February 2025


Spokes welcomes as members all individuals and organisations who support our objectives.  Having as many members as possible helps us campaign more effectively – for example, we try to notify members when important cycling-related things are happening (or not happening) which you could help influence, whether in your local area or at council or national level. There is no membership fee, so you genuinely are welcome to join even when hard up, but obviously we rely on the many kind donations from members to support our work.

Joining Spokes
  • Either [1a] Download and print a paper membership form here [pdf].  We can post you a copy if you prefer.  Send your completed form to Spokes.  Either post it or scan/photo and email it to  spokes @ spokes.org.uk.
  • or [1b] Use our self-completion pdf form
    • Download the form here and save it to your PC [you must save it to your PC, not complete it in your browser, otherwise it may reach us as a blank]
    • Complete it using Acrobat Reader, save the completed version, then email it to  spokes @ spokes.org.uk.
  • [2] We’d welcome a donation.   Go to our donations page.  There is no fixed membership fee – it’s up to you, and if you are hard up you can join without making a donation.   Common donations range between £10-£50, and we even get the very occasional £100.
  • [3] If you want more info about membership – see below.  See also the outside page of the printed version of the membership form
  • [4] Organisations – Any organisation which supports our objectives is welcome to join.    Please complete the ordinary membership application form (above), entering the organisation in the ‘Name’  box.  Whereas individuals can join free if hard up, there is a minimum fee of £10 for organisations (larger donations welcome!)
Membership renewal
  • [1] We send you a renewal message when you are due to renew.  If possible, please don’t ask us at other times.  [Also, we have a membership stall at public meetings, where you can check and renew].
  • [2a] If the renewal form says you have a standing order (or a regular Paypal donation) then you will be renewed automatically without you doing anything.  BUT – do carefully check the renewal form and if there are any updates or corrections then either return the corrected form by post or email membership @ spokes.org.uk.
  • [2b] Otherwise, to renew when you are due (by post or email) see these instructions.
  • [3] We’d welcome a donation.   Go to our donations page.   Note that just sending a one-off donation does not renew your membership – you must also follow the above instructions.
Donations without joining
  • We really hope you’ll join but even if not, you can still donate!
  • To donate go to our donations page.

Membership donations

There is no fixed membership fee, and if you are hard up you are welcome to join free – especially if you occasionally do your bit by contacting your councillor or MSP about issues affecting cyclists such as yourself.   However SPOKES receives no grants to meet running costs and we rely heavily o­n members for donations to finance our campaigns, publicity and o­ngoing work. Please be as generous as you can afford – whether it be 50p, £5, £50 or £500.


See also our About Spokes page

Who we are

Spokes is the Lothian cycle campaign, so our main efforts and activities are in the council areas of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian. We also lobby the Scottish Government extensively, since our experience over the years shows that what councils do to encourage and cater for cycle use depends significantly on government funding arrangements.

People living outside Lothian (especially in Scotland) are very welcome to join SPOKES, to keep in touch with national developments and to get ideas.  Of course, if you live outside Lothian, your top priority should be to join (or to set up!) a campaign group in your own area.  For links to other campaign groups in Scotland and throughout the UK see our campaign groups links.

Benefits of SPOKES membership
  • Roughly-monthly email Action-Updates about current developments affecting cyclists, relevant events, and how you can be involved
  • Printed Spokes Bulletin – formerly 3/4 a year, but largely now replaced by the above detailed roughly-monthly email.  However 1 or 2 printed Bulletins are still intended, as they are particularly useful for libraries, bike shops, bike leafletting and at public meetings
  • Working groups – including Planning, Resources, Spokes Maps, Spokes Porty
  • Events of many typespublic meetings on relevant topics (usually 50-100 people), Spokes stalls, Sunday rides, etc
  • Your mailings include lots of other information – new cycleroute leaflets; special offer handouts from bike shops, forthcoming big rides by other local organisations. Many of these are only sent to members
  • Advice and info o­n many aspects of cycling – see our factsheets
  • Latest info about our highly-praised Edinburgh and Lothian bike maps
  • Notification of major developments affecting cyclists in your area (within Edinburgh and the Lothians)
Membership is open to all individuals and organisations who support our objectives
  • For individuals in Edinburgh/Lothians membership is FREE but a donation is welcomed and urged – see above.
  • For individuals outside Lothian we request a minimum charge of £5 (please also consider a donation).
  • Organisations – if an organisation supports our objectives it is welcome to join Spokes – minimum fee £10.   Please complete the ordinary membership application form (above), entering the organisation in the ‘Name’  box.
  • Privacy Statement – the Spokes privacy statement is here [pdf]
Thank you very much for your support
  • Please keep helping by contacting your councillor(s) and MSP(s) about cycling and transport matters that concern you – find them at writetothem.com.
  • You can alternatively find more details of your councillors on your local council website.   For Edinburgh, see here.