January 2015

Spokes Spring Public Meeting: the Bicycle in the City Centre

The Spokes Spring public meeting on Thurs 26 March will discuss the future of Edinburgh city centre – particularly Princes Street / George Street – and the role of the bicycle there.  Our headline speaker is Cllr Lesley Hinds, Convener of Edinburgh City’s Transport Committee.



  • Thursday 26 March, 7.30pm
  • Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls & chat.  Tea/Coffee available 6.45-7.15 [to give time to clear up before meeting starts]
  • Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge
  • Poster pdf download [click]
  • Queries? / More info?   Email  mknottenbelt1 AT gmail DOT com

Here are two Edinburgh photos from different times in 2012.  Where would you prefer to walk or cycle?  [NB – yes, there is a bike (or more?) in the top picture!]

here ??

IMG_0763 - closeish

or here ??

In the coming months major decisions are to be taken on the future of the city centre.  Recent years have seen slow though important moves towards a more people-friendly and less traffic-dominated public realm.   Cars were banned from Princes Street; a tram introduced; George Street gained an experimental segregated route and lost some car space; a fully 20mph city centre is imminent.  These changes all brought plenty complaint at the time, and politicians were nervous at every stage – but few people now want to go back!

Which way does Edinburgh city centre move next? – and will it try to emulate European models such as Copenhagen, as in Jan Gehl’s Edinburgh reports and recommendations ?   There are many things we’d like to see … such as …  a city centre where people want to be and enjoy being; flourishing businesses; minimal traffic danger; an end to toxic pollution; no traffic noise (apart from bicycle bells!) …

Specific decisions on cycling affect and are affected by all the above ambitions …


Professor Tom Rye – Mobilities Week video on Sustainable Cities transport


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George Street experimental segregated cycleroute
Cllr Lesley Hinds open the experimental George St cycleroute

Cllr Lesley Hinds open the experimental George St cycleroute

Our submission to the George Street consultation is here.  We’ve not done a post-implementation report at present, but much of this original submission remains valid.   Early public reaction is in this initial survey for the Council.

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