July 2024

Season’s Greetings from Spokes

Seasoning to suit all tastes… Christmas Present … Oliver Twist (he was right!) … The Wise Men (and Women) … A New Birth … Angel required … A Room in the (Gard)Inn … A Time for Friends … Our favourite cheeps (tweeters only) … … Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (click here to […]

Meadows to Innocent

Spokes has responded to the Council consultation. You have until 16 December to send in your own comments…


Independent of Cycling?

What vision does the Independence White Paper promise for transport – and for cycling and walking in particular? …


Consultations: please take part

Four major cycling-relevant consultations are now underway in Edinburgh: Local Policing Plans; a Meadows-Innocent link; further work on the Leith-Portobello route; and closing the missing link between Edinburgh and Midlothian’s route to Roslin and Penicuik…


Bikes up, Cars down – again!!

The November Spokes traffic census found the highest ever number of bikes (up even on May numbers) and the lowest ever November count of private cars. Remarkably, more than one in every five vehicles heading for the city centre along bike-unfriendly Lothian Road was a bike…


Policing Plan + Spokesworker

November sees drop-in police consultation events around the city to gather ideas and comments for Edinburgh Local Policing Plan 2014-17…


Seeing double !! .. video video

If you missed the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland protest, seeking to double Scottish Government cycling/walking investment in the 2014/15 budget, you missed a great event! See the video …


PANs and PAs [not pandas!]

The Spokes website has successfully given birth to a new page (two, in fact) ! …


Spokes Bulletin 117

Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…


Tramline Traumas

In the first 2 days after Haymarket area was reopened to traffic we heard of 4 cyclist tramline crashes, three involving minor injury and bike damage, and one with no injury, but which was video’d. Crashes continue with dreadful frequency. Why is this happening, and what is your safest route?…
