December 2013

Meadows to Innocent

Spokes has responded to the Council consultation.  You have until 16 December to send in your own comments…

Edinburgh City Council is proposing to link the Meadows cycleroutes to the Innocent path, thus providing a route considered suitable for cyclists of most ages and confidence levels right through from the Meadows to Portobello and East Edinburgh.  The following year would see a Canal-Meadows link, thus creating a complete east-west ‘family friendly’ route across the city.

The Spokes response [pdf 68k] to the consultation sees no realistic alternative to the proposed route, but considers that significant further steps must be taken to avoid pedestrian/cycle difficulties in order to make the project acceptable.  Details are in our response.  Whilst these conflict areas need tackled, the project also brings benefits for walkers, including a light-controlled road crossing at the end of North Meadow Walk, a direct connection across the main road between Gifford Park and Rankeillor Street, and a further reduction in traffic movements on the latter.

Our thanks to those who sent ideas to Spokes to be considered for our response.

Although promoted by the council as a link between two offroad routes, Spokes sees sections of the proposed route as also being useful in themselves, allowing integration into other local journeys – for example, connecting from the Meadows to the Southside shopping area.

Please do submit your own views on the proposals to the council, by 16 December – details of how to do this are on the council website.

Also remember the other two route consultations currently ongoing.  Click on the links below for more detail and how to respond (by 20 December for both)…



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