September 2024

Local bike-related businesses

This page lists local bike-related businesses which are especially relevant for some reason, or which caught our eye as being particularly interesting or imaginative.   It is not intended as a complete listing of all bike businesses, and we can’t promise to add every bike business that contacts us!  Nor can we vouch for any of the companies which are listed.  Bike shops are on another page, as below.


Advertisers in the Spokes Bulletin – see the relevant para on this linked page


Bike shops in and near Edinburgh/Lothians – see the relevant para on this linked page


Cafes which offer (at least) a place to lock your bike and use of a pump and puncture repair kit.


Bicycle courier services – growing recognition of the speed, reliability and cost savings of bike delivery has led to increasing provision.   Find your local services by googling ‘bicycle courier nameoftown.’

In Edinburgh one of the first was City Couriers, now much expanded beyond bikes but still with a strong environmental angle.  Another bicycle Edinburgh delivery service is Edinburgh Courier Network.

Also VeloPost which specialises in deliveries of bulk mailings/letters as opposed to couriers who specialise in rapid delivery of individual packages.


Heavy-duty delivery/ Cargo bikes etc –  Pronto Pedal Power was founded in 2011 and subsequently merged into an expanded b-spokes company.   Outspoken Delivery operates in Glasgow.  Edinburgh Festival of Cycling now has an Urban Arrow cargobike available for hire.


Advertising by bike –  Hire bike trailers and special trikes,  mounted with big hoardings, to advertise your event, business or campaign to passers by. Edinburgh – b-spokes.  Glasgow – Atomic Ads.


Bike transport – for bike carriage on rail, conventional buses and tram(!) see our public transport downloads page.   BikeBusGlentress takes you and your bike down to Glentress mountain bike centre (also presumably if you’re not into MBs but want to cycle round Gala area).


Mobile bike servicing – A bike repair and servicing business which comes to you instead of you going to them.  Hart’s Cyclery.


Rickshaw hire – for events, advertising, and anything else suitable you can think of.   b-spokes  Edinburgh Pedicabs.