July 2024

Legislation & national policy

Note – on this page the 4-digit number is the year of publication [on most other pages the number stands for year and month, YYMM]

Scottish legislation

2003/2004 Access Legislation and Access Code – note that access rights must be used ‘responsibly’ i.e. in accordance with the Access Code.

Scottish government policy and/or guidance documents

2109 Cycling by Design  Transport Scotland explanatory page  Cycling by Design pdf [24MB]

2015 Town Centres Toolkit [link]  – NB Spokes comments in the consultation are here [sections 1311 & 1401].

2010 Cycling by Design [now superceded – see 2109 above] html link  pdf  – “guidance to ensure consistent and appropriate design” for cycle facilities.   See also the [year 2008] more locally-produced Cycling Infrastructure:  Design Guidance and Best Practice [pdf] by Sestran [South East Scotland Transport Partnership].

2010 Scottish Planning Policy – guidance for councils and others – extremely useful when commenting on planning applications, draft masterplans, etc.  Includes section on transport.   For a broader picture, the link above also includes other documents dealing with national planning policy.

2010 Cycling Action Plan for Scotland, CAPS – Scottish Government plan to achieve 10% of all journeys by bike in 2020.  Brief Spokes comments under ‘reports’ in Spokesworker 21.7.10.

2010 Designing Streets – Government policy on street design – aiming to create a sense of ‘place.’  For traffic, walking comes first, cycling second, and private motor traffic last [as also in SPP above].  Designing Streets is national policy, so must be used by councils, and can be a material consideration in planning decisions and appeals.

9602 Trunk Road Cycling InitiativeDetailed TRCI policy   Public glossy leaflet

UK legislation, policy or guidance documents applicable in Scotland

2016 Traffic Signs Regulations [pdf] – and explanatory article from road.cc.

Scottish Government research/advice documents

2011 Good Places Better Health for Scotland’s Children [pdf 387k] Report on how to deliver places that nurture good health for children.   Excellent section on transport [ch.9].