January 2025

Local submissions on policies wider than active travel only

Submissions by Spokes to local councils or other local bodies

  • Only significant submissions are shown here; not the frequent letters/emails sent to the council on a wide range of local cycling-related issues.
  • Some other submissions are under Local Issues.  See that page for the topics covered.  Generally speaking the Local Issues page covers submissions on specific locations and/or specifically related to cycling policy and Edinburgh Council’s Active Travel Action Plan.  See also our bus page (including bus lanes),  Bike Storage page, tram documents page.
  • Paragraphs in red include the final approved Council document
  • Edinburgh Council Transport Committeelinks to reports & Spokes notes

2501 Planning Design Guidance Consultn on new versions of the documents below, to take account of National Planning Framework 4, City Plan 2030, City Mobility Plan, and other factors including adapting to climate change and “enabling sustainable transport.”

2408 Workplace Parking Levy [see also 2311 below] The Lib Dems changed from WPL tentative support to opposition, as a result of which the WPL was voted down at 23.5.24 Transport Committee and the decision was ratified at 29.8.24 Full Council / Spokes written deputation /

2402 Future Streets – Circulation Plan, Mobility Plan, ATAP Final versions approved at 1.2.24 TEC

2311 Workplace Parking Levy – consultation on the principle of Edinburgh having a WPL / Background / Spokes response to earlier Scot Gov consultn on WPL regulations / Consultation page / Spokes response /

2304 City Mobility Plan – consultation on delivery [following from 2301 below] / Consultation page / Spokes response /

2301 [Draft] Action Plans to deliver the City Mobility Plan [2102 below]

2212 Council Business Plan 2023-2027  Plan approved by Council 15.12.22  The Business Plan is appendix 2 to the Committee report. The transport stuff is in section 7, which is covered in detail on pages 39-40 of the Plan, and with further references in other sections such as section 8, climate.

2210 Edinburgh Circulation Plan

2210 Thriving Greenspaces 2050  Policy on parks & greenspace  Draft policy / Consultation page / Spokes response

2203 Modal Share targets The 11.11.21 TEC proposed a new approach to mode share targets, as part of the Mobility Plan, with 30% car-km reduction but a reduced bike-share target (also poor for walk). Spokes [Spokes deputation] & Living Streets argued against setting individual sustainable mode targets. The 31.3.22 TEC Business Bulletin accepted our points and suggested alternatives, to be looked at further.

2201 Edinburgh LEZ  Final Scheme for objections, prior to submission to Scot Govt.   Proposals report   Statement of Reasons   Consultation Statement  Council LEZ web page  May 31, 2022 – LEZ begins

2111 City Plan 2030, the Local Development Plan, draft for comments/objections.  There is also a searchable map.  [2002 below for earlier stage] / Spokes response  / Transform Scotland response / [2404] report of Examination in Public /

2110 Edinburgh LEZ Final Scheme‘ Committee Report [but despite the consultations the law now requires this to be put out for objections]

2106 Edinburgh LEZ [see also 1907]  Scot Gov LEZ info  CEC LEZ consultation document  CEC consultation page  Spokes response

2106 Edinburgh Draft 2030 Climate Strategy  Consultation page  Draft document Executive Summary  Spokes response   Report of consultation

2106 Regional Prosperity Framework (2021-2041) “draft plan for building the economy of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region – everything from transport & housing to education, digital inclusion, economic development, climate change” Consultation page  Draft Plan  Spokes submission

2102 CEC Mobility Plan [see also 2001 below] Committee report 19.2.21 with finalised City Mobility Plan.  Also agreed the 2 addendums pictured here.   Final published City Mobility Plan  CMP Implementation Plan

2002 CEC Choices for City Plan 2030 (formerly called Local Development Plan)  Consultation page  Draft plan [link to 15MB pdf]  Spokes response

2001 CEC Mobility Plan (formerly called Local Transport Strategy  Consultation page  Draft Plan [pdf]  Spokes response [pdf]  Transform Scotland response [pdf]

1912 CEC Citizen Climate Survey – background ideas and understandings prior to launching City Climate Commission.  Consultation page  Spokes response (awaited)

1911 CEC Sunday carparking strategy – this follows on from the Parking Action Plan [1510 below].  Traffic Regulation Order  Spokes response  Disappointingly the plan has been accompanied by easing of yellow-line parking outside the centre, also bringing significant safety questions.

1909 CEC City Centre Transformation [CCT] – Full Council Meeting 19.09.19  Spokes deputation speeches  Deputation photo tweet  CCT Delivery Plan [pdf]  Spokes Transformation tweet  Council news release [link]  Committee report [link to 21MB document]   Final approved strategy (as also in Cttee report)

1907 CEC Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) consultationConsultation page  Spokes response

1907 CEC City Centre Transformation – Proposals document  Council Transformation webpage   Consultation page  Spokes response [pdf] Spokes public meeting report

1901 CEC Local Development Plan: Action Programme 2019 This shows the (massive) set of safeguarded and/or planned transport proposals (including many cycling), and expected dates, from the Local Development Plan (1612 below).  We did not see a draft on which to comment, but the task would be massive.

1810 CEC City Centre Transformation  Council Transformation webpage [link]  Spokes response to Autumn consultation [pdf]  See also report on Spokes Transformation public meeting.

