July 2024

Green travel to public sites

Spokes is very concerned that many sites/events which attract large numbers of the public pay insufficient attention to travel and to encouraging greener modes (particularly cycling).

On this page we give some links which may inspire you to take action on this, and may help event organisers.


Scottish Health Service Centre (SHSC)  Excellent page about how to get there – walk and bike listed first, road and air last, bike access and parking explained [including spokes website link for maps], link for bike hire, even reminder to claim a bike travel allowance!

Edinburgh Zoo used to have nothing about getting there by bike.  Now, thanks to a Spokes member contacting them, it’s a lot better – although bike access is still at the bottom of the list.

This is the bike text…

“The Zoo is very close to Carrick Knowe cycleroute (access from Downie Grove), which in turn connects by minor roads and other cycleroutes to most of the city.   To work out your best route, see the Spokes Edinburgh Cycle Map (available at most book and bike shops, or online at http://www.spokes.org.uk/wordpress/spokes-maps/).   An online cycleroute planner is also available at http://edinburgh.cyclestreets.net/.  Cycle parking (Sheffield racks) is available on the pavement immediately outside the zoo.  There is currently no visitor bike parking on the site, but this is something we are looking into.”

Please email any bike-less public destination websites you visit, and let us know the result – similar wording to the above, with a link to Spokes maps, would be helpful!!


The best example we know is the Big Tent Festival, whose transport-to-the-event website was created in conjunction with SESTRAN, and includes comprehensive and well-laid out information, also putting car right at the end of the list.  Smaller events could also learn from their website too.

For more general advice on green access to events, see…

Great advice on organising a sustainable event from Edinburgh University, Department of Social Responsibility and Sustainability.

Guide to putting on a (sustainable) Event from Bike Events Scotland
50 Top Tips and the Sustainable Events Checklist from Events Scotland
Event Impacts – comments/suggestions on a wide range of impacts