  Spokes response

1609 McDonald Road consultation  Consultation page [link]  Spokes response [pdf]

1606 Leith Walk phase 4: McDonald Rd – Pilrig St  Final plans, July 2016 [pdf].  Work begins Sept, after Festival.

1601 Leith Walk phase 4: McDonald Rd – Pilrig St  the Transport Cttee approved the TRO-15-29.  Unfortunately 2 objections to the associated Redetermination Order have legally to be decided by the Scottish Government, which delays the works probably to Autumn 2016.  Committee Report.

1601 Leith Town Centre draft Supplementary Planning Guidance – council consultation  Notification to Spokes members

1510 Leith Walk phase 4: McDonald Rd – Pilrig St, Traffic Regulation Order TRO-15-29 for comment/objection by 17 Nov.  TRO-15-29 plans [pdf 357k].  TRO documents [pdf].  Spokes response [pdf].

1506 Leith Walk phase 4: McDonald Rd – Pilrig St, revised plans exhibited at McDonald Rd library.  Leith Walk, McDonald Rd – Pilrig St [pdf 2.2MB].  Spokes response [pdf 138k].   Further plans revision, June 26 [pdf 2.3MB]  Spokes response [pdf 141k].

1504 Leith Walk: McDonald Rd – Pilrig St Segregated cycle lane consultation Note that the middle drawing is the one for consultation.  The bottom one, we understand, is merely to show tramlines are possible; if tram is eventually agreed then new detailed plans would be developed and consulted.  Council press release  Leith Walk council page

1501 Leith Street future Spokes has objected to the St James Quarter proposals as they omit a cycling facility in Leith Street [we also support some positive aspects of the proposals]. Spokes letter [pdf 208k]

1501 Leith Walk: anti-social parking on footways & cycle lanes  Due to a mix-up the parking has not been illegal.  This will shortly be rectified and a purge instituted.  Letter from Council to Stuart Hay of Living Streets [pdf 134k].

1412 Leith Walk: Pilrig to Picardy Place delayed Council report on possible tram extensions [pdf 240k]. Cycle facilities implications:  Phase 4, Pilrig-Annandale delayed to Autumn 2015 due to tram re-think.  Phase 5, Annandale-Picardy unspecified delay for integration with St James Quarter development.  Construction of both had been due now, i.e. winter 2014/2105 – see 1405 below [appendix 4 of council report].

1411 Leith Walk: Pilrig to Picardy Place  Greener Leith is sceptical whether Pilrig-Picardy segregation will remain if plans to extend the tram are approved.  However the Council has not yet suggested that – and it could mean losing their Sustrans Leith Walk funding.  There also have been strong hints of segregation being extended through Picardy Place [1410 below], which would make less sense if Picardy-Pilrig not also segregated.

1410 Leith Walk: Pilrig to Picardy Place + Leith Street  We understand the Pilrig-Picardy plans have been delayed for some months beyond the dates in 1405 below, pending decisions on how they link into Picardy Place, which is being decided in conjunction with the St James and tram developments.  No Picardy Place plans have yet been issued but there are hints that a segregated cycling solution is likely to be part of it.  If so, and if it is good, the delay may be worthwhile.  However hints are that the top half of Leith Street, a vital cycling connection but with a serious traffic pinch point, may get no cycle provision.

1409 Leith Walk 20mph?  LW is included in the Council’s city-wide 20mph consultation, but the plans could be at risk.  Spokes news storyGreener Leith.

1405 Council report on Leith Walk progress [pdf 2.3MB]  including Foot of Walk, Foot to Pilrig, Pilrig to Picardy.  As expected, segregation south of Pilrig, onroad lanes north of Pilrig – but lanes 1.75m instead of usual 1.5m plus 0.5m buffer from parking.  Also confirmation that Leith Walk proposed for 20mph in Council 20mph report [pdf 465k] as we had predicted.

