February 2025

East Lothian #SpokesMap – 5th edition!

The 5th edition of our highly praised East Lothian Cycle Map is out!! The whole county was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated in a lengthy and highly detailed process by a skilled cartographer from our maps group – entirely voluntarily.


#SpokesComp 2023: Bike Storage at Home

Storing your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) depending where and how you live, and what bikes you have. We want to hear your experiences, ideas or handy hints – anything related to domestic bike storage. Our competitions always bring a […]

City Centre traffic count: Bike numbers keep growing

The biannual Spokes city centre traffic count, on May 16, found a further substantial rise in bike traffic as compared to May 2022, whilst motor traffic was fairly static (pun intended!) Bike numbers were up at all our 4 count points and in both time periods, whilst cars and commercial (van, bus etc) were […]

June 13: Bike Breakfast is Back!

Covid and post-covid have meant no Spokes Bike Breakfast since 2019. Now, in 2023, you and your bike are invited again for tea or coffee, a roll, degreaser and oil; getting you and your bike in top condition for the remainder of your commute!


#SpokesComp 2022: Shopping by Bike

Shopping by Bike – our competition showed just how versatile it is! You can shop by bike with or without a trailer or cargobike, with or without kids, to transport small or remarkably large purchases, and at any age (within reason!) Whatever your shopping needs, our competition entries should give you endless ideas and […]

#SpokesComp 2022: Shopping by Bike … closes 4 Sept … don’t miss out!!

If you love nipping down to the corner shop by bike for milk or a paper, or if you’ve transported your new bed by cargo bike, or if you use your trailer as a supermarket shopping trolley – as long as it’s Shopping by Bike – send us your experiences, ideas or handy hints […]

A tribute to Sandy Scotland

We are very sad to hear of Sandy Scotland’s recent death, following illness. Sandy joined Spokes in the 1980s and was pivotal in our work for several decades, up to the present, being central to many projects and campaigns to achieve better conditions for getting about by bike in Edinburgh and the Lothians. He […]

City centre traffic count: bikes up, cars down

The May 17th Spokes city-centre 2022 traffic count found bike numbers continuing their upward trend during our covid counts. Totalled over our 4 city-centre count points (northbound and southbound, Forrest Road triangle and Lothian Road) during the 8-9am peak period, total bike numbers jumped dramatically from 217 last May to 310 this year. The […]

#SpokesMtg: Traffic Reduction commitments in Scotland & Edinburgh

The Scottish Government has made a remarkable “commitment” to reducing car-kilometres by 20% over the 2019 pre-covid figures, by year 2030 – primarily as a response to the climate crisis, although with many additional side-benefits for public health and community. Edinburgh City Council has followed this up with a 30% ambition – albeit a […]

Edinburgh Spokes Cycle Map – new edition

The 11th edition of our highly praised Edinburgh Cycle Map is out!! The entire city was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated by a skilled cartographer from our maps group.