1712 CEC Policy on E-Vehicles [ctd from 1708 below].  Council paper with EV Action Plansee Objective 5, p19 [pdf]   Approved Council motionsee section 8 [pdf]

1712 CEC budget 18-19 consultation  Consultation page  Spokes response

1708 CEC Policy on E-Vehicles  Spokes response (suggesting a wider e-mobility policy)   NB: we were responding to an early consultation paper sent only to Transport Forum members and not for circulation beyond the Forum.   Later:  Roughly 50% of particulate pollution is from tyre and disc-brake wear, and so EVs are far from pollution-free as regards particulates [ref1  ref2]

1706 CEC Design Guidance  for design of new development in Edinburgh.  Consultation website   Spokes submission

1706 CEC Guidance for Householders when altering their house    Consultation website   Spokes submission – to ensure that our garden sheds factsheet remains linked in the official guidance.

1704 Taxis & Private Hire in EdinburghTopic 1  Consultation letter  Spokes response …  Topic 2  Consultation website  Spokes response

1612 Edinburgh Local Development Plan  Final Plan [pdf 10MB] Proposals maps [all ~10MB pdfs]: NorthEastEd  NorthWestEd  SouthEastEd  SouthWestEd.   Council website with other documents.  See 1201, 1305, 1406 below for our comments at various consultation stages.

1612 ‘Edinburgh Adapts’  See 1511 for our comments on draft.  Final published Action Plan [pdf]  Council news item.

1511 ‘Edinburgh Adapts’ consultation – how Edinburgh prepares for and responds to climate change.  Website – ScotlandWebsite – EdinburghDraft Vision for Edinburgh [doc].  Spokes comments on draft vision [pdf].

1510 CEC Parking Action Plan The draft plan [pdf 505k]. Council consultation web page.   Spokes response to the Parking Action Plan [pdf 227k].

1508 CEC Street Design Guidance This important document has now been approved by the Transport Committee (still to go to Planning Cttee).  For Spokes comments during the consultation, see 1406 below.  A sub-document of detailed cycling guidance will follow later (see 1409 below).

1409 CEC Street Design Guidance – Cycling Environment subdocument Draft Cycling Environment document [pdf 443k]  Spokes response [pdf 104k]

1406 CEC Street Design Guidance Draft Street Guidance document [5.9MB] Council Street Design web page [link] Spokes response [1.1MB]

1406 Local Development Plan  final draft for comments.   Spokes response [doc].

1401 CEC Local Transport Strategy Final version and Committee Report [pdf 1MB].  See also our news story. Report on consultation [pdf 415k] – see 1310 below for our submission to the consultation.

1312 Edinburgh Local Policing Plan 2014-17  Consultation details  Spokes response [pdf 188k].  See also our bike security page.

1310 Local Transport Strategy 2014-19 Consultation Draft Committee Report and Draft Strategy [pdf 3MB].  Spokes LTS response [223K].  Sustrans Scotland response [pdf 34k].

1305 Local Development Plan – Proposed Plan consultation  [see 1201 for previous stage]  Council consultation page and draft plan.  Unfortunately Sokes did not have time for a comprehensive response, but we commented on 3 issues..  Widespread 20mph Reduced onstreet parking  Supporting cycleroute reservations

1303 Local Transport Strategy – Issues for Review  Council consults on 10 ‘main issues’ [including speeds, parking, integration issues] to feature in new Local Transport Strategy.  Spokes response [pdf 74k].  Also Transform response [pdf 96k].   [1306] Council report on LTS consultation [pdf 44k].

1212 Edinburgh Council – Design GuidanceConsultation on the design of new developments – guidance mainly for developers.  Design Guidance – Spokes response [doc 44k] – covering routes, access, masterplans, bike parking & storage.

1210 Edinburgh Council – Colony Housing : Consultation on whether to becoming Conservation AreasCouncil document [pdf 2.6MB].  Spokes Colonies response [pdf 109k] requests no restrictions on garden bike storage.  Flower Colonies response [doc 33k].

1209 Edinburgh Council – Planning Guidance : The council is consulting on guidance for householders, conservation areas and businesses.  Spokes is concerned that existing rules prevent many householders having secure bike storage, despite council policies to raise cycle use.  Planning Guidance – Spokes Response [pdf 108k]

1201 Edinburgh Local Development PlanEdinburgh’s LDP will replace Edinburgh Local Plan – land use and development policy for future years, including many transport issues.  This is an early consultation on ‘Main Issues’.  Spokes LDP response [pdf 87k] Also: responses by CTC [pdf 297k]  Transform Scotland [pdf 116k]  Greener Leith [link]

1112 SESPLAN consultationSpokes/CTC response to SE Scotland Strategic Development Plan [doc 94k].  Sesplan determines land allocations for housing, business, etc, 2012-2032 and has big transport implications.

1102  Development Management Decision-Making Processes Review joint Spokes/CTC comments [pdf 77k]

1010 CEC Review of Prioritisation for Roads Renewal and Maintenance : Spokes response to stakeholder consultation [rtf 18k]

1008 SESplan Main Issues Report : The Sesplan Strategic Development Plan (SDP) will determine land allocations for housing, business, etc, 2012-2032.  Spokes response to SESplan main issues report [pdf 206k].

0910 CEC Public Realm consultation : Response by Spokes to City Council consultation on Public Realm draft strategy – which downplays transport/ accessibility issues and totally omits cycling.  letter [pdf 130k]

0806 CEC City Design Exhibition omits cycling : Letter to Edinburgh’s new ‘Design Leader,’ Riccardo Marini.  Following ‘Streetscape,’ the new fashion for the Council is ‘Design,’ and cycling looks set to lose out just as badly – or worse.  The exhibition covers critical areas such as Lothian Rd, Haymarket, Waterfront – yet despite holding up cities like Copenhagen and Portland as exemplars, there is not a single mention of cycling! Letter to Riccardo Marini