July 2024

Spaces for People: ‘try then modify’

Sept 2020 update – A revised and expanded version of this article is being presented at the Cycling and Society Annual Symposium, Sept 10-11, 2020.

In Scotland, the UK, and indeed around the world, measures to boost cycling and walking, and to restrict or tame motor traffic, are appearing in days or […]

Picardy final proposals

[23.1.18 update: Our pre-Committee letter to Councillors]

Following the December consultation, the Council has released its final proposals. The gyratory remains, but, within that context, there are major improvements for cycling and walking.


Transforming the City Centre, Picardy and Leith Street

Latest 6.12.17: ‘Picardy Group’ set up to oppose the Picardy Place gyratory plan. Manifesto Broughton Spurtle article

It is not widely realised that Edinburgh City Council has begun internal discussions on a potential major ‘Transformation’ of the City Centre…


East-West Route : it’s Option A at Roseburn!!

All parties on Edinburgh City Council have agreed the direct, main-road, cycleroute at Roseburn, rather than the Option B back-street alternative.


Spokes Spring Public Meeting: the Bicycle in the City Centre

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thurs 26 March will discuss the future of Edinburgh city centre – particularly Princes Street / George Street – and the role of the bicycle there. Our headline speaker is Cllr Lesley Hinds, Convener of Edinburgh City’s Transport Committee.


New Year Cycling Resolutions?? .. Act instead!!

Keep yourself busy over the holiday (and after) .. We’ve a few suggestions ..


Princes Street: visionary shock

Spokes strongly welcomes the City Council’s intention to make the City Centre a more European-style people-friendly place. While our first preference was a totally traffic-free Princes Street, we welcome the trial of the Council’s ‘Vision,’ which reduces traffic on Princes and George Streets – except in one vital respect. We are shocked that cycling will […]

Are cyclists buses or taxis?

Spokes has submitted its comments on the Council’s plans for the future of Princes Street and George Street…


Princes Street 1-way bike ban?

Radical council proposals for the future of Princes Street and George Street appear to include a ban on cycling eastbound in Princes Street.


Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…
