January 2025

Local Bike Campaigning: #SpokesMtg report

A culture change on active travel and local accessibility is underway in Edinburgh, inspired by a wide and growing variety of local organisations and initiatives – this understanding was perhaps the main outcome of our hugely positive 21 November public meeting on local campaigning.


Nov Traffic Count: bikes up, but more if new infra

The biannual Spokes city-centre and Porty traffic counts, on Tuesday 11 November found bikes up almost everywhere compared to November 2023 – though mostly not by large amounts. In the city centre morning rush hour bikes were up 4% from 365 to 381, and at lunchtime up 17% from 156 to 183. In Porty, […]

Local Bike Campaigning: public meeting, 21 November

Local initiatives for better cycling infrastructure and to encourage getting about by bike are flourishing … along with wider demands for car-reduced living, walking, wheeling, local public transport and places no longer dominated by the demands of the car. Why is this happening? How is it happening? What can you do?


Cycling & Sustenance: #SpokesComp results

Yes, bikes and food are inextricably linked in so many ways .. and our super competition entries certainly proved that! Sourcing food by homebaking, foraging, cafes or shopping; Sharing food for family, for friends, for people in need, and even using it to promote cycling. Entries in text, photos, diagrams or poems; advice or […]

#SpokesComp 2024: Cycling & Sustenance

😉 “I cycled to the shop to use up the calories I’m going to put on by buying chocolate! “

Granton Tramline: #SpokesMtg Report

Our Spokes public meeting on the proposed Granton tramline extension was jammed, with the hall at capacity, the gallery opened, and 20 or more latecomers still having to be turned away – over 200 in total! Whilst many issues were raised, the future of the Roseburn walking/cycling path was the top issue raised in […]

May Traffic Count : the power of separation .. and connection?

The biannual Spokes city-centre traffic count, on Tuesday May 14, found bikes forming 16.3% of all 8-9a.m. vehicles – exactly the same % as in our May 2023 count. However, this disguised a 10% decline in bike numbers and a 12% fall in private cars, although bike numbers were marginally up on our November […]

Happy New Year 2024

Check out our HNY 2024 tweet here!

Bike Storage at Home: #SpokesComp results

Storing your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) Our Summer Competition showed just how important it is, but also how complex and difficult it can be, and how it depends so much on personal circumstances such as where you live and […]

@CyclingSurgeon #RIP

We are very sad to hear of the sudden death of Professor Chris Oliver, well known as “Cycling Surgeon.” A long-standing member and proactive supporter of Spokes, his professional and personal life contributed greatly to both understanding and promotion of the public health value of cycling.