1403 TRO/13/51, Pilrig to Foot of Walk  TRO approved by Council TEC Cttee 18.3.14, but with some areas untouched meantime due to objections by traders.  Committee report Item 7.2 with maps [link to 8MB pdf].  Work could begin in May.

1402 TRO/13/51, Pilrig to Foot of Walk  Since no major changes are realistic at this stage, Spokes sent a brief email of comment on the published TRO, referring to our 1310 submission [below], supporting some aspects and disappointed with others.   Council reply [pdf 29k].

1402 Foot of Walk draft plans [pdf 584k] – consultation arrangements not yet known

1402 Leith Walk programme [doc 22k].  A useful Council overview of the background and current status.  A very important new aspect is the para on ‘connectivity’ showing that the council intends making Leith Walk part of a wider network, including some vital but difficult links which (in our view) will require bold decisions and further roadspace reallocation.   We have pointed out that many people travel between the Bridges and Leith Walk, and the council agrees this is a very important link too.

1312 Picardy Place Hotel proposal GVA consultation event [pdf 150k].  If a hotel sadly has to be built here it must not reduce options for good cycleroute connections between (e.g.) Broughton St/ Leith Walk/ Leith St/ Little King St/ York Place.  They must be developed together.  Background: see also 0909 & 1005 below.  Circular to local members [pdf 95k].

1310 TRO/13/51/ADY, Pilrig to Foot of Walk  Drawings have been prepared for the TRO [Traffic Regulation Order] for this section of Leith Walk.  Statutory organisations are being consulted [Oct 18 news here] after which there will be a public consultation.  Spokes comments have been submitted [pdf 186k] – we may comment further if the drawings are further modified before the official public consultation. Council reply to Spokes comments [pdf 108k].

1309 Government announces £3.6m for Leith Walk ‘exemplary project’ as part of draft government 14/15 budget additional cycle funding.  Spokes report.

1307 Further council consultation [exhibition 23.7.13]  Picardy Place to Pilrig [pdf 5.8MB] Pilrig to Foot of Walk [pdf 4.9MB].  Spokes comments on 23.7.13 LW plans [pdf 188k].

1305/6 Council revised proposals [pdf 5.7MB] following consultation & work with Sustrans – big improvement.  Council news release.   Greener Leith blog report.  Why it happened – article in Spokesworker 10.6.13Greener Leith detailed response to revised proposals [pdf 1.0MB] – Spokes has written to the Council to support this response rather than producing our own separate document.  Alternative design by Iain Longstaff fully segregated throughout (takes space from onroad bike lanes, bus lane, car parking and pedestrian area).

1303 Council report for 19.3.13 Transport Cttee  [link to pdf 8.9MB] Disappointing re Leith end; more hopeful re top end IF council bid succeeds for more govt/Sustrans funds.  Brief Spokes comment in Spokesworker 16.3.13.

1301 Greener Leith submission to council [pdf 2.9MB] prepared jointly with Spokes, local community councils and other groups.  See also Greener Leith press release [pdf 80k] and Spokes news item 14.1.13.

1207 CCE forum feedback on council consultation [link]

1207 Circular to local members re Leith Walk future [txt 4k] – new council consultation [doc 56k] + results of earlier Greener Leith consultation [link]

1203 Circular to local members re future of Leith Walk [pdf 100k].  Includes links to interesting articles by Greener Leith and STV Local.

1005 Picardy Place  Letter to Transport Convener [pdf 116k] opposing continued gyratory.  Council response [doc 21k].   NB – Action on Picardy Place stopped soon after, due to cancellation (meantime) of Leith Walk tramlines.

1003 Spokes public meeting survey [85 respondents] identifies Leith Walk as a top priority corridor for cycling improvement, and Picardy Place as a top priority cycling blackspot.

0909 Picardy Place  Edinburgh Council Picardy Place Development Principles.  The draft version had totally neglected cycling but we achieved some improvement – Committee Report 6.8.09Spokesworker 31.3.09 asking members to comment.

See also  Greener Leith articles